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Author Topic: Equality  (Read 1969 times)


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« on: January 23, 2010, 12:56:20 PM »
IF the women''''s tour pays their own way fine I have no problem IF USBC members and USBC as an entity pays their way for women to be able to compete (prize find $60K/event plus paying ESPN for production) then YES I have an issue.  Do men get that $$$$$$$ from  USBC for PBA???????  Title IX???  Men Only want equality??????

So USBC are you going to kick in money for prize $$$ for men PBA?  Plus production costs equally?

Edited on 1/28/2010 10:58 PM



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Re: Equality
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2010, 12:39:22 PM »
We have way too many misogynists and just plain misanthropes in this sport.  

Let's get rid of them first.  Then we'll have plenty of room for the women.


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Re: Equality
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2010, 10:42:26 PM »
This is not about the hatred of any gender.  It's about the inequality of the USBC spending funds from all members unequally to support one gender.  

USBC garners funds from both male and female members. I would guess that male members are at a minimum 2/3's of the whole membership.

The LPBT/PWBA could not make a go of it so now the USBC props up 6 events.  Let them go it alone or apply the equal amount of money to the men.  


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Re: Equality
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2010, 12:32:08 AM »
Well, just look at all the money USBC puts into youth bowling.  I have no kids.  "Grow the sport" kids are our future.  But they leave as soon as they get to college and don't come back if at all, until about 15 years after college.  When they are adults.  Then they to can contribute to the youth with their sanctioning dues.


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Re: Equality
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2010, 01:48:59 AM »
Actually, that can be said about most things.

-RE taxes paid by people who have no kids yet the money pays for k1-12 education.
-Healthy or young people paying healthcare premiusms even though they won't be sick for many years and that helps fund for care for those who need it now.

The list goes on and on.  

I think Title IX only applies to public funding?  Please confirm that.

I have no opinion on the USBC but I just wanted to point out it's not a unique situation.


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Re: Equality
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2010, 03:19:46 AM »
It is the same for other women sports. The NBA has to fund the WNBA. The WNBA would be long gone if the NBA didn't keep paying to make it what it is or isn't.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Bill Thomas

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Re: Equality
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2010, 11:20:42 AM »
I don't have any problem at all with USBC supporting the women professionals.  However, I think it only fair that they pump equal amounts into the men's tour.


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Re: Equality
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2010, 11:07:08 PM »
I don't have any problem at all with USBC supporting the women professionals. However, I think it only fair that they pump equal amounts into the men's tour.  

Bill gets it put equal amounts of money into BOTH tours.

Why single out one since they can't make it on there own?


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Re: Equality
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2010, 05:11:59 PM »
I don't see what this has to do with the USBC...

This is the PBA Tour... and they can invite whom ever they choose...

To me all the PBA Tour is trying to do is help women professional's by giving them a chance and place to play...

They still have to compete on a same level as the men, to make the show....

I believe she had to do 48 games to qualify...

There are no ladies tees in bowling...

I can see your point if they played on an easier shot...

But they don't, they play on the same shot as the men...

And since the PBA Tour uses a Step Ladder Format... The leader of the event only has to bowl 1 game, the final game...

Now some children think this is unfair...Actually, the only time I have heard it called unfair was this week when a WOMEN won....

Some children say Barnes did not have time to practice...

He had at least 8-10 minutes... The SAME as every leader has on every show...

A women won... She beat the BEST Men in the world of bowling...

She made the right adjustments...  3 boards move left...

Mika and Barnes did not... and they have boo koo experience...

It is terrible to read some of the post about her win...

I guess some men.... <<< using the term loosely,  feel threaten by women...

That's not good...

That's how we ended up with Obama....

Now get over it...

Kelly won, Barnes lost...

Man up for Pete sakes...

jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"


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Re: Equality
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2010, 10:03:17 PM »
It's about the equality of the USBC kicking in your $$$ to sponsor the 6 women's events.  The PBA doesn't kick in the prize money and the production costs.  The USBC shoulders that cost.  Your money and mine.  The PBA does not give the women a free place to compete the USBC does.  Get it?

This costs the USBC $1 million for the 6 women's events. They are not kicking $1 milion into the men's events.  Why not?



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Re: Equality
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2010, 06:56:17 AM »
It's about the equality of the USBC kicking in your $$$ to sponsor the 6 women's events.  The PBA doesn't kick in the prize money and the production costs.  The USBC shoulders that cost.  Your money and mine.  The PBA does not give the women a free place to compete the USBC does.  Get it?

This costs the USBC $1 million for the 6 women's events. They are not kicking $1 milion into the men's events.  Why not?

 Maybe its so Women like Kullick can whoop on the Men like She did to barnes!!!!! The PBA has too many egos and Kelly shut them down.


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Re: Equality
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2010, 07:07:22 AM »
If the end result is more Clara Guerrero, Stefanie Nation, Amanda Beck, Missy Bellinder, Shannon O'Keefe, Jennifer Petrick on my television set on the weekends.....................I'm still at a loss to find the downside??!!??
If I ever saw an amputee being hanged, I'd just yell out letters.  --DM


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Re: Equality
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2010, 08:23:33 AM »
It's about the equality of the USBC kicking in your $$$ to sponsor the 6 women's events.  The PBA doesn't kick in the prize money and the production costs.  The USBC shoulders that cost.  Your money and mine.  The PBA does not give the women a free place to compete the USBC does.  Get it?

This costs the USBC $1 million for the 6 women's events. They are not kicking $1 milion into the men's events.  Why not?


I agree with that,  but that has nothing to do with the PBA giving the winner of that ladies event, a spot in the TOC....

Complain to the PBA about it...

And if it's my money, as you say..

I have no problem with it...

The way I see it, the USBC is helping all bowlers... By helping the women they are keeping women interested in bowling...

i don't think any lane owner would like to face a situation where there were no more women bowling........

Did you ever think about that.............


Lets hear you say it....

Nice bowling Miss Kelly....


Barnes, learn how to adjust, cause Kelly knows how.....

clear now
jls       "Obama, you wanna see my truck"