well im back sorry for not posten over the weekend just didnt get to the pc. Had a high school tournament saturday and didnt get home last night until 11 and with school today just didnt have time to post. well from what i could remember from friday many players were throwing ebonite's the one and storm's paradigm. I'll go in order trying to remember what they threw.
Norm Duke - paradigm, diablo, and i think a fired up
Amletto Monacelli- paradigm, the one, vapor zone
Tommy Jones- v2 power, overtime, bigtime, the one
Jason Couch- the one, over time, v2 power
Patrick Allen-2 or 3 of the one, overtime, v2 power
Tom Baker- 2 Vapor Zone's Strike Zone Intense Inferno
Joe Ciccone- Vapor Zone Strike Zone Big rig diesel, in final frame Razor Blade, Solid Uranium
Mike Scroggins- Robo Rule, Rule Delta, The one, Ultimate Inferno,
Wes Malott- Action, i think a power drive and a super trooper.
Mika Koivuniemi- Ultimate Inferno, Strike Zone ( 300 ) Classic Zone, on the show he had a Ambush drilled Rico and two ultimates one polished and one dull and his Goliath which he threw on the show.
Parker Bohn III- Absolute Inferno Ultimate Inferno, Vapor Zone, Strike Zone
Pete Weber- Paradigm, Fired Up
Rick Lawrence- Don't know didnt watch him
Bill O'neill- Action, Powerdrive
Robert Smith- I think a diablo dont really know didnt watch him
Mike Wolfe- Strike zone and i dont know what else
Mike Fagan- Was throwing an Absolute the first round and then i dont know if he switched or not.
Walter Ray- Robo Rule,Rule Delta, and Something else.
Patrick Healey- I think a paradigm didnt really watch and a redish blue ball in the round of 16 couldnt tell what it was.
Brian Voss- Threw the scorpion all day and then againt baker threw a black ball and the alien.
Tom Daughtery- a Vibe and i think a Hammer Raw Doom or the Big Deal
Briand Kretzer- I think he was throwing morich the balls i saw were a total shock & awe shock & awe and Seek & destroy.
Paul Fleming- Shock & awe Ultimate and i think a vapor zone.
Andres Gomez- original x-factor and a paradigm
Randy Pederson- Paradigm
and i dunno remember anymore and am to lazy to type the shot they were playing if you know a player that made it and that i forgot just pm me, and if you want to know the shot they were playing just pm me.