It is pretty amazing in any sport I have seen people blow up!
Baseball player strikesout and he throws his helmet or bat. Player gets ejected he throws crap on the field
Football, guy makes a stupid play, he chucks his helmet. He knocks over the cooler, etc...
Hockey guy gets into a fight when he is pissed off, or breaks his stick over the crossbar.
Tennis guy slams his racket on the ground and breaks the strings. They go get a new racket.
Golf someone hits a bad shot I have seen Tiger yell an obscene gesture before and throw a club.
I can go on and on and on. Everyone reaches a certain point where they do something regret and make themselves look like an moron to put it lightly!
Give the guy a little slack would ya!
George Palumbo
Banger Bowling Sales Representative
Banger Bowling Amateur Staff Member
We look forward to changing the way you look at bowling.
For all your bowling needs, visit K&K Bowling Services at:
www.BowlingLasVegas.comSome of the best people in the business.
Edited on 7/31/2007 5:20 PM
Edited on 7/31/2007 5:21 PM