What is Dexter thinking? Don't they realize that a lot of bowlers want to slide old-style (i.e. Linds-style)? Do they think that bowlers nowadays either want to plant their foot or ice skate with nothing in between?
I took nearly five years off from bowling and only recently started up again, so I had no idea about the new Dexter soles and heels. The old 8's (which I use) were pretty good, and I also have a second 8 that I treated with Easy Slide to make it a little slicker for tackier approaches. The 10 was always too slick, and the 6 was unusable for me (instant plant).
I hated Dexter heels, too. I could only use the horsehoe heel with Teflon tape on the wings. All other heels either planted right away or never stopped. I am stuck with the Dexters for a while as I can't really afford new shoes, so this hybrid 8/10 sole looks kind of interesting should I need to try something slicker than my 8.
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