First, i've done both, ealry on when I was learning I looked at the arrows. As I improved I started looking at the foul line and using my breakpoint as my target.
Regardless of where you are looking your target should be the breakpoint down the lane. If all you are trying to hit is a board near the arrows, you might miss your spot down the lane and you will never strike. Getting to the breakpoint correctly is much more important than hitting a mark at the arrows all day. On most patterns your trajectory through the front will change as the games go on but your breakpoint will stay the same.
I can hit 10 board from anywhere on the lane, sliding 40 to 10 and into the right ditch, sliding on 2 to 10 into the left ditch. Hitting my breakpoint correctly is what I'm focusing on, the arrows are to line up my swing direction. Besides I'm about 20mph off my hand, I have a hard time picking the ball up before the arrows anyway.
Second, all PBA bowlers are looking for the correct area to play on the lanes. Their moves and equipment choices are for the sole purpose of finding the largest miss room on the lane. Yes they are more accurate than us, but their accuracy is a result of proper mechanics they can repeat, and it's these mechanics that produce miss room. Some are more technical and numbers oriented than others who feel it. So even though they are trying to hit a "target" their goal is to be in the proper "area" to strike.
*...Got the 5 out clean!
To prove I'm real 270-2931