Ryan does not like the Cheetah pattern simply because his ball roll doesn't allow him to create good carry angles. Ryan is my favorite player hands down and he is one hell of a guy. I consider myself lucky to be friends with such an honest and smart bowler who is as nice as him. I sat and watched him almost all day today, got to see what kind of moves and changes he made, and got to discuss those moves with im after he finished. He is nice enough to go out of his way to make time to talk to me while the Tour is in town, and for that I am grateful.
His eyes are amazing when it comes to the sport of bowling. His comment about only liking 2 or the 5 patterns that week is what he saw. The cheetah was tweaked a lot that week, and is proved by the scoring pace by the different handed bowlers. The first block, lefties struggled, and righties had the upper hand on the lanes. He told me he saw left handers taking 3 off the left and being penalized big for missing right of target. The second block, a tweak was made, the scoring pace dropped for righties and lefties made a comeback. After the first cut, lefties went huge after yet another tweak. This is all to prove his frustration over the lanes on tour. Put a pattern out, leave it that way for the whole weak. Then you will see who the versatile players are and the players who can repeat shots the best.
All in all, Ryan is a blunt, outgoing person, so if that's not what you like in a person, you aren't going to like him. I for one am the same way as Ryan, which is a big reason why I get along with him.
PS - For everyone who thinks the double agent is too early and placky, get urself a special agent. It is the hottest ball this week righty along side with the Awesome Revs. Special Agent flat our rolls hard and keeps going.
Buffalo bowlers are the best all around in the country.
AMF Thruway Lanes Pro Shop employee, and I have no problem saying that I'm Officially a Ball Junkie.