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Author Topic: Look away.....  (Read 1658 times)


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Look away.....
« on: January 28, 2007, 04:06:09 AM »
That was a train wreck Angelo put on today.  OUCH!  It was like body parts on the highway, you wanna look but you don't........  


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Re: Look away.....
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2007, 12:13:55 PM »
Yeah, looks like someone's a little rusty on TV...
"A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice."  Bill Cosby
"Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Look away.....
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2007, 01:46:39 PM »
Painful!  Yikes!
T-Struck baby.  T-Struck baby.  T-Struck is on the truck and here we struck baby!


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Re: Look away.....
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2007, 03:23:47 PM »
Was it my eyes or was Brad Angelo wearing eye makeup?
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I wondered the same thing. Between the soul patch, the $100 haircut and the eyes, who knows.

He just seems a little "off" to me to begin with. In the promo pic for the finalists Friday on's front page, he was leaning on one of the other guys. The way he looks at a camera, I think he's about to try to sell me something. And then the whole "going off to find himself" story today and the way he was laughing his way through looking like me during mixed league, I just don't get him.

I didn't say I didn't like the guy; I just don't get what's going on there.



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Re: Look away.....
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 03:46:39 PM »
My opinions on Angelo, and of course I emphasize they are OPINION.  

The guys skill is unquestioned, you don't make multiple PBA shows by accident.  Yet we've seen quite a few ugly games on tv.  First off, I hate his timing step.  I just cannot see how you can possibly be consistent with that step.  How do you know exactly how long to pause, when to resume, and do it the same way every time?

Reason i bring this up is, I've had similar things worked on by coaches.  All of them told me the same thing, that you MUST develop a consistent approach that you can duplicate almost exactly every single time.  Reason being, because when the pressure is on you rely on your mechanics to be solid.  If you are getting to the line at different times, with different feelings you will throw different balls.  Now your mind has to try to compensate for these reactions, and then you make adjustments based on bad feedback and then follow it up with another bad shot.

Now, my theory on why this doesn't affect him for qualifying/match play is because there is so many games, he can get into a groove.  He can make the same "mistakes" consistently enough that its not an issue.  He is up and down so often, than even when his mechanics start to leave him, he doesn't get much time to think between shots and is essentially letting his talent work for him.  Once its TV time, you have 1 game to get it right and the ton of pressure just shoves it over the top.  The time between every shot, tv timeouts, rapid lane transition and then fluky mechanics just compound his thought process, and boom he is lost.

What I don't get is why coaches haven't tried to work with him on this.  Maybe because he is a PBA guy they are intimidated to say something, I dont know but all the coaching ive ever had and seen, the first thing they work on is a solid and consistent approach, that way when your nerves have the best of you, you can still fall back on your mechanics.  I don't see how Angelo can

Darrell Guzman
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