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Author Topic: Lombard, Illinois regional report  (Read 1637 times)


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Lombard, Illinois regional report
« on: June 04, 2005, 03:10:16 PM »
Well, the first regional is under my belt.  Took the plunge, along with a few other members and travelled to the Lombard PBA Wild Turkey Bourbon regional tournament.  I can honestly say that I simply don't have as much talent to compete at the upper echelon level of competitive bowling, yet.  And that's a big condition.  After nearly 45 games of practice and competition over the last five days, my arm is spaghetti.  My hands have blisters in places I didn't know I had places.  I started off in practice this morning absolutely lost.  Could not accurately control the break point with ANY ball that I threw so I could figure out which ball was going to be the one to start with.  It was as if I lost two MPH of ball speed overnight.  No swelling of the fingers or thumb, but two blisters on each digit.  Big, deep blisters.  These were not the reason I bowled poorly by any stretch of the imagination.  So, after the 15 minutes of practice were over, I took out my Original Inferno and tried to play around third arrow to the gutter with feathered speed and a soft release to get the ball to around 45 feet, the desired break point for me on this shot.  First shot, flush 9-pin.  Welcome to the big show.  I promptly WHIFF the (*&%&%ing thing.  This was not the way this was supposed to work, but, was to be the foreshadow of things to come.  After wallowing for a 134 outta the gate, I was all but out the door as I bowled with Lennie Boresch, Jr., winner of the most recent tourney in Madison and arguably, Wisconsin's finest kegler, on the same pair as me at +67.  Nothing like 133 outta the lead to get your day off to a flying start.  However, knowing that this was merely the first "inning" of the game, I decided to to make the best of the situation and hang in there.    Next game, front seven.  Six bell-ringers and one crossover.  Thought I was beginning to throw the ball better.  Eighth frame, one board inside for 3-4-6-7-10..  Strike in the ninth, whiff a 6-pin for 228.  Front seven, 228, four opens through two games.  I've already equaled my optimistic number of open frames for the day through two freakin' games.  After five games, I've grinded my way back to +43.  Not too shabby.  Toss 650 my last three and I've got an almost certain second day of action to come.  160-182-149 to finish off the day -66.  My arm absolutely turned to jell-o.  I couldn't keep from clobbering the head pin leaving 3-pin after 3-pin after big-4 split combo.  I needed twp MPH of ball speed more than anyone in the building.  Once again, blisters were a little cumbersome, but nothing that I can honestly say posed a serious hindrance.  Steven Taylor and Boresch combined for somewhere around +500 between the two(+295 & +215) while fellow BR member, Josh Adams and I were nothing more than innocent bystanders.  Jay Heinzelman and Gene J. Kanak also were there.  JA, GJK, and myself will be doing the usual list of honey-dos Sunday.  Not sure how Jay did, but I hope it was better than us.  Josh and Gene were a blast to meet and I hope to meet a lot more of the upper Midwest BR members for get-togethers like this in the future.  In fact, if there's ANYONE that would like to hook up in Watertown, Wisconsin for an impromptu tourney midway through August, I'd be happy to set it up.  Until then, my equipment will remain in my bag, I'll mow the grass, clean the gutters, rake the lawn, or shingle the roof to avoid bowling that poorly on one of the easier patterns on the tour.  I know my mental game is pretty solid.  And the fact that I've coming off of two weeks with strep throat after 10 days in the hospital for pancreatitis couldn't have exactly helped my overall stamina for the rigors of tournament play.  But, I'll have to accurately prepare for the next PBA tournament I decide to enter a lot better than this one.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Edited on 6/5/2005 10:19 AM



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Re: Lombard, Illinois regional report
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2005, 11:00:30 AM »
Jay H. here... I finished my second regional of the year at +5 on the easiest of the patterns (pattern 2, like Cheetah), after shooting +10 and making the cut two weeks ago on the toughest condition Pattern 4.  Hmmmm...

My day was filled with always something going wrong missing spares, playing the wrong line, not carrying.  I play straighter than most and used my Big Deal, playing a little swing shot 5-7 board out to the dry outside of 5.  Some shots were coming in light and I didn't read my reaction well.  After missing some single pin spares (unlike me) and other things I started 160-223-183, then made a line change to more direct straight up 4-5 board.  Then I carried well and had the first 9 of game 4 for 275.  Now +40 and at the estimated cash cut, I flopped ends and hit dry.  Put the Big Deal away and struggled to find a decent reaction that would carry.  Tried my Depth Charge, Detour, original Cuda/C, Nitro R2 Pearl, and Super Power Pearl.  Could play the same outside shot, but just couldn't find the right roll and carry.  Finished 175-204-194-192 for +5, 84 pins off of cash.  I really liked that pattern, so I was frustrated.

Overall though I learned a few things.  Remember to keep an open mind, they always play a little different from the practice session.  Execute, execute, execute.  I was a little lost, and let it effect my execution on my first and second balls.  Also, I think I might drill another Big Deal with a higher pin and more polish, it seems to really fit my game.  

It was great to meet 230-n-up (and find out we live in the same area) and Gene to place faces with the posts.


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Re: Lombard, Illinois regional report
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2005, 11:24:59 AM »
Sounds like it could be fun though!  I mean you at least stuck your neck out there, right?  What house was this at?  I may have to consider this myself sometime in the future.  I've been bowling in the ABT for a little over a year now, and I seem to flourish in tournament play.  I finished tied for 9th at the Chicagoland Open at Lombard Lanes this year, out of over 1000 entries.  (Probably around 800-900 actual players w/ multiple entries here and there.)


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Re: Lombard, Illinois regional report
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2005, 12:34:39 PM »
This was at Lombard Lanes.  They had a regional at Willowbrook Lanes in May as well.  Then there will be some in IL in the summer, Springfield, Champaign, Freeport, and Peoria as well.  Also another in Madison, WI.

Gene J Kanak

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Re: Lombard, Illinois regional report
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2005, 10:53:27 AM »
Oh, as much as I hate to relive the whole ordeal, I'll chime in with my account of the 2-day debacle. I'll begin by saying that it was very nice to meet 230 and Jay H. Both were very nice guys with a good deal of game. OK, now I'll move on to the nasty:

Game 1: Clean, 214, not too bad. I used my Blade Pearl, stood with my right foot on 19 and pretty much piped it up the ditch.

Game 2: 2 easy opens, 198. Pissed about the stupid opens, but threw four out of the last 5 to keep things from getting out of hand.

Game 3: Missed spares, made stupid adjustments, 146. Yeah, you read it right. Couldn't find the pocket with a road map and missed several very easy spares.

Game 4: Not much better, continuded in vain to look inside, which was not there and wouldn't have fit my game very well even if it would have been. More easy spare misses, 161.

Game 5: Slow start, made ball switch to Blazing Inferno and moved back out to the ditch. 181.

Game 6: Stuck with the Blazing, made my damn spares. 214.

Game 7: Another clean game! I didn't think that I could do it. Another 214.

Game 8. Started with a few spares and never really found the pocket. Caught splits in 6, 7, 8th frames, flagged 10-pins in the 9th and 10th, 143.

Overall, I was happy that my hand felt pretty good and my stamina was there. I also thought that my overall shot execution was decent. What I also learned, however, is that I'm not nearly as solid a spare shooter as I had originally thought. The PBA conditions, although this one wasn't terribly difficult, require much, much, much more precision in the spare game. Several of my missed spares came as a result of my choosing the wrong manner in which to shoot them. Lesson learned. Next time, it's going to be plastic for everything but double wood.

In any event, I'm happy to have had the opportunity to meet and bowl with some great guys. I hope that they are planning on more regional action. I'm going to hit the Champaign stop in August, and I will probably officially join thereafter. I know, and since you've seen my aweful scores, so do you, that I have a long, long way to go, but I love PBA competition and I am hungry to get my game to the level necessary to become a serious competitor out there.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 340 : )