I'm hoping to have some money saved up so I can start bowling regionals towards the end of the season. I was discussing this with a friend that bowled the national tour in the early 90s. He thinks I need a 10 ball arsenal including spare ball. Broken down into 3 ball arsenals, 1 set drilled with a long and strong motion, 1 set drilled with aggressive layouts, 1 set with earlier, arcy layouts.
Within each set, you have varying surfaces. The reason for this set up, he said, was to stay in the same window, change balls and not have to make significant adjustments to a different ball reaction.
Here is my arsenal now:
Aggressive layouts:
Hammer Anger 3 3/8ths stacked
I've ordered a Doom to put in this area.
Long and strong layouts:
Mystic--5" pin to pap, above fingers
Rampage--5 1/2" pin to pap, above fingers
Arc layouts:
TRoad Solid--4 1/2 pin to pap, pin under ring
Original Inferno--4 1/2 pin to pap, pin under ring
Spare ball
I'd like to hear thoughts on my friends philosophy and opinions on what balls to fill the remaining holes. I'm a Roto, Storm, Hammer fan. Maybe a low pin, low flare toxic? Pluto? suggestions?
I've got a Roto Epic Quest that I haven't thrown yet. This could fit into the long and strong category. 5 1/2 pin to pap, above bridge, mb next to thumb. I also have an old Ebonite Werewolf that I recently plugged up that I don't have any idea what I'm gonna do with.