Hopefully the ends will justify the means. Now that the PBA has their first female winner, it will open the door for all the women to become full members of the PBA and compete on an even field.
Kelly's proven they can compete, and win, straight up and head-to-head with the male prefessionals, so why not?
Do away with the gimmicky womens series and let them enter just like every other PBA member.
Congratulations Kelly on some really great bowling all week, and congratulations on your first PBA tour victory. May there be more to follow for both you and any others that decide to come through the door that you BLASTED open today

P.S. No, Barnes did not choke today, he got his behind handed to him by someone who played the lanes better, matched up better, and performed better.
I still wouldn't want to be him though. He already had the reputation of being a "choke artist", now he will also be history's footnote as the runner-up to the first female champion. It's amazing how much "bad karma" seems to follow this guy around.
Good transactions list in my profile