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Author Topic: PBA Lane Patterns  (Read 3809 times)


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PBA Lane Patterns
« on: November 09, 2007, 02:15:09 PM »
Holy crap, with the pace of scoring so far this season, and the amount of games bowled/practiced on over the years, these guys have the lanes figured exactly...  know everything there is to know about them.  I think they should modify the patterns slightly/totally change them every so often to keep them guessing and improving..  I know they are the best of the best, but if memory serves..  they struggled a touch when the "name patterns" came into play after they transitioned from the ABCDE patterns because they modified them a touch/totally redid them for their animal names...  or is my memory failing me?

either way, I think they should modify the patterns of come out with x number of patterns for x number of tour stops...  a different one each stop...



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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2007, 10:26:54 PM »
What they should do is design a pattern for each tournament that best suits the nature of the house, while maintaining an equal/close to equal righty/lefty scoring pace. This business of animal names and set patterns is not what's needed.

The tournament director, the lane maintenance guys, the house proprietor, and others need to work together to put out a unique shot that will make each tournament a fair and true test of bowling ability.


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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2007, 03:42:01 PM »
Or switch the pattern during play.  Each day there is a new pattern for instance.  And maybe not allow the pros to practice on them so much.  On TV those guys just attack those things during practice.


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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2007, 05:22:48 PM »
I think it's a combination of familiarity and being given the opportunity to break them down just in practice.  I know the patterns are never quite the same because the surfaces are different and they do tweak them slightly, but they're not a big surprise.  They're good enough that even if they put down the US Open pattern week-in-week-out they'd start averaging 220+ instead of 210.

Really, they need to limit the practice time before competition.  I'm not talking about the practice session on Wednesday night but before the show and before each block.  When I bowl tournaments, it's usually five minutes of practice or two balls on each lane.  I don't see any reason to give them time enough to really destroy the pattern before they even get started



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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2007, 06:48:20 PM »
I think it's a combination of familiarity and being given the opportunity to break them down just in practice.  I know the patterns are never quite the same because the surfaces are different and they do tweak them slightly, but they're not a big surprise.  They're good enough that even if they put down the US Open pattern week-in-week-out they'd start averaging 220+ instead of 210.

Really, they need to limit the practice time before competition.  I'm not talking about the practice session on Wednesday night but before the show and before each block.  When I bowl tournaments, it's usually five minutes of practice or two balls on each lane.  I don't see any reason to give them time enough to really destroy the pattern before they even get started


Then you make it more guesswork and less intelligence.  I am not saying the scoring pace is good....but limiting practice is not the answer.  The balls are the problem.

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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2007, 07:28:24 PM »
Then you make it more guesswork and less intelligence.  I am not saying the scoring pace is good....but limiting practice is not the answer.  The balls are the problem.

But there will be more emphasis on reading the lane conditions than simply creating your own conditions by blowing up the existing pattern.



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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2007, 07:30:34 PM »
Yes, the Balls are better - but even if they were throwing granite balls down sidewalks, the best would still score and rise to the top week after week.
Scoring potential is increased with the modern equipment - nobody can argue against that, but watching WRW leaving so many flat 10's reinforced something that I'm noticing more and more - If you're playing the lane correctly AND throw it well, you carry - even on a demanding lane condition. If you select or are prevented from playing the correct breakpoint - your carry suffers. This effect is magnified for straighter players. Hi-rev hookers suffer less from this problem with their off-hit carry potential. Their increased carry potential is offset somewhat by the increased penalties paid for bad shots.
To me - THAT is what makes each show interesting and different - watching the differing strategies.
Case in point - WRW keeps the ball in play leaving weak 10's - a lock spare for him. He doesn't panic and start ball fishing. He obviously knows when he's thrown a good shot, and just like you or I can "feel" a good shot. Nobody knows his game better than he does, and like him or not, you don't win 43 titles without being good at making strategic decisions. He makes the decision to continue with the equipment and attack angle that he feels will be enough to get the job done. Don't forget, he's bowled for years with his opponents, watches them practice and choose their strategy, and is fully aware of what his opponent is capable of or likely to do. Much to the dismay of Randy Pedersen, he chooses to keep doing the same thing, figuring that it's his best strategy to grind out a win. And just to prove his "awareness", his comment to Randy after he leaves another weak 10 at the start of the final match shows that he even anticipated Pedersen's comment.
So, when you're talking about players of THIS caliber, they are going to score on any reasonable pattern. Give them a couple of boards of area or the time to create their own, and the scores will be high. To me, the TV scores are irrelevant - I enjoy the strategy and competition.

Edited on 11/10/2007 8:47 PM

Edited on 11/10/2007 9:21 PM


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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2007, 07:49:36 PM »
Instead, I think the USBC should take some of the time the spend testing ball cores to optimal scoring and put that time designing oil patterns that offer more of a challenge and a prolonged transition period.
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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2007, 04:06:46 AM »
What they should do is design a pattern for each tournament that best suits the nature of the house, while maintaining an equal/close to equal righty/lefty scoring pace. This business of animal names and set patterns is not what's needed.

The tournament director, the lane maintenance guys, the house proprietor, and others need to work together to put out a unique shot that will make each tournament a fair and true test of bowling ability.

But then the PBA could not market the patterns and charge for the right to use them in Experience Leagues.  The PBA wants it known what pattern they are bowling on and why it is harder.  It also helps to try and rule out any favortism or manipulation of the lane condition, real or perceived.

Please the posts (mine) in the Tour players are the best in the world thread in the misc section.  I went into a little detail there about how the patterns play different anyway.

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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2007, 10:52:04 PM »
They should try putting the shots out as they are on the PBA website.


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Re: PBA Lane Patterns
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2007, 05:10:52 AM »
keep in mind for the telecast the players get almost an hour of practice and many of the players will manipulate the lane condition to suit their style/game. how you ask ? some players will take a particle ball that's been wetsanded 80 grit and throw it over the same spot to burn off the oil in an area. then they can use this to bump off of. other players will take a plastic ball and use it to build some hold around a particular area. when you combine this with the best players in the world it makes the scoring pace higher.