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Author Topic: I need a good laugh.........  (Read 8601 times)


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I need a good laugh.........
« on: February 08, 2008, 12:58:02 AM »
......I hope Chris Barnes makes the show and chokes once again! (fingers crossed).

What a Munson! BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!



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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2008, 06:58:33 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2008, 07:05:23 AM »
Hehe, I knew this thread was going to blow up.
Tom Cruise has officially reached Michael Jackson status.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #33 on: February 11, 2008, 07:52:39 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Not really. I did agree with one guy that Barnes may bounce back and win. He will surely choke on more than he will win in the future though.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #34 on: February 11, 2008, 07:59:51 AM »
slop, what are you, like 5? wheres all this "LOL!!!!!!!!!!!" and "BAWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" coming from? grow up, if you're gonna hate on someone, at least do it in a fashion superior to what the average kinder gardener could do.

he might not have the greatest head game out there on tv, but week after week he is in the top 5 putting himself in a position to win. what's better? taking 5 years to get your FIRST title on your FIRST trip to the show; or becoming the all time money leader in ratio to time spent in the pba. that's right, i bet he's crying all the way to the bank about it.

the fact remains that NO ONE matches up with SO MANY patterns the way he does. sure he's not really the absolutely best at any of them, but he's at the very least in the top 5 at virtually EVERY SINGLE ONE.

when talking about chris barnes, you can't talk about him being good when he's lined up, because he's good, period, end of story. one pattern just can't adequately show his skill. i bet if there was a tournaments in which several shots were laid out, every guy on tour would be getting their @$$es handed to them on a silver platter by the guy more often than not.
the word gullible is not in the dictionary

I am not hating on anyone. I am just stating the obvious that has happened with his career. I am stating it because the truth seems to get some on here really fired up. I think it is funny to see their half-witted responses. Yes, the dude is a great bowler and the best when the lights are not on and the camera is not rolling. He can do about anything with a ball except win and find a way to win on a consistent basis in finals.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #35 on: February 11, 2008, 08:03:11 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Not really. I did agree with one guy that Barnes may bounce back and win. He will surely choke on more than he will win in the future though.

And you know this how?  Because you have such a great knowledge of bowling?  So, where did you finish in this week's tournament?  Or where did the person you coach finish?  huh?

Oh yeah, you finished on your couch watching, like you do every week.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #36 on: February 11, 2008, 08:03:33 AM »
So what if Barnes is infact better than me at bowling or better than the rest of us on here?? Really so what? You folks that are quick to defend him when someone says he chokes, dont really seem to have anything to come back with that states or proves otherwise.

He chokes and he does it often. Can you disprove this? No, look at his recored in final rounds. He is not just simply outbowled, he loses his head and gives it away. That is choking. Sorry, you may not like the truth but, that is what it is.

Chris Barnes is a mental midget and a choke! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:07 PM

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:07 PM

Edited on 2/8/2008 4:08 PM

So you are saying that you have seen every TV show where Barnes has lost and he choked in every one of them?  Talk about a mental midget.  

Yes he and the rest of the PBA guys are better than you, I and probably 90% of the people on here.  So you feel you have the duty to call someone who is the best in the world (#1 ranked on tour this year) a choker?

YOu are clueless.  This quote is for you to remember:

"Better to have the world think you are an idiot, than to open up your mouth and prove them right"

You jsut keep proving them

You call me the iddiot but, you cant stay on topic and debate the point at hand. Rather than having the ammo to do so, you rather throw out insults and personal attacks. ...and you call me the iddiot?

You must know yourself quite well by this statement you wrote,

"Better to have the world think you are an idiot, than to open up your mouth and prove them right"

You jsut keep proving them"

How true that seems to be about you bro. You just proved it.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #37 on: February 11, 2008, 08:07:01 AM »
I would actually like to see him win.  I would like to see him come out of this TV mental block he's been going thru his entire PBA career!

As would I considering he is such a great physical talent. Until he does, I will just keep laughing though.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #38 on: February 11, 2008, 08:08:01 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Not really. I did agree with one guy that Barnes may bounce back and win. He will surely choke on more than he will win in the future though.

And you know this how?  Because you have such a great knowledge of bowling?  So, where did you finish in this week's tournament?  Or where did the person you coach finish?  huh?

Oh yeah, you finished on your couch watching, like you do every week.

Like I said, you cant stay on topic.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #39 on: February 11, 2008, 08:09:57 AM »
Slopsurprise -
Do you still think that Barnes is a mental midget after his win this weekend? Coming back from two humiliating losses in the span of a month takes some serious mental (and emotional) fortitude, wouldn't you agree?

Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #40 on: February 11, 2008, 08:10:25 AM »
So, Barnes is in a slump this season and you bash him? ..If you were bowling excellent and then couldn't win when you needed to, couldn't score, or in your case, find your way out of that rectangular room of yours, and you got mocked, wouldn't you be a bit sick of hearing about the damn subject every day? I'm so sick of hearing about "choking this" and "choking that", I swear to God, your infatuation with choking is leading me to believe you're a god damned homosexual. Now let this Chris Barnes bashing cease so you look like less of an arrogant, ignorant prick that you are.
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You know, if you have to start throwing out personal attacks and insults, it is a sign you have been beaten and dont have a leg to stand on.

A slump this season??? How many shows has he made again? He is in no slump, he just cant wrap up a match with a title like usual.

Now, explain how I am ignorant? You are the one that says he is in a slump when he is not. He is just bowling like he typically does. I guess with few exceptions, his whole career is a slump by your logic or lack there of.

Do not use logic with this clown. His whole being is a farce. He resorts to name calling and verbal insults to flex his proverbial "muscles".
Mea Culpa

Maybe I should not use logic. I am wasting my breath it seems and it is sad that some don't have the mental capability to comprehend it.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #41 on: February 11, 2008, 08:12:29 AM »
Slopsurprise -
Do you still think that Barnes is a mental midget after his win this weekend? Coming back from two humiliating losses in the span of a month takes some serious mental (and emotional) fortitude, wouldn't you agree?

Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

I would agree that it did take alot for him to bounce back. I however, do think he is still a mental midget. It will take some time and him finding a way to win more often for me to feel otherwise. Until then, I can accept the truth about him and the writing is essentially on the wall. Hopefully, he can finally rise above it.

Edited on 2/11/2008 9:13 AM


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #42 on: February 11, 2008, 08:13:23 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Not really. I did agree with one guy that Barnes may bounce back and win. He will surely choke on more than he will win in the future though.

And you know this how?  Because you have such a great knowledge of bowling?  So, where did you finish in this week's tournament?  Or where did the person you coach finish?  huh?

Oh yeah, you finished on your couch watching, like you do every week.

Like I said, you cant stay on topic.

And like I said, you know nothing, and you are proving it everytime you open your mouth.

I am guessing you thought you were getting your gift coming out of the commercial break, when he went through the nose twice.  Probably smiling, cheering.  Then he regrouped and blasted the pocket the next 5 frames.  Guess that is your idea of a choker, or a mental midget.

Guess no Feb XMas for Slop.

Oh, does slop have anything to do with your bowling?

I am done dealing with the mental midget of the ball reviews forum.  bye bye.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #43 on: February 11, 2008, 08:17:14 AM »
Looks like Slopsurprise is eating a little crow this morning.
Engineering * Bowling = a fun and practical application of rotational kinematics.

Bowling Nerd Herd (TM) Member

Not really. I did agree with one guy that Barnes may bounce back and win. He will surely choke on more than he will win in the future though.

And you know this how?  Because you have such a great knowledge of bowling?  So, where did you finish in this week's tournament?  Or where did the person you coach finish?  huh?

Oh yeah, you finished on your couch watching, like you do every week.

Like I said, you cant stay on topic.

And like I said, you know nothing, and you are proving it everytime you open your mouth.

I am guessing you thought you were getting your gift coming out of the commercial break, when he went through the nose twice.  Probably smiling, cheering.  Then he regrouped and blasted the pocket the next 5 frames.  Guess that is your idea of a choker, or a mental midget.

Guess no Feb XMas for Slop.

Oh, does slop have anything to do with your bowling?

I am done dealing with the mental midget of the ball reviews forum.  bye bye.

Maybe your next reply, you will come back with something to the effect of, "I know you are but, what I am I". Wow, are you think all of these up all by yourself? Really?

Edited on 2/11/2008 9:17 AM


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #44 on: February 11, 2008, 10:14:38 AM »
I've read most of the comments associated with this topic and came away somewhat amused by the replies. I may or may not agree with the poster as to whether Chris Barnes is a bowling choke artist as he seems to believe, or a bowling god that most of the respondants seem to believe. The difference to me is that the poster has claimed something and provided data to support it, where as the other side has mostly responded by verbal attacks and "please ignore this moron" posts but do not provide the data to support why CB should NOT be considered a choke artist.
  Since most of you seem to have disregarded or ignored one reply let me offer it again:

"Bowling seems to be the only sport where us mortals are not allowed to be judgemental of the national professionals. Baseball, basketball, football, golf, etc. I feel free to comment on someone choking or not coming up big when my team needed it. Why can't we do that with professional bowlers?

Is Chris Barnes much better than all of us? For sure. But does that mean we can't point out the obvious and that is that he has a record of not coming through when he needs to on TV? I don't think so.".

 Makes a decent point.. Why are bowlers above such criticism simply because the complainer can't "bowl" at his level?

 As always..Just my opinions..


It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth but they had better wait until the Violent have tamed it.
It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth but they had better wait until the Violent have tamed it.


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Re: I need a good laugh.........
« Reply #45 on: February 11, 2008, 10:44:48 AM »
I've read most of the comments associated with this topic and came away somewhat amused by the replies. I may or may not agree with the poster as to whether Chris Barnes is a bowling choke artist as he seems to believe, or a bowling god that most of the respondants seem to believe. The difference to me is that the poster has claimed something and provided data to support it, where as the other side has mostly responded by verbal attacks and "please ignore this moron" posts but do not provide the data to support why CB should NOT be considered a choke artist.
  Since most of you seem to have disregarded or ignored one reply let me offer it again:

"Bowling seems to be the only sport where us mortals are not allowed to be judgemental of the national professionals. Baseball, basketball, football, golf, etc. I feel free to comment on someone choking or not coming up big when my team needed it. Why can't we do that with professional bowlers?

Is Chris Barnes much better than all of us? For sure. But does that mean we can't point out the obvious and that is that he has a record of not coming through when he needs to on TV? I don't think so.".

 Makes a decent point.. Why are bowlers above such criticism simply because the complainer can't "bowl" at his level?

 As always..Just my opinions..


It is said that the meek shall inherit the Earth but they had better wait until the Violent have tamed it.

And a well stated opinion. If the others would come on here and say that it would be different.

The Barnes bashers come one here and just call him names, Choker, Mental Midget, that sort of thing. Not giving any credit to the fact that he has performed on TV many times, including team USA, and the Roll to Riches where far more was on the line. (Winning $100,000 vice winning $0) That is way more pressure than bowling for $25k and a trophy, with $10K goign to the loser. If people would be impartial and give him credit for his success as well as bash him for his failures, that would be one thing.

I am sure I am labled a Barnes lover, the funny thing is, beofre reading this forum, I really didn't care much for him, but what he has shown me over the last month or so, sure has made me a fan

Edited on 2/11/2008 1:43 PM

Edited on 2/11/2008 2:08 PM