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Author Topic: Mike Mineman  (Read 3147 times)


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Mike Mineman
« on: February 26, 2007, 03:14:04 AM »
Classic!!  I don't think that I've ever seen a more simple, basic style.  

Hey guys, here's proof that you don't have to twist the bejazus out of the ball and cover every board.  I don't know if Mike has that in his game, but what he showed Sunday was just fine in my book.
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are, Dimitri."
Wyrd bið ful aræd!
(Thought to be a member of something called the PMS club by some.)



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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2007, 05:27:30 PM »
Classic!!  I don't think that I've ever seen a more simple, basic
"I do desire that we may be better strangers."  Willie the Shake, As You Like it(III,ii)
"I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are, Dimitri."


I'm surprised at you.
Have you never seen Gary Dickinson, David Ozio, Dave Soutar, Dave Davis, etc., etc.

With his brutally short slide step (considering his height) and the hitch in his arm swing, I'd say Mike is anyhting but classic. His release is certainly classic stroker, but his style is definitely not.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2007, 09:40:23 PM »
Im sure hes a nice guy, & its a great accomplishment that everyoen wishes to achieve some day, but i just cant be excited about a guy who only plays the lanes 1 way, & doesnt move.

If I remember correctly, wasn't it Dave Ryan who asked Mike if he would play a different shot??  I don't believe Mike was limited to one line, but that's what he decided on.  

Now, let's look at a past post of yours,  

In there you commented:
I cant wait for robert smith to come back, & for TJ to get his stuff together & make a couple shows again.

With TJ, was it stated somewhere that he said he will only play one thing on TV, that being a 'crank the poo out of the ball' style?'ll be pulling for TJ?

Just doesn't sound the same if you ask me.

The Traber brothers I can understand.  They primarily play their strong point.  But if Minneman has other games and opted for this 'A' game because he felt that to be his best shot, then he did what he had to do and reaped the rewards for it.  Machuga went with what he thought was his best.  Better man that got the job won for the game....end of story.
-------------------- down the toilet one nugget at a time!!  

g thing is back....with a vengeance!!  

Im not going by what i saw mike play, im going off of what Norm said during mikes practice.  He said something along the lines of "mike is good at playing the twig, because thats all he plays, when u only play one thing, u get good at it"

Sorry, if norm is wrong, & the guy is versatile, more power to him, & thats great.  Although, if its true that he only EVER plays outside of 10, or at least up the boards, im sorry, thats not a pro IMO.

The TJ comment, yes, on TV he will play that shot because the lanes allow him to.  I really doubt hes got 9 titles with only being able to play the lanes in 1 certain way.

Im not trying to be rude, or say he doesnt deserve it, because that would be stupid.  Im just saying i dont like his style & think of pros as the best, meaning they can move anywhere, play any line, use any hand position, & pretty much do anything that is needed to bowl well.  If Mike truely does only play the twig, hes got VERY VERY VERY VERY few chances of winning tournaments.



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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2007, 09:42:24 PM »
Not hating on Mineman, but this is the reason why a lot of people prefer more revs, crazy action, and power.  You can see that standard approach in any house league anywhere in the world.  I want to see stuff most humans can't do like Robert Smith or Tommy Jones.  The fact that bowling is only about scoring makes it possible to be very straight or hook it a lot.  You can say the same thing with any sport.  Like football, you can win all the time and just build your team around defense (the Bears).  Or you can have a super high powered offense, much more watcable (the Chargers).  Overall, I didn't like Mineman's delivery or style at all.  I don't hate that way of bowling though.  I like Norm Duke, WRW, and Brian Voss.  Not sure if ball reaction gets straighter than theirs but I feel they have much better styles.
Current arsenal:
Storm X-Factor Vertigo
Storm Trauma ER
Storm Recharge
Ebonite Vortex Afterburner
Columbia 300 Messenger Ti
Storm Hit Blue Pearl
Ebonite 14 Fun Ball
Current Average: 203.470
The Vertigo hits so hard that pins on adjacent lanes sometimes fall - FACT.

EXACTLY my point, cept for the Voss part....just not a fan anymore since he started whining about sanded balls.



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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #19 on: February 26, 2007, 09:59:43 PM »
The thing I noticed about Minemine is that he pushed the ball away on his third step making his timing late. The reason I noticed this is because I also have late timing that I'm in the middle of trying to correct. (Not an easy thing to do!) He is able to make it work for him but I'm still going to change my timing anyways. Just remember that nobody gets any bonus pins for style.



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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #20 on: February 26, 2007, 10:09:45 PM »
I always love it when a new guy wins.. and yes i like watching Mike Scroggins 2 even though he almost always plays up 5
Born a Lefty... Forced to become right handed...


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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #21 on: February 26, 2007, 11:14:51 PM »
The thing I noticed about Minemine is that he pushed the ball away on his third step making his timing late. The reason I noticed this is because I also have late timing that I'm in the middle of trying to correct. (Not an easy thing to do!) He is able to make it work for him but I'm still going to change my timing anyways. Just remember that nobody gets any bonus pins for style.


Yep, but alot of times, if you are still good, a powerful style will get you a ball contract, b/c people want their balls to hook alot
Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

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Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2007, 12:32:09 AM »
It boils down to this: Who are you bowling for? Are you bowling for yourself, or are you bowling to put on a show?

In most any case in any sport, the guys who play for show never win anything -- or at least, don't win much. The most successful devil-may-care pro athlete of the last 20 years is probably golf's John Daly, and if he's got more than three titles, I haven't been paying much attention. I have seen him +12 in the trees quite a bit, however.

Mineman wasn't my pick to pull for to win this show, but he fascinated me with his hitchy arm swing and strange timing and release. He fascinated me because he took down the guy with probably the greatest semi-cranker release in the game, Mike Machuga, and anyone who plays such a simple style and wins has my attention.

I got every bit as much enjoyment out of watching that as I do when Rudy Kasimakis is on television, or Jason Couch, or Norm Duke, because I watch what's going on carefully so I can steal something for my own game if it applies. If Mike Mineman has one style he can play, then he deserves a ton of praise for realizing his own limitations and having the humility to not try to be something he's not, accept what works and perfect it.



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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2007, 04:06:48 PM »
Im not going by what i saw mike play, im going off of what Norm said during mikes practice. He said something along the lines of "mike is good at playing the twig, because thats all he plays, when u only play one thing, u get good at it"

Sorry, if norm is wrong, & the guy is versatile, more power to him, & thats great. Although, if its true that he only EVER plays outside of 10, or at least up the boards, im sorry, thats not a pro IMO.

The TJ comment, yes, on TV he will play that shot because the lanes allow him to. I really doubt hes got 9 titles with only being able to play the lanes in 1 certain way.

Im not trying to be rude, or say he doesnt deserve it, because that would be stupid. Im just saying i dont like his style & think of pros as the best, meaning they can move anywhere, play any line, use any hand position, & pretty much do anything that is needed to bowl well. If Mike truely does only play the twig, hes got VERY VERY VERY VERY few chances of winning tournaments.



Part of what I wanted to do was make you see you contradicted yourself.  You partially did and didn't....not sure.  My comment on TJ was that on TV he's stated he's going to hook the it.  Granted he may be able to play a straighter game....but if Mike and TJ can play multiple lines but each selects a different line for TV, then it comes down to the fact that you don't like his style/play.....not the fact that he's only playing the outside and nothing else.  Both opt to play only 1 way in the end.

I agree though, and I think guys like the Trabers prove it, as does Rudy for that matter.  To be successful, you can't play 1 game and that's it.  Be it crank the daylights out of it or play up the twig.

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g thing is back....with a vengeance!! - Accept no substitute for the very best there is!!

Best line I've heard about politics....


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Re: Mike Mineman
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2007, 04:19:33 PM »
I didn't hear Norm say that Mike only plays twig he said that about Traber and he also said that is the only shot that he practices
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