quote:Fluffy, you better get your fire suit on, the flames are coming.
quote:Awesome show.. I'm too a big Parker fan, was great to see him break his streak.. Rhino's day will come, I'm glad it was him and Parker though.. Oatman looked like he over thought himself right out of that match..And Scroggins, WOW.. just can't make them spares on TV.. Great show..
quote:Fluffy, you seem to have forgotten that not everyone watches the show live. There will be people who will see this title and complain that they now know the winner and the results are spoiled for them.
quote:Glad I saw the match live. Some day everybody will learn. Try to be considerate, it is not too tough.
quote:they should have watched in the first place...i didn't see it cause I was in a Pro-Am tournament which was a blast!--------------------MoRich bowling - Better take some Viagra, you don't want to go soft throwing a MoRich!http://www.ballreviews.com/Forum/Replies.asp?TopicID=74110&ForumID=16&CategoryID=5