1.Pro sports has sponsorships with many high profile companies.Many athletes do also.Walter Ray is the only pro bowler that I can remember in recent times that's been in any commercial for any sponsor. This is what bowling needs.Yes,I know that Joe Sixpack can't hardly name any pro bowler,but with the right marketing,this might be the thing to turn it around.
2.Major television coverage is going to be impossible unless a major sponsor does step up to the plate.None of the major players in cable will replace the pro or college sports on the weekends with bowling.Too much megabucks involved all around.So how do we tell ESPN to move bowling to a more advantageous time slot against thew NFL,NBA,or MLB?

3.Why not have the ball companies franchise themselves out and compete to sign the best current and new talent available???Then set up competiton of some sort.How you would categorize players is something I haven't thought of yet as this is a knee jerk reaction to the original posting.
Maybe something along the lines of Brunswick Europe against Brunswick Japan,or Storm U.S.A. against Storm Australia...........
To quote Jack Nicholson:
"I'm just spitballing here"....................
JTTDB---Just Throw The Damn Ball
Don't "think"---that ball isn't in your bag yet..........