Hey all. There were two articles that appeared in The Buffalo News about the 2007 Etonic Championship. This one appeared on Sunday:
http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/bowling/story/204264.htmlThis article appeared in today's paper:
http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/other/bowling/story/205049.htmlCongratulations, Mike Wolfe, on winning the 2007 Etonic Championship. You bowled very well and deserve to win many more tournaments this year. I hope you bowl well this year.
Visionary Test StaffI love the sound of falling pins anytime of the day.
I live in Buffalo, NY and contrary to popular belief, it is not snowing.
Edited on 11/12/2007 10:12 AM
Edited on 11/12/2007 2:43 PM