The Manhood comment - it's a macho thing in bowling to be able to sling messengers around to take out the flat 10's. The younger stronger players with higher speed, rev-rate, and thus higher entry angle are not as prone to the flat 10. When they hit flat, more likely than not a messenger will coming flying across to take it out. These types of strikes are crowd pleasers, just like home runs in baseball. You can nickel and dime your way to wins in a baseball game, but it's the home run ball that the fans seem to love. The more traditional players (strokers & tweeners) will leave more flat 10's than the power players. The Strokers and Tweeners will trip more 4's, and leave less 8 pin & 9 pin taps, so overall the carry percentage is similar. BUT, from a fan standpoint and a "macho" standpoint, the flying messengers are more manly & macho. Remember, in today's world, and ounce of appearance is worth a pound of performance.