Blah blah blah Walter Ray. Blah blah blah, Earl Anthony. Blah blah blah, two Masters titles (just waiting).
Number of titles is not necessarily the best way to determine the best bowler ever. They bowled with different competition on different lane conditions with different equipment and different tournament formats. I don't think they bowled head-to-head much at all. One is welcome to argue that Earl Anthony won with mostly rubber and plastic while WRW has had modern high-tech, high powered equipment. Dumb argument, on account of everyone else in both cases had the same stuff. The exempt field, in a sense, limits the number of actual competitors while guaranteeing WRW the opportunity to win.
Saying WRW is better because he has more titles or Earl is better because he did X, Y, and Z is silly. That's like saying that Hank Aaron was the best baseball player ever because he has the most home runs. One or two statistics does not make the best anything. WRW has that 100% single-pin spare percentage and 99% for the last few years. Should we use that to declare him the "best"?
Neither, in my opinion, is as versatile as Duke. WRW can play in or out but I don't see him altering his game quite as much as Duke does. I haven't seen enough of Earl Anthony to really say for sure, but every time I've seen him, he's played that straight line with the same release (I know, I know, he had 427 completely different releases depending on the lane conditions, loft, speed, angle, tilt, rotation, phase of the moon, and prevailing wind).