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Author Topic: Wes Malott=Choker??  (Read 11812 times)


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Wes Malott=Choker??
« on: December 09, 2007, 10:13:18 PM »
For all you Chris Barnes haters I have a question. Is Wes Malott a choker? 2-6 lifetime in TV Finals. 15 times made TV and only 2 titles. So I'm wondering why he doesn't take some heat for not winning more. Maybe some of you bowling guru's can fill me in on this.



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Re: Wes Malott=Choker??
« Reply #61 on: December 13, 2007, 06:29:09 AM »

It can't be a "perfect" shot if you leave a pin. It may look perfect, but the "perfect" shot knocks ten pins down.

Again, this is where you are DEAD wrong and reflects your lack of experience. It may be easier for you to acknowledge once it happens to you PERSONALLY 30 or 40 times. Then you will understand, NOT because we told you so, BUT because you experienced it yourself.


I agree, the "perfect" shot changes based on lane conditions. However, these guys are the elite and it is their job to read and adjust to the changes. This is not easy. It was not meant to be. The best of the elite figure it out and outperform the rest over time.

Again, you are implying that everyone ONLY loses the big TV game because they choked. This is wrong. Again you will probably only understand what we say when you experience it yourself.


Wes has not done this to date. I happen to think that his failure to do so is not based on his inability to do it. I think it is his nerves.

No one, except maybe Dick Ritger, has not choked due to nerves or overthinking. Every winner from the very best, Earl Anthony, WRW, Dick Weber, has failed to winat sometime. I mention Dick Ritger because his heart beat was measured during one of hese pressure packed game. Like a Zen mystic, he heartbeat actually went down instead of up by 20 - 50 beats.


Also, I don't take pity for any of you who do not have the mental discipline to address argument, and regress to personal attacks. I find it quite amusing. The bad thing is, those of you who do this don't seem to understand that you serve no purpose in addressing the matter on the table.

I make no personal attacks. I think you have not seen enough nor have you experienced enough in bowling to make these statements. Time will show you what we cannot make you understand or you refuse to think about.


Last, I laugh at the remark about being backed or painted into a corner. Get real. We are talking about bowling. This is a game. Everyone has a right to their opinion.

You have a right to your opinion; yo uhave no right to tell us we are wrong in our opinion. You also have no right to deny that experience can show you what we know. That is the attitude of the teenager who thinks all adults are stupid.


Now, for all of you that say that Wes has not choked on T.V., why is he 2 and 15??? Bad luck. If so, let's buy him a new good luck charm, the same model that WRW, PW or ND uses.

This is inexperience talking and knowit-all arrogance at its zenith. That is NOT a personal attack. That is an anaylsis of your words.


 If not, let's give him time and see if he conquers his nerves, because that is clearly the only thing holding him back.

This is the same because it assumes your assumptions, based on your inexperience in the observation and in the execution, is correct.

"None are so blind as those who will not see."
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Wes Malott=Choker??
« Reply #62 on: December 13, 2007, 06:54:12 AM »
Clearly some very uptight and obstinate individual on this thread, that snivels at intelligent, well contemplated and persuasive responses from other responders that speak from experience, is the type of person that will never listen to the voice of reason because he feels he always knows it all, when just the opposite is where he's at.

On top of it all, he comes off as if he is being personally slandered, when in fact it is he that makes the "personal attacks" with his pugnacious and senseless comments, which ultimately compel others to respond in the same manner as his, but with one big difference: rational discernment.

"You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it."


Big Jake

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Re: Wes Malott=Choker??
« Reply #63 on: December 13, 2007, 07:06:27 AM »
It can't be a "perfect" shot if you leave a pin. It may look perfect, but the "perfect" shot knocks ten pins down.  

Wrong, I think you have the term "perfect" shot confused with the word "results"
Big Jake

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Re: Wes Malott=Choker??
« Reply #64 on: December 13, 2007, 01:14:49 PM »
The problem is your argument is full of holes.

That is fine if you are correct, show me the holes. I appreciate the focus on the argument.

The perfect shot does not and can not knock all ten pins down every time.  The pins will not react the same way every time.  You ever hear of Chaos Theory.  

Yes. But I am not sure that this is what was happening with Wes each time he lost on T.V. Is that what you believe?

You haven't been bowling long enough to make these statements.  

Says who?? How long do you have to bowl to have an opinion? Perhaps what you are trying to say is that my opinion does not carry weight with you because I have not bowled long enough. That, I have no problem with. Nonetheless, I do not think that the number of years that I have bowled has any bearing on whether a bowler is choking on T.V. or not.

I have and some of my fellow league bowlers have seen pins on the deck spinning after a strike spin themselves back to upright position.  Never thought it was possible until I saw it with my own two eyes.  Did that mean I choked or the other bowler choked.  NO! In all of your "extensive reading" did you ever come across the term "fast eight"?  Where the two pin unexplicably shoots over the 4 pin instead of taking it and the seven pin out?  As much as you want to deny it, a strike requires some luck.  

I have seen pins knocked back up but not spin back up. Once I saw a pin knock a pin out of the gutter and stand it back up on the lane. I have seen pins slide over a foot and not fall. I agree that at times luck intervenes, just not repeatedly. Of course, the pins sliding in my opinion are a result of lane condition.

Throwing the ball the same way every time into the pocket with the same entry angle every time increases the PROBABILITY of striking but does not GUARANTEE a strike.  An inanimate object set in motion by a moving object and encountering other inanimate objects in a closed space will not react in a 100 percent predictable manner.

"I feel sorry for you."  

Thank you for your pity. Seriously, this is not that serious.

There is no substitute for actual experience.  
Your extensive reading on the subject of bowling won't save you when the tourney is on the line.  Only being in the same situation over and over will prepare you for the winning moment.  Your pompous attitude will cause you to never enjoy bowling if you think that you failed every time you don't get a strike. Please make sure that you do all your bowling by yourself so your attitude doesn't infect other beginners that might actually enjoy the sport.

I bowl in league, and additionally about 15 games a week. We have a good time. I simply choose to believe that I have control over whether I strike or not--- at least most of the time.  If I leave a solid 10, I choose not to blame the lanes, the ball or the bowling gods. I try to see what I need to do to knock down ten the next time. Just my take on it.  I have not read any books on how the pros approach the mental aspect of the game, but I would be willing to bet that they do not blame unsuccessful outcomes on the lanes, the balls or the bowling gods.

By the way, I have never played professional football, but I know the Miami Dolphins are choking.


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Re: Wes Malott=Choker??
« Reply #65 on: December 13, 2007, 07:09:27 PM »

ok, i was watching the round of 8 on XtraFrame, i was hearing some comments from Ryan Shaffer saying that Chris Barnes sometimes goes on tv playin maybe his D game since he has lots of tricks. Compare to WRW who has a more simplified game, Chris has to make decisions and sometimes not playin his A game or simply making a bad decision for a important frame is making him pay for it.
i would say for people who knows Barnes, might know that he doesnt choke, but rather making poor decisions on a critical moment or hes not comfortable with his C or D game and make an errant shot

hope this information is useful
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.