I was very impressed with Parker...the Total inferno and the control of the breakpoint for Parker. (so much better for him than the slippery looking VApor Zone(in his hands).
I also had read the specs on the ball and description at Brunswick.com and was very impressed based on description.
It seemed to handle everything as described...however...what happened!
As the game went on and a bit of carrydown started the ball did not seem to do as advertised. Ie he made a small move left and the ball then was cutting real hard and splitting! (was the move too big...ie his usual move with a standard reactive??)
I need to see more...while I like the Total in his hands better than the Vapor...it did not seem to handle the carrydown as good as advertised!
Also regarding Scroggins. To me...it looked like instead of his release issues(knuckling from the past) that today he was sticking and throwing the ball down into the lane(but he had revs). Your thoughrs?:
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..