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Author Topic: Good Day for the PBA  (Read 8580 times)


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Good Day for the PBA
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:42:34 AM »
Well is this is a Hsitoric day for the PBA. They will be in the news for awhile now with this show.

Congrats Kelly for winning.

BTW Barnes did NOT choke today! Only missed the pocket once maybe twice only has a double to show for it? Bad carry not choking.
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Greg T

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2010, 03:29:28 PM »
 I guess drag racing is not a sport and you have never heard of Shirley Muldowny.    

 Or Ashley Force.

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2010, 05:01:16 PM »
I suspect a lot of the people posting here have never seen an Intentional mixed doubles match. It is not exactly like the guys are holding the gals up for a win.

What would be challenging for the gals is bowling 64 games in a tournament, week after week. With fewer qualifying games you would see a lot less difference in the scores between guys and gals.

Could all the gals do it, no - but every country likely has a bunch of gals that can beat 99% of the guys all the time.

Bowling at the top level is a finesse game - and the gals have game.


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #18 on: January 24, 2010, 06:01:20 PM »
C'mon, folks! Show your prejudices!
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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2010, 06:04:18 PM »
Congrats to Kelly!  Today was an awesome show to watch.  I look forward to seeing what kind of publicity this generates, and what the next steps in Kulick's career will be.  I hope to see her on TV again!
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Obviously, you aren't a golfer.
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"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2010, 06:06:10 PM »
I suspect a lot of the people posting here have never seen an Intentional mixed doubles match. It is not exactly like the guys are holding the gals up for a win.

As opposed to an accidental mixed doubles match?

Sorry, I just lol'ed after reading that...



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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #21 on: January 24, 2010, 07:35:22 PM »
I for one am loving this, and laughing my brains out at those who said she didn't belong there.  Congrats to Kelly!!!

"The game done changed now"


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #22 on: January 24, 2010, 07:43:24 PM »
Well I said that she would not win a match but she did great, I think Mika did the best of all the men caught a bad break had 2 opens and barely lost but all you need is 1 pin more, congrats to Kelly I was wrong
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Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2010, 08:32:53 PM »
This is why bowling is laughed at.  This would never happen in any other sport.

Let me list a few Ladies who have done quite well vs the men...

Ashley Force-Hood -- drag racing

Danica Patrick - Indy

Shirley Muldowney - first lady of drag racing

Angelle Sampey - Drag racing Bike

Melanie Troxel- Drag Racing

Jean Balukas- Billiards she played in mens billiards tournaments and alot of the men didnt like facing her and i believe won a few

Karen Corr- She''s won a few mens Billiards Tournaments

there are others but no point in naming all of them..

But to say "this is why bowling is laughed at, and that it wouldnt happen in any other sport"   is just being narrow minded.

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Edited on 1/24/2010 9:33 PM
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #24 on: January 25, 2010, 06:19:37 AM »
I would not equate driving a vehicle with sports like golf, tennis and bowling.  Not that what they do isn't amazing but you are driving a motorized vehicle.  I take my hats off to all drivers -- they have more courage than all other athletes combined (except maybe the nuts in those extreme sports LOL!).  Plus, for Danica especially, it's as much a team sport as an individual sport -- pit crews/teams mean so much.  

Billiards could perhaps be throw into the equation but it's not quite the physical task that golf, tennis and bowling are.  Hand/eye coordination for sure, though.

I know how absolutely draining a PBA tournament can be physically and billiards, darts, poker, etc. don't make those sporting demands on a person.

Agree to disagree ... it's my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2010, 06:41:50 AM »
I would not equate driving a vehicle with sports like golf, tennis and bowling.  Not that what they do isn't amazing but you are driving a motorized vehicle.  I take my hats off to all drivers -- they have more courage than all other athletes combined (except maybe the nuts in those extreme sports LOL!).  Plus, for Danica especially, it's as much a team sport as an individual sport -- pit crews/teams mean so much.
While I think Danica is horrendously overrated, I also have to defend the physical aspects of auto racing.  Drivers these days have finally figured out that it's in their best interest to actually be in good shape, because 1) it requires strength to wrestle the steering wheel on any car that doesn't have power steering (NASCAR has power steering, but IndyCar/F1/etc. cars don't, and occasionally the power steering does fail on NASCAR cars, don't know off-hand about endurace racing sports cars), 2) the G-forces felt in the corners are physically exhausting (IndyCars and F1 cars corner at over 4 G's), and 3) the heat inside racecars is ridiculous, upwards of 120 degrees at times, which causes you to lose several pounds of weight in sweat in just one race.  So yeah, driving a car really fast for hours on end is a lot more difficult than you'd think just from a physical standpoint, not to mention how mentally tiring it is.


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2010, 06:50:47 AM »
I would not equate driving a vehicle with sports like golf, tennis and bowling.  Not that what they do isn''t amazing but you are driving a motorized vehicle.  I take my hats off to all drivers -- they have more courage than all other athletes combined (except maybe the nuts in those extreme sports LOL!).  Plus, for Danica especially, it''s as much a team sport as an individual sport -- pit crews/teams mean so much.  

Billiards could perhaps be throw into the equation but it''s not quite the physical task that golf, tennis and bowling are.  Hand/eye coordination for sure, though.

I know how absolutely draining a PBA tournament can be physically and billiards, darts, poker, etc. don''t make those sporting demands on a person.

Agree to disagree ... it''s my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

I don''t think it is a conditioning thing I think there are plenty of women that could get through qualifying easier than some of the guys on tour now.

My thoughts are that MOST of the women are not versatile enough to play all angles necessary in a 64 game qualifier.

Ever seen Feldman play up the boards? Think Dorin-Ballard can get in and swing it? Now...don''t get me wrong...these women can play those lines...but their scoring pace will be severely hampered.

Now flame me if you like but Kulick is the prime example why women SHOULDN''T be full time PBA members. She was out there for a year, couldn''t get past 22nd in any individual tournament, and finished the season 54th in points. Then couldn''t get back through tour trials against a bunch of fringe pros and high end amateurs.

I think she is the best....and most versatile woman out there. And she couldn''t compete over the long haul. I think it would hurt the womens game and drive them all out of the professional ranks.

What KK did Sunday was phenomenal. Remarkable, unbelievable. But to earn a living week in week out is a different thing.

On edit.....something else I forgot about. The sponsorships and ball contracts would dry up for most of the women. A few would be able to keep them but most would end up being free agents and lose that reliable income they now enjoy.

Edited on 1/25/2010 8:02 AM


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2010, 07:35:20 AM »
Kelly won. She just flat out competed all week long, made better shots when it counted, and used the LAST BLOCK ( the one everybody says girls will be tired out by) to move past her competitors and into the TV finals.

 She threw a double in the tenth under incredible pressure to lock the door on Mika, then threw 10/12 at CB, who EVERYONE says is one of the top bowlers in the world (and only managed a 195 game), for the win on tough conditions.

 It ain't golf, or wrestling, or racing, billiards, tiddleywinks, or anything else but bowling.

 Have a Professional Bowlers Tour, and let ALL PROFESSIONALS compete there, men and women alike. Sink or swim, live or die, fish or cut bait, but do it on equal terms under equal conditions. And if you can't, you need to go find something else to do that you can do. Some people work at McDonalds because it is what they can do. Not everyone is cut out to be a professional bowler.

 I didn't agree with Kelly's manner of qualifying for the T o C, but I don't make the rules. She was there, she bowled the required games, and she flat out won with NO EXCUSES. She's proven it can be done and that the women CAN compete right alongside the men, SO LET THEM!

 There is a woman at my home center that wanted to bowl in the mens league, and petitioned to get in, but too many guys didn't want her there, and I think it was because they didn't want to get beat by "a girl". Could this be the same reason women haven't been bowling PBA events? Or could it be that they've been told so many times that they couldn't compete that they've started to believe it?

 Well, NO MORE. Kelly did what everyone said couldn't be done. Now open it up and let them all try.
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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2010, 07:37:02 AM »
Dan, I wouldn't argue at all with the physical demands of auto racing or the mental demands for that matter.  In how many sports can a millisecond of losing focus possibly mean death or horrible injury!  Nothing but props.

My point is that NECKCAR and Indy racing and F1 are more TEAM SPORTS -- no one wins in those without great pit crews and all that.  Bowling might have coaches/ball reps but once you start it's you and the lanes and the pins.  A race driver can drive a phenomenal race but lose because their pit crew is slow.

And one thing to consider with Kelly is that I think she's probably a lot better than she was the year she was exempt.  We'll see how she does next time around.

And there have been plenty of male PBA champs who weren't super versatile ... guys like Butch Soper and Dave Traber, for example, although I've seen dave win on the regional level playing in.

Dan Belcher

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2010, 07:47:06 AM »
And there have been plenty of male PBA champs who weren't super versatile ... guys like Butch Soper and Dave Traber, for example, although I've seen dave win on the regional level playing in.
What???  Traber playing left of the four board???  My concept of reality has been shattered.  I no longer know what to believe.  

Good point though on auto racing involving more of a team effort and not just the individual.  Kelly may have gotten a little help from an Ebonite ball rep, but that was maybe 5% of of the total effort.  Nobody but Kelly got up there and pured 10 out of 12 shots in the title match!


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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2010, 07:48:25 AM »
Kelly won. She just flat out competed all week long, made better shots when it counted, and used the LAST BLOCK ( the one everybody says girls will be tired out by) to move past her competitors and into the TV finals.

 She threw a double in the tenth under incredible pressure to lock the door on Mika, then threw 10/12 at CB, who EVERYONE says is one of the top bowlers in the world (and only managed a 195 game), for the win on tough conditions.

 It ain't golf, or wrestling, or racing, billiards, tiddleywinks, or anything else but bowling.

 Have a Professional Bowlers Tour, and let ALL PROFESSIONALS compete there, men and women alike. Sink or swim, live or die, fish or cut bait, but do it on equal terms under equal conditions. And if you can't, you need to go find something else to do that you can do. Some people work at McDonalds because it is what they can do. Not everyone is cut out to be a professional bowler.

 I didn't agree with Kelly's manner of qualifying for the T o C, but I don't make the rules. She was there, she bowled the required games, and she flat out won with NO EXCUSES. She's proven it can be done and that the women CAN compete right alongside the men, SO LET THEM!

 There is a woman at my home center that wanted to bowl in the mens league, and petitioned to get in, but too many guys didn't want her there, and I think it was because they didn't want to get beat by "a girl". Could this be the same reason women haven't been bowling PBA events? Or could it be that they've been told so many times that they couldn't compete that they've started to believe it?

 Well, NO MORE. Kelly did what everyone said couldn't be done. Now open it up and let them all try.
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They can all try Juggs.....just like KK did in '06-'07. Problem is MOST will fail.

At a time when h.s. bowling and COMPETITIVE female bowling is skyrocketing why would you want to handcuff them?

Just because KK won a tournament? Yes she bowled great on very demanding conditions. Yes she has the mental game to post shots on t.v. on Sunday. MOST do not. I think she has the most complete game of all the women stars but to say they should all be relegated to "fish or cut bait" is unfair.

I want to see the sport grow...not have a whole segment (and a growing segment) stifled by saying they have to compete with the men if they want to bowl on that level.
