My bad, I was thinking the top 24 advanced. Either way, even if 50% advance, there is no guarantee that any of the 6% will move on.
But honestly lefties are both a victim and a benefactor of their overall numbers. The weeks where 3 or 4 lefties make the show, it is mainly because the shot laid out is good, but once broken down a bit becomes much more challenging. Thus righties struggle more, because there are so damn many of them, and the shot breaks down rapidly. And the weeks where the fresh shot is challenging, the lefties don't get the rapid breakdown right handers experience. The righties wear a shot into the lane, and the lefties don't have that benefit.
That leads to the overall view of left handers in most houses. A normal walled up league shot is as easy a shot as there is. Left handers can play the same line all night, and not have to worry about 9 other people playing in, around, or across their line.
and um... lefties are the devil... the DEVIL i tell you!!