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Author Topic: I need a good laugh.........  (Read 8408 times)


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I need a good laugh.........
« on: February 08, 2008, 12:58:02 AM »
......I hope Chris Barnes makes the show and chokes once again! (fingers crossed).

What a Munson! BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!



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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2008, 05:24:30 PM »
Bowling seems to be the only sport where us mortals are not allowed to be judgemental of the national professionals.  Baseball, basketball, football, golf, etc. I feel free to comment on someone choking or not coming up big when my team needed it.  Why can't we do that with professional bowlers?

Is Chris Barnes much better than all of us?  For sure.  But does that mean we can't point out the obvious and that is that he has a record of not coming through when he needs to on TV?  I don't think so.

I want to join in and bash his game.  Chris has all the tools to be the greatest ever, but he's not.  He has a million dollar arm and a 50 cent head.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2008, 10:08:54 PM »
TJ threw a brooklyn en-route to  win the US happens.

Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!

Edited on 2/8/2008 11:09 PM
Philipp Hudak
Ebonite Amateur Staff
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Pat Patterson

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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2008, 12:03:41 AM »
"slopsuprise" you just made it to the ignore list, idiot.

Pat Patterson
Pat Patterson


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2008, 12:15:45 AM »
"slopsuprise" you just made it to the ignore list, idiot.

Pat Patterson

This really shows the kind of character this guy has. I bash barnes, he puts me on ignore, then insults me on the way out the door where he cant see or hear a shot I fired back.  If a simpleton such as Pat Patterson has me on ignore, it really does not hurt my feelings.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2008, 12:17:46 AM »
*Puts up a don't feed the trolls sign*

Seriously, he won't keep bashing Barnes if you don't give him attention for doing so.  Just let this thread die.

I will openly admit, I am only doing it cause a few on here get way too uptight about it. It is great fun to see some of these "grown men" get bent out of shape over nothing but the truth. LOL!

I figured I would start this up becasue seeing the other threads about it, I knew the crybabies would not have a reason and a leg to stand on to explain why Barnes is not a choke (plus, their day can be ruined by it LOL). The best I got is, "he is better than you". Sounds like the type of logic a second grader utilizes and the way a second grader handles a debate.  

I am still waiting for an answer that is on topic BTW. Thats funny, I have yet to see one.

Edited on 2/9/2008 1:23 AM


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2008, 12:27:37 AM »
TJ threw a brooklyn en-route to  win the US happens.

Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!

Edited on 2/8/2008 11:09 PM

I know it does. This is just one of the many blunders Barnes has had in his PBA career. TJ is a Champion and he finds a way to win. Notice the word "win"? A true champion gets it done, keeps it together, and takes advantage of openings. In final appearances, Chris Barnes typically does not get beat, he beats himself.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2008, 01:22:34 AM »
So, Barnes is in a slump this season and you bash him? ..If you were bowling excellent and then couldn't win when you needed to, couldn't score, or in your case, find your way out of that rectangular room of yours, and you got mocked, wouldn't you be a bit sick of hearing about the damn subject every day? I'm so sick of hearing about "choking this" and "choking that", I swear to God, your infatuation with choking is leading me to believe you're a god damned homosexual. Now let this Chris Barnes bashing cease so you look like less of an arrogant, ignorant prick that you are.
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You know, if you have to start throwing out personal attacks and insults, it is a sign you have been beaten and dont have a leg to stand on.

A slump this season??? How many shows has he made again? He is in no slump, he just cant wrap up a match with a title like usual.

Now, explain how I am ignorant? You are the one that says he is in a slump when he is not. He is just bowling like he typically does. I guess with few exceptions, his whole career is a slump by your logic or lack there of.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2008, 02:09:54 AM »
So, Barnes is in a slump this season and you bash him? ..If you were bowling excellent and then couldn't win when you needed to, couldn't score, or in your case, find your way out of that rectangular room of yours, and you got mocked, wouldn't you be a bit sick of hearing about the damn subject every day? I'm so sick of hearing about "choking this" and "choking that", I swear to God, your infatuation with choking is leading me to believe you're a god damned homosexual. Now let this Chris Barnes bashing cease so you look like less of an arrogant, ignorant prick that you are.
My Arsenal:

Brunswick Total Inferno
Mo-Rich Archon
Roto-Grip Mystic
Storm T-Road Pearl




You know, if you have to start throwing out personal attacks and insults, it is a sign you have been beaten and dont have a leg to stand on.

A slump this season??? How many shows has he made again? He is in no slump, he just cant wrap up a match with a title like usual.

Now, explain how I am ignorant? You are the one that says he is in a slump when he is not. He is just bowling like he typically does. I guess with few exceptions, his whole career is a slump by your logic or lack there of.

Do not use logic with this clown. His whole being is a farce. He resorts to name calling and verbal insults to flex his proverbial "muscles".
Mea Culpa
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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2008, 03:46:15 AM »
slop, what are you, like 5? wheres all this "LOL!!!!!!!!!!!" and "BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" coming from? grow up, if you're gonna hate on someone, at least do it in a fashion superior to what the average kinder gardener could do.

he might not have the greatest head game out there on tv, but week after week he is in the top 5 putting himself in a position to win. what's better? taking 5 years to get your FIRST title on your FIRST trip to the show; or becoming the all time money leader in ratio to time spent in the pba. that's right, i bet he's crying all the way to the bank about it.

the fact remains that NO ONE matches up with SO MANY patterns the way he does. sure he's not really the absolutely best at any of them, but he's at the very least in the top 5 at virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE.

when talking about chris barnes, you can't talk about him being good when he's lined up, because he's good, period, end of story. one pattern just can't adequately show his skill. i bet if there was a tournaments in which several shots were laid out, every guy on tour would be getting their @$$es handed to them on a silver platter by the guy more often than not.
the word gullible is not in the dictionary

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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #25 on: February 09, 2008, 08:53:42 AM »
I would actually like to see him win.  I would like to see him come out of this TV mental block he's been going thru his entire PBA career!


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #26 on: February 09, 2008, 09:23:41 AM »
TJ threw a brooklyn en-route to  win the US happens.

Move left, hook it more.....

Tommy Jones is a Gamecock fan...are you???

We shall now refer a 4-bagger as a hambone...Mark it down the revolution has started!

Edited on 2/8/2008 11:09 PM

I know it does. This is just one of the many blunders Barnes has had in his PBA career. TJ is a Champion and he finds a way to win. Notice the word "win"? A true champion gets it done, keeps it together, and takes advantage of openings. In final appearances, Chris Barnes typically does not get beat, he beats himself.

your calling barnes a blunder? wow it seems more or less you just hate chris barnes and dont want him to succeed. you WANT him to fail just b/c your an azz. i wish my life could be considerd a "blunder" and gain 1,000,000 plus from BOWLING and that doesent even contain what he gets from all his sponsors.
so what if he pulled a ball broklyn, that ball broklyn won him more money that you will ever be worth, and for that much money ill c"hoke" and throw it broklyn every ball.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #27 on: February 09, 2008, 11:01:13 AM »
Here we go another league or average joe, bashing barnes. All the Pro's on tour are the best hands down.we have not even come close to their level of bowling.Bashing Barnes but he is making that money. More than any of us would see at one time on a payout.

If he was that good compared to his competition, he would be winning titles. What again is his record in finals? He is a great bowler as long as the lights are not on and the camera is not rolling. If they are on, he is a choke. Tell me how he is not. Thats right, you probably cant.

Edited on 2/9/2008 2:23 AM

Again, have you ever bowled on TV or made it through a week on the PBA tour?  My guess is no, so you have no idea what the lane conditions on TV are compared to the rest of the week.  I can tell you from knowing someone who has, they are COMPLETELY different on TV than they are during the week.  So why does it have to be choking?  What if his ball reaction just doesn't match up on the lanes on Sunday as it does during the week?

Oh thats right, you wouldn't know cause you are too busy bragging about your 205 avg on a walled up house shot.  You have no clue about what it is like to go head to head with the best in the world, and beat them consistently.

Just go back to polishing your Tuesday night mixed league trophys and leave the hard stuff to the PBA guys.

Edited on 2/9/2008 12:02 PM


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2008, 09:43:50 AM »
I doubt Barnes will choke again it has been impressive to me how he has kept it together and is still bowling well after the tournment two weeks ago. Most guys would have not comeback from that so quickly. If anyone on today's show chokes it will be Mike Devaney.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2008, 10:09:25 AM »
Everyone on here has criticized a kicker when he misses a game winning kick....and we all know that we can't kick better than them.  We have all criticized a batter who strikes out in the 9th inning with a chance to win the game.  Same goes for missing a free throw in basketball to tie a game.  So all the people who are bashing people for saying Barnes chokes are hypocrits.  You have all done the same thing to another athlete at one time or another.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #30 on: February 11, 2008, 06:48:21 AM »
So what if Barnes is infact better than me at bowling or better than the rest of us on here?? Really so what? You folks that are quick to defend him when someone says he chokes, dont really seem to have anything to come back with that states or proves otherwise.

He chokes and he does it often. Can you disprove this? No, look at his recored in final rounds. He is not just simply outbowled, he loses his head and gives it away. That is choking. Sorry, you may not like the truth but, that is what it is.

Chris Barnes is a mental midget and a choke! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:07 PM

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:07 PM

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:08 PM

So you are saying that you have seen every TV show where Barnes has lost and he choked in every one of them?  Talk about a mental midget.  

Yes he and the rest of the PBA guys are better than you, I and probably 90% of the people on here.  So you feel you have the duty to call someone who is the best in the world (#1 ranked on tour this year) a choker?

YOu are clueless.  This quote is for you to remember:

"Better to have the world think you are an idiot, than to open up your mouth and prove them right"

You jsut keep proving them