You are close. You can cash in two Regionals a year and not be a PBA member. You can bowl in as many other Regionals as you want after those two cashes and not be a PBA member. If you cash a third time in a year, then you have to become a PBA member or lose your winnings. It's the number of cashes that make the difference.
And just an FYI, not sure what your reasoning is for this, but becoming a PBA member and bowling 3 Regionals a year, almost pays for itself. It is $144/yr for the basic membership but you save $65 per Regional over the non-Member entry fee. There is an initial $100 fee that I didn't include in my math, but you will make this up in due course as well. So there are advantages to being a member, besides some discounts on practice and equipment.
Edited on 6/30/2009 7:34 AM