I'm not the one accusing pro bowlers of "heinous" acts, Mr Holier Than Thou.
Let's see now, man leaves a split and allegedly gives the finger to the pins. Stupid? Yep. Anything that hasn't been done in youth leagues, mixed leagues, mens leagues, and open bowling? Nope.
Same bowler allegedly yells a profanity at same split? Just as stupid? You bet. Seen before in any setting in a bowling alley? Uh-huh.
A bowler who comes out of the bar (BTW, he must be over the legal limit, right?) jokes around with a woman on the approach by aligning her hips with his hands. Anything that isn't seen at company softball games or family picnics? Again, nope. How do all you high and mighty judges know that he didn't know the woman? Did he dry hump her on the lanes? You don't know the answer to either question. Why? Because it's hearsay from some overly sensitive parent. This is the same tired old crap we hear anytime a bowler on television slips up, shows he's human, and says a profanity. The PC police come out in full force and wring their hands and wail to the heavens "whatever should we do to prevent our children from being permanently scarred by such wickedness"! Have you ever sat next to the sidelines or dugout or bench at a football, baseball, or hockey game? What do you tell your kid when he reads the lips of some coach or pro sports player in all his high definition glory on the big screen at home? IF he says, "that man said a bad word" guess what? Too late, he already knows what it means. If he doesn't say a word but kind of smiles or laughs, he already knows what it means. Get off your high horses and pull the sticks out of your ass, there's a hell of a lot more important things to educate and protect your kids from.
wrote on 4/4/2012 1:21 AM:
Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand. I, I believe in love.