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Author Topic: Good Day for the PBA  (Read 8579 times)


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Good Day for the PBA
« on: January 24, 2010, 04:42:34 AM »
Well is this is a Hsitoric day for the PBA. They will be in the news for awhile now with this show.

Congrats Kelly for winning.

BTW Barnes did NOT choke today! Only missed the pocket once maybe twice only has a double to show for it? Bad carry not choking.
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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2010, 11:46:49 AM »
Juggs I think we may agree more than we realize. If you are simply saying let them compete then I'm all for it. Go through tour trials and see what happens.

However if you are saying dump the womens tour and FORCE them to bowl against the men then I don't.

 Then it is more likely that we disagree. The mens tour is struggling, and the womens tour already bombed out. The womens events this year were funded by the USBC (NOT the PBA or LPBA) through the PBA. If a tour CANNOT be self sufficient, it must either fold, or merge with another partner that can be.

Just like there is a LPGA so should the women have a bowling association all to themselves. Let them continue to do their thing and if they feel they can jump up a league then cool...go for it. Just like I can jump up from state and regionals.

 There is an LPGA because it can be self sufficient. The LPBA died because it couldn't be. If the women want their own tour, then let them find a way to be self sufficient, not a leech on the neck of the mens tour.

 And NO, DON"T let them jump back and forth. Else they will only bowl the mens events during their "hot streaks" ( which we all have), then go back down when they cool off. You pay your own way to do regionals, let them pay their way too.

Your argument of fish or cut bait would apply to the regional tour the same. If your not good enough to bowl PBA then go find something else to do. I don't agree.

 The regionals are a part of the PBA, not some seperate entity.  If the women aren't good enough for the national tour, let them bowl regionals until they are. Yes, my "fish or cut bait" should apply to the regionals as well. Either you're good enough, or you're not. You pay your money, you take your chances.
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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2010, 12:54:35 PM »
There is an LPGA because it can be self sufficient. The LPBA died because it couldn't be. If the women want their own tour, then let them find a way to be self sufficient, not a leech on the neck of the mens tour.

The leaching is done off of the USBC.  We as USBC members are underwriting the PBA women's events.  Let them pay their own way or invest an equal amount into the PBA men's events.  That's my issue with the whole thing.



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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2010, 01:20:21 PM »
I for one am glad my wife and I were there to personally witness it. Kelly was just awesome to watch and I hope this opens the way for the tour to have women compete full time and not just on the women's segment.

Kid Jete

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2010, 01:32:48 PM »
This is why bowling is laughed at.  This would never happen in any other sport.

Let me list a few Ladies who have done quite well vs the men...

Ashley Force-Hood -- drag racing

Danica Patrick - Indy

Shirley Muldowney - first lady of drag racing

Angelle Sampey - Drag racing Bike

Melanie Troxel- Drag Racing

Jean Balukas- Billiards she played in mens billiards tournaments and alot of the men didnt like facing her and i believe won a few

Karen Corr- She''s won a few mens Billiards Tournaments

there are others but no point in naming all of them..

But to say "this is why bowling is laughed at, and that it wouldnt happen in any other sport"   is just being narrow minded.

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "

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Edited on 1/24/2010 9:33 PM

I think you missed my point, or took it the wrong way.  You listed things that your physical makeup as little to do with.  I'm not saying women have inferior motor skills I'm saying they can't compete in sports like football or basketball because they are physically inferior to men.  Hence "sports fans" would laugh at a woman beating the men in bowling.  You wouldn't agree that a person who knows nothing about bowling and only watches football is laughing his a** off at those "bowling queers" getting beat by a girl?

Kid Jete

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Re: Good Day for the PBA
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2010, 01:34:55 PM »
I would not equate driving a vehicle with sports like golf, tennis and bowling.  Not that what they do isn't amazing but you are driving a motorized vehicle.  I take my hats off to all drivers -- they have more courage than all other athletes combined (except maybe the nuts in those extreme sports LOL!).  Plus, for Danica especially, it's as much a team sport as an individual sport -- pit crews/teams mean so much.  

Billiards could perhaps be throw into the equation but it's not quite the physical task that golf, tennis and bowling are.  Hand/eye coordination for sure, though.

I know how absolutely draining a PBA tournament can be physically and billiards, darts, poker, etc. don't make those sporting demands on a person.

Agree to disagree ... it's my opinion, nothing more, nothing less.

I wouldn't equate bowling to golf and tennis.