Look, I understand that there are a lot of people on this site that are very passionate about bowling, but let's not kid ourselves. Kelly's victory on Sunday, while impressive, will not have any lasting effect on bowling on a national level. This story will have zero traction and will not produce any significant rise in attendance/interest/ratings. I'm sure that if you ask someone in a month who Kelly Kulick is and what she did on Sunday, they won't have a clue. That's not taking anything away from her accomplishment. It's simply the truth and speaks volumes about the state of bowling. I wish it didn't, but it does. Bowling is, and will most likely remain, a niche sport. As someone stated, you cannot see the obstacles in bowling. Thus, the skill required to bowl at that level is not recognized. If there were some way for ESPN to show on TV where the conditioner is on the lane so people could better understand the difficulties in scoring, it might make a difference, but I doubt it.