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Author Topic: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?  (Read 6805 times)


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Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« on: April 02, 2012, 10:18:52 AM »
Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?


I watched the Dick Weber Tournament this weekend in Indy with my young son to be dismayed on Sunday by one high profile pro who shall go nameless yelling out c##ksu#ker at the foul line after a missed shot and another pro who shall also go nameless by raising his middle finger high above his head at the pins after leaving a pocket 7-10 split.  Another pro after spending a number of hours in the bar on Friday before the ProAm came out to graciously help one of the female amateur bowlers in the ProAm buy holding ang wiggling her hips to show her the "correct" stance at the beginning of her approach.


All I could do is tell my young son sitting next to me that I expect to never hear or see the same things from him. 


I am not saying that the pros have to be Angels, but we all know the youth of the sport is where the future of this sport is and these young kids look up to these pro bowlers as role models.    I hope the PBA does not turn a blind eye to this as my son loves the sport and I want it to stay that way.












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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2012, 05:50:14 PM »
I'd like to know why the originator of this thread won't name names. If it's true, tell us who the offending parties are. You owe it to the many others who did not exhibit such behavior, but who are now sullied by these allegations.


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2012, 06:42:55 PM »
The guy was obviously saying he was there in person in Indianapolis.   Although, I'm wondering why his state doesn't show up next to his  username like everyone else.

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2012, 07:06:48 PM »
Oh, heavens!  Whatever shall be done about these evil perpetrators?  People knew they weren't going to be on National Television.  They were on a pay per view event for subscribers.  All you could tell your kid was you don't expect to see that behavior?  All these teachable moments and that's it?  How old is your young son?  If he's out of grade school, he's seen that behavior from the kids at school.  Did you have enough guts to go up to the pro that offended you and tell him that you weren't happy?  Did you go up to the Tournament Director?  Of course not.  You're too gutless to even name the pros that allegedly committed these crimes against humanity. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #19 on: April 04, 2012, 03:21:49 AM »
Tell you what, why don't you extend the olive branch of cooperation first and publicly identify yourself instead of staying hidden behind your username? Goose, ganders and whatnot.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/3/2012 5:06 PM:Oh, heavens!  Whatever shall be done about these evil perpetrators?  People knew they weren't going to be on National Television.  They were on a pay per view event for subscribers.  All you could tell your kid was you don't expect to see that behavior?  All these teachable moments and that's it?  How old is your young son?  If he's out of grade school, he's seen that behavior from the kids at school.  Did you have enough guts to go up to the pro that offended you and tell him that you weren't happy?  Did you go up to the Tournament Director?  Of course not.  You're too gutless to even name the pros that allegedly committed these crimes against humanity. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2012, 03:32:09 AM »
Certainly the kids see and hear worse at Junior High, but they are hearing it from other kids their age, not "professionals" who should try at least a little bit to enhance the image of their sport (for their own benefit). 
Do you see Corporate America lining up to give money to the PBA?   I don't either.  It's sad that these professional bowlers, who are talented way beyond us league hacks, can't make a living unless they are in the top 10 from year to year. This year so many events were taped during a short period of time in Vegas, and why?  It's cheaper.
The PBA could really use some more corporate money, but right now it seems like a tough sell.  And stereotypes are unfair because the whole group has to pay for the stupid antics of a few.  But in a tough economy Corporate America has to be more selective where their advertising dollars go.  At it's current course the PBA may just "crotch chop" it's self into oblivion.  I'm not expecting perfection from any person, professional or not. Just act a little more responsible since you never really know who may be watching.

Lane Carter, Strike Zone Pro Shops - Salt Lake City, Utah
Allstar Lanes
Brunswick Regional Staff
The opinions expressed are solely those of the writer and not of Brunswick Corporation.


Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2012, 08:42:45 AM »
I'm not the one accusing pro bowlers of "heinous" acts, Mr Holier Than Thou.
Let's see now, man leaves a split and allegedly gives the finger to the pins.  Stupid?  Yep.  Anything that hasn't been done in youth leagues, mixed leagues, mens leagues, and open bowling?  Nope. 
Same bowler allegedly yells a profanity at same split?  Just as stupid?  You bet.  Seen before in any setting in a bowling alley?  Uh-huh.
A bowler who comes out of the bar (BTW, he must be over the legal limit, right?) jokes around with a woman on the approach by aligning her hips with his hands.  Anything that isn't seen at company softball games or family picnics?  Again, nope.  How do all you high and mighty judges know that he didn't know the woman?  Did he dry hump her on the lanes?  You don't know the answer to either question.  Why?  Because it's hearsay from some overly sensitive parent.  This is the same tired old crap we hear anytime a bowler on television slips up, shows he's human, and says a profanity.  The PC police come out in full force and wring their hands and wail to the heavens "whatever should we do to prevent our children from being permanently scarred by such wickedness"!    Have you ever sat next to the sidelines or dugout or bench at a football, baseball, or hockey game?  What do you tell your kid when he reads the lips of some coach or pro sports player in all his high definition glory on the big screen at home?  IF he says, "that man said a bad word" guess what?  Too late, he already knows what it means.  If he doesn't say a word but kind of smiles or laughs, he already knows what it means.   Get off your high horses and pull the sticks out of your ass, there's a hell of a lot more important things to educate and protect your kids from. 
wrote on 4/4/2012 1:21 AM:
Tell you what, why don't you extend the olive branch of cooperation first and publicly identify yourself instead of staying hidden behind your username? Goose, ganders and whatnot.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/3/2012 5:06 PM:Oh, heavens!  Whatever shall be done about these evil perpetrators?  People knew they weren't going to be on National Television.  They were on a pay per view event for subscribers.  All you could tell your kid was you don't expect to see that behavior?  All these teachable moments and that's it?  How old is your young son?  If he's out of grade school, he's seen that behavior from the kids at school.  Did you have enough guts to go up to the pro that offended you and tell him that you weren't happy?  Did you go up to the Tournament Director?  Of course not.  You're too gutless to even name the pros that allegedly committed these crimes against humanity. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2012, 09:07:49 AM »


I agree with your assessment that every part of this has been done before. Heck, I have done everything listed here. I bet most of us on here has done everything listed in the OP comments.  The problem is when you are a professional and have an audience that pays to see you, as a professional the person is held to a higher standard than everyone else and should not display that type of action or response. Emotions gets the best of everyone sometime and especially when you may be bowling for your next meal or your house payment. I get it, I have been there. That still does not make it right to conduct oneself as this person supposedly did.


Since I do not get Xtra Frame, I woudl like to know who supposedly did this as well.


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #23 on: April 05, 2012, 02:07:10 AM »
No, but you are pretty good at using the various forums here to tell everyone else how you think they should think, act, complain, etc. And your first response when people disagree with you is ad hominem attacks.
I can't stop you from doing that, of course, but you need to realize that the kingdom of your thoughts is restricted to about 100 unique users reading the same thread over and over, so in the end it's pretty much all just a bunch of noise.
You may now return to your regularly-scheduled pontificating.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/4/2012 6:42 AM:
I'm not the one accusing pro bowlers of "heinous" acts, Mr Holier Than Thou.
Let's see now, man leaves a split and allegedly gives the finger to the pins.  Stupid?  Yep.  Anything that hasn't been done in youth leagues, mixed leagues, mens leagues, and open bowling?  Nope. 
Same bowler allegedly yells a profanity at same split?  Just as stupid?  You bet.  Seen before in any setting in a bowling alley?  Uh-huh.
A bowler who comes out of the bar (BTW, he must be over the legal limit, right?) jokes around with a woman on the approach by aligning her hips with his hands.  Anything that isn't seen at company softball games or family picnics?  Again, nope.  How do all you high and mighty judges know that he didn't know the woman?  Did he dry hump her on the lanes?  You don't know the answer to either question.  Why?  Because it's hearsay from some overly sensitive parent.  This is the same tired old crap we hear anytime a bowler on television slips up, shows he's human, and says a profanity.  The PC police come out in full force and wring their hands and wail to the heavens "whatever should we do to prevent our children from being permanently scarred by such wickedness"!    Have you ever sat next to the sidelines or dugout or bench at a football, baseball, or hockey game?  What do you tell your kid when he reads the lips of some coach or pro sports player in all his high definition glory on the big screen at home?  IF he says, "that man said a bad word" guess what?  Too late, he already knows what it means.  If he doesn't say a word but kind of smiles or laughs, he already knows what it means.   Get off your high horses and pull the sticks out of your ass, there's a hell of a lot more important things to educate and protect your kids from. 
wrote on 4/4/2012 1:21 AM:
Tell you what, why don't you extend the olive branch of cooperation first and publicly identify yourself instead of staying hidden behind your username? Goose, ganders and whatnot.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/3/2012 5:06 PM:Oh, heavens!  Whatever shall be done about these evil perpetrators?  People knew they weren't going to be on National Television.  They were on a pay per view event for subscribers.  All you could tell your kid was you don't expect to see that behavior?  All these teachable moments and that's it?  How old is your young son?  If he's out of grade school, he's seen that behavior from the kids at school.  Did you have enough guts to go up to the pro that offended you and tell him that you weren't happy?  Did you go up to the Tournament Director?  Of course not.  You're too gutless to even name the pros that allegedly committed these crimes against humanity. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #24 on: April 05, 2012, 09:22:40 AM »
Put me on ignore if you can't handle diverse opinions.  It's guys like you and the OP that make this site intolerable when it comes to bowling.  "I hate the PBA", "They need to change what they are doing", "What the hell do they think they're doing, they changed the format.  I hate it"  Make up your minds instead of coming on here moaning like a woman with PMS all the time.
BTW, still waiting for that paragon of virtue that you seem to put so much faith in to actually name the PBA members who committed these affronts to humanity.  Stick to reviewing Lane#1 balls, Jess.   
JessN16 wrote on 4/5/2012 0:07 AM:
No, but you are pretty good at using the various forums here to tell everyone else how you think they should think, act, complain, etc. And your first response when people disagree with you is ad hominem attacks.
I can't stop you from doing that, of course, but you need to realize that the kingdom of your thoughts is restricted to about 100 unique users reading the same thread over and over, so in the end it's pretty much all just a bunch of noise.
You may now return to your regularly-scheduled pontificating.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/4/2012 6:42 AM:
I'm not the one accusing pro bowlers of "heinous" acts, Mr Holier Than Thou.
Let's see now, man leaves a split and allegedly gives the finger to the pins.  Stupid?  Yep.  Anything that hasn't been done in youth leagues, mixed leagues, mens leagues, and open bowling?  Nope. 
Same bowler allegedly yells a profanity at same split?  Just as stupid?  You bet.  Seen before in any setting in a bowling alley?  Uh-huh.
A bowler who comes out of the bar (BTW, he must be over the legal limit, right?) jokes around with a woman on the approach by aligning her hips with his hands.  Anything that isn't seen at company softball games or family picnics?  Again, nope.  How do all you high and mighty judges know that he didn't know the woman?  Did he dry hump her on the lanes?  You don't know the answer to either question.  Why?  Because it's hearsay from some overly sensitive parent.  This is the same tired old crap we hear anytime a bowler on television slips up, shows he's human, and says a profanity.  The PC police come out in full force and wring their hands and wail to the heavens "whatever should we do to prevent our children from being permanently scarred by such wickedness"!    Have you ever sat next to the sidelines or dugout or bench at a football, baseball, or hockey game?  What do you tell your kid when he reads the lips of some coach or pro sports player in all his high definition glory on the big screen at home?  IF he says, "that man said a bad word" guess what?  Too late, he already knows what it means.  If he doesn't say a word but kind of smiles or laughs, he already knows what it means.   Get off your high horses and pull the sticks out of your ass, there's a hell of a lot more important things to educate and protect your kids from. 
wrote on 4/4/2012 1:21 AM:
Tell you what, why don't you extend the olive branch of cooperation first and publicly identify yourself instead of staying hidden behind your username? Goose, ganders and whatnot.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/3/2012 5:06 PM:Oh, heavens!  Whatever shall be done about these evil perpetrators?  People knew they weren't going to be on National Television.  They were on a pay per view event for subscribers.  All you could tell your kid was you don't expect to see that behavior?  All these teachable moments and that's it?  How old is your young son?  If he's out of grade school, he's seen that behavior from the kids at school.  Did you have enough guts to go up to the pro that offended you and tell him that you weren't happy?  Did you go up to the Tournament Director?  Of course not.  You're too gutless to even name the pros that allegedly committed these crimes against humanity. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2012, 02:45:12 AM », don't think I'll bow to your wishes and put you on ignore.
It has nothing to do with opinions being diverse or not. It has everything to do with your inferior attitude, intelligence and boorishness. 
The OP can follow up his original opinion or not, it's his choice. His is a separate issue. The point I was making was that you don't run things around here. It seems like you're not ready to handle my diverse opinion of your true value, however.
You can keep firing off the ad hominem attacks if you like. They're pretty cheap. I think it only costs 1 IQ point for a box of 100.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/5/2012 7:22 AM:
Put me on ignore if you can't handle diverse opinions.  It's guys like you and the OP that make this site intolerable when it comes to bowling.  "I hate the PBA", "They need to change what they are doing", "What the hell do they think they're doing, they changed the format.  I hate it"  Make up your minds instead of coming on here moaning like a woman with PMS all the time.
BTW, still waiting for that paragon of virtue that you seem to put so much faith in to actually name the PBA members who committed these affronts to humanity.  Stick to reviewing Lane#1 balls, Jess.   

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2012, 08:37:47 AM »
Wow, Jess.  Almost a complete post from you.  But really, you should mention all three of the holy trinity of tactics used in posting on here by people like you.  You mentioned ad hominem attacks but left out red herring and straw man.  Please be more thorough from now on.
Btw, here's a little secret just for you.......I could care less if you put me on ignore or not.  Do everybody a big favor.  You want to continue to get smacked down on here, do it in private messages.  There really is no reason to bore everybody else in this forum with your feeble attempts to come after me.   
JessN16 wrote on 4/7/2012 0:45 AM:, don't think I'll bow to your wishes and put you on ignore.
It has nothing to do with opinions being diverse or not. It has everything to do with your inferior attitude, intelligence and boorishness. 
The OP can follow up his original opinion or not, it's his choice. His is a separate issue. The point I was making was that you don't run things around here. It seems like you're not ready to handle my diverse opinion of your true value, however.
You can keep firing off the ad hominem attacks if you like. They're pretty cheap. I think it only costs 1 IQ point for a box of 100.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/5/2012 7:22 AM:
Put me on ignore if you can't handle diverse opinions.  It's guys like you and the OP that make this site intolerable when it comes to bowling.  "I hate the PBA", "They need to change what they are doing", "What the hell do they think they're doing, they changed the format.  I hate it"  Make up your minds instead of coming on here moaning like a woman with PMS all the time.
BTW, still waiting for that paragon of virtue that you seem to put so much faith in to actually name the PBA members who committed these affronts to humanity.  Stick to reviewing Lane#1 balls, Jess.   

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2012, 08:55:26 PM »

 Thanks for admitting you lost. Nothing like "take it to PMs" says it so clearly. The translation, of course, is "I really didn't count on getting it handed to me like this...please go to PMs so you'll stop embarrassing me. Please."
I'll post to you in whatever form, frequency and manner I care to, as long as I stay within the boundaries of site guidelines.
Mad yet? Tsk.
p.s.: You're never smacked me or anyone else down. All you've done is show everyone that you have tied your self-worth to an anonymous username on a bowling forum. I can think of few lots in life more pitiable than that.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/7/2012 6:37 AM:
Wow, Jess.  Almost a complete post from you.  But really, you should mention all three of the holy trinity of tactics used in posting on here by people like you.  You mentioned ad hominem attacks but left out red herring and straw man.  Please be more thorough from now on.
Btw, here's a little secret just for you.......I could care less if you put me on ignore or not.  Do everybody a big favor.  You want to continue to get smacked down on here, do it in private messages.  There really is no reason to bore everybody else in this forum with your feeble attempts to come after me.   

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2012, 11:53:25 PM »
Oh my, Jess.  You're a real firebrand, aren't you?  "I'll post wherever I want, whenever I want, and however I want"!  Whew, put your big boy pants on today, didn't you? 
The tired "what's your real name" ploy?  Really?  Guess you're not half as clever as you think you are.  Admitting I lost by not wanting to get messy here in the public forum?  Pathetically desperate on your part.  Lost at what, proving you're a loser nobody?  I haven't even begun but then again, you'll help me out on that issue in your subsequent posts, won't you?  Sure you will.  No problem, Jess.  I'm game if you're game.  The mods will step in soon and delete the thread but I have a distinct feeling that is what you want.  Like I said, stick to reviewing Lane #1 balls.  That forum is the appropriate place for the tripe you dispense on here.
JessN16 wrote on 4/7/2012 6:55 PM:

 Thanks for admitting you lost. Nothing like "take it to PMs" says it so clearly. The translation, of course, is "I really didn't count on getting it handed to me like this...please go to PMs so you'll stop embarrassing me. Please."
I'll post to you in whatever form, frequency and manner I care to, as long as I stay within the boundaries of site guidelines.
Mad yet? Tsk.
p.s.: You're never smacked me or anyone else down. All you've done is show everyone that you have tied your self-worth to an anonymous username on a bowling forum. I can think of few lots in life more pitiable than that.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/7/2012 6:37 AM:
Wow, Jess.  Almost a complete post from you.  But really, you should mention all three of the holy trinity of tactics used in posting on here by people like you.  You mentioned ad hominem attacks but left out red herring and straw man.  Please be more thorough from now on.
Btw, here's a little secret just for you.......I could care less if you put me on ignore or not.  Do everybody a big favor.  You want to continue to get smacked down on here, do it in private messages.  There really is no reason to bore everybody else in this forum with your feeble attempts to come after me.   

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.  
Edited by Sunshine n Lollipops on 4/7/2012 at 9:57 PM


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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2012, 10:44:46 PM »
Aww. The poor baby can't stand not to be the king. Everyone else must dispatch themselves to other forums, other topics.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/7/2012 9:53 PM:
Oh my, Jess.  You're a real firebrand, aren't you?  "I'll post wherever I want, whenever I want, and however I want"!  Whew, put your big boy pants on today, didn't you? 
The tired "what's your real name" ploy?  Really?  Guess you're not half as clever as you think you are.  Admitting I lost by not wanting to get messy here in the public forum?  Pathetically desperate on your part.  Lost at what, proving you're a loser nobody?  I haven't even begun but then again, you'll help me out on that issue in your subsequent posts, won't you?  Sure you will.  No problem, Jess.  I'm game if you're game.  The mods will step in soon and delete the thread but I have a distinct feeling that is what you want.  Like I said, stick to reviewing Lane #1 balls.  That forum is the appropriate place for the tripe you dispense on here. 

Sunshine n Lollipops

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Re: Dear PBA - Are you seeing this?
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2012, 03:32:56 PM »
If that's all you got, don't bother anymore.  Everybody else doesn't have to do a damn thing.  Just you, Jess, just you.  
JessN16 wrote on 4/8/2012 8:44 PM:
Aww. The poor baby can't stand not to be the king. Everyone else must dispatch themselves to other forums, other topics.
Sunshine n Lollipops wrote on 4/7/2012 9:53 PM:
Oh my, Jess.  You're a real firebrand, aren't you?  "I'll post wherever I want, whenever I want, and however I want"!  Whew, put your big boy pants on today, didn't you? 
The tired "what's your real name" ploy?  Really?  Guess you're not half as clever as you think you are.  Admitting I lost by not wanting to get messy here in the public forum?  Pathetically desperate on your part.  Lost at what, proving you're a loser nobody?  I haven't even begun but then again, you'll help me out on that issue in your subsequent posts, won't you?  Sure you will.  No problem, Jess.  I'm game if you're game.  The mods will step in soon and delete the thread but I have a distinct feeling that is what you want.  Like I said, stick to reviewing Lane #1 balls.  That forum is the appropriate place for the tripe you dispense on here. 

 Don't believe in the Uzi, it just went off in my hand.  I, I believe in love.