Ok, here we go...
1) How did the PBA get a bump in prize money and also TV showings? Did they get money or sponsors from somewhere? I heard Mika got $250,000 earlier this year. That is nuts (in the bowling world). And yesterday Duke got $80,000. Last time I remember 1st place was $25,000 and 2nd was $13,000.
The PBA did a lot of restructuring between last year and this year. They wanted to put a higher payout on the major tournaments to attract more bowlers and viewers, which has indeed helped. These high prize funds are for major tournaments only.
2) Why is Walter Ray Williams bowling on the senior tour? Is he not allowed to dominate in the PBA anymore?
Walter is bowling on both the senior and regular tour. Walter has bowled in all events on the regular PBA tour, not so sure about the senior tour. But I do know that he has won at least 1 event on the senior tour.
3) Where is Robert Smith? He was one of my favorites? I know he was injured before.
Maximum Bob does have an injury, and is keeping his bowling down to a minimum. And I do believe the previous response is correct with what he is currently doing.
4) I like how the PBA incorporated my entrance music for each bowler. It reminds me of the WWE lol.
I believe the music was to help draw in a younger audience, but yes, it is nice to have
5) I finally figured out bowling ball equipment. The industry is flawed in that they produce an item that is too durable and most bowlers would need to only buy 1 of in a several year span. Bowling balls are a unique item. They aren't as much as a dishwasher or a car but last somewhat longer when put on a natural time scale. That is why they keep producing new balls with very little difference in each. You still got plastic, resin, and urethane. Hand overthrows any weight block weakness in the ball.
The industry is flawed with the amount of releases put out by the major brands. However, your comment that hand overthrows any weight block is very incorrect. I am a high rev bowler and cannot throw certain equipment. I suggest you find a coach to explain it all you, or you might get caught in a battle here on the boards that wont be too pretty.
6) I like watching the bowling during the week like this past week. It shows how the bowling really is.
Hopefully the PBA will again expand on their tour season. I miss the stop that came around here. The majors usually have a higher degree of difficulty. I know I don't like seeing the huge scores on TV, but it does appeal to the general viewer. I like seeing the struggles of the pros, it happens in every sport every day.
300's - 8
800's - 2 (820, 834)
High Avg - 238
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