Current Exempt,
It is always easier to view things from the other side, and say you should or should not do this or that.
The point I have to make is, everything we do in life costs something.
Hypothetical time:
If you go to school to be a doctor, or lawyer, you have all those years of school and working dead end jobs just to make ends meet until school is done. Then you spend years trying to pay off the student loans that you have now created. So you finally paid off your loans, and now the firm you worked for has relocated to somewhere else, now you have to make other decsions about finding a new job or commutting the 2 hours to the new job. Or on the doctor side, you make all this money, but never have time to be with your family because you are always on call. Everything costs money.
The bottom line is, at the end of the day, are you happy. If you are not happy with who you are and what you do, no amount of money will ever bring you happiness.
I went to culinary school to be a chef, so that I had a backup plan if bowling didn't work out. I graduated at the top of my class, had a great postion right out of school, and made my way up to an Executive Chef by the time I was 21. I made good money, but worked like a dog. I tried differant avenues of the culinary world, but could not find a postion that also allowed me to bowl or have a life outside of the field. I fell behind everyone else in the area, beacuse I could not practice or bowl tournaments. At the end of the day, I was not happy. I ended up taking a huge pay cut and a job that allowes me to bowl regionals. I have since started working in a pro shop, met and married my wife, and am happier than I ever thought possible, without making alot of money.
God creates use with a blank canvas, and the "picture" we paint is up to use. Just make sure you "paint" a picture you like, and can live with.
Tommy Gollick
Storm Regional/Pro Shop staff
Red Crown Pro Shop Harrisburg, PA