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Author Topic: Rough Start for Jeff Carter...  (Read 1085 times)


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Rough Start for Jeff Carter...
« on: March 15, 2006, 06:52:32 AM »
Round 1 qualifying. 56th. Im still rootin for ya Jeff. Hope everything in Springfield IL is okay for ya, heard about the twin tornado damage. Saw it first hand today, nasty looking down there.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanct. Ave. (2004/2005)194

Tweener by day, Stroker by night
Mike Zadler


Jeff Carter

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Re: Rough Start for Jeff Carter...
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2006, 02:17:27 PM »
Springfield got torn up pretty good sunday night. There are still parts of town without power. Unfortunately things wont be back to normal for quite some time. A lot of homes were destroyed and several businesses were damaged very badly. Luckily for me it jumped right over my house. We were right in the damage path and it hopped right over us
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter


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Re: Rough Start for Jeff Carter...
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2006, 02:21:24 PM »
Springfield got torn up pretty good sunday night. There are still parts of town without power. Unfortunately things wont be back to normal for quite some time. A lot of homes were destroyed and several businesses were damaged very badly. Luckily for me it jumped right over my house. We were right in the damage path and it hopped right over us
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter

Good to hear from you Jeff. I'm also glad to hear your house was spared from the wrath of mother nature. I had to run down to St. Louis MO yesterday, on the way back I decided to stop in Springfield to have a 1st hand look at the damage, the pictures I saw on do not show the true scale of those 2 tornadoes! By the way, I wish you the best of luck on Tour in the next few remaining weeks.
Mike Zadler
NE Lake County IL
Sanctioned Highs:
775 Series/288 Game
Sanct. Ave. (2004/2005)194

Tweener by day, Stroker by night
Mike Zadler