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Author Topic: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!  (Read 7794 times)


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He just shot 1769 for 7 games on the Scorpion pattern, usually considered Wes Malott's own. That's a 252 average, including one 300! He's now in 4th place.

Tommy Jones is also on a roll, shooting 1698 for the 7 games, avg: 242 for the 7.

Good ole Scroggy also shot 1700 for the 7 on Scorpion putting him in 6th, just ahead of WRW.

Malott's still in 1st and Barnes in 3rd.

This is some serious good bowling !!
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2010, 01:57:32 PM »
would like to see Wes, Barnes, Robert Smith, and T.J. on the show

I cant stand to even look at PDW anymore he's so annoying with his fake attitude
hope he tanks it from here on in


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2010, 08:02:44 PM »
ralphie - help with the "fake attitude" - not sure what you mean.

as with most "marathon" formats. PDW stays close to the top.
Just bowl!


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 12:45:41 AM »
ralphie - help with the "fake attitude" - not sure what you mean.

as with most "marathon" formats. PDW stays close to the top.
Just bowl!

By "fake attitude" I believe most would infer that ralpie was referring to the mellowing out that PDW has gone through since his father passed away.

His "in your face" attitude doesn't quite seem as sincere.
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 12:56:05 AM »
I cant stand pdw because he thinks hes RVD & gives crotch chops.  As if bowling isnt made fun enough by people that dont bowl, lets add that 1 of the top bowlers thinks hes a pro wrestler.

Sorry, but no amount of talent makes up for his pure lameness.

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Ebonite Mission(pin under bridge, low weight hole) polish over OOB
Storm Fast(pin under bridge, low weight hole)
Storm Natural(pin over ring)

Coming soon
high scores??


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2010, 10:06:35 AM »
ralphie - help with the "fake attitude" - not sure what you mean.

as with most "marathon" formats. PDW stays close to the top.
Just bowl!

his crotch chops and wearing sun glasses on TV shows, the guy is lame weighs about a 150 lbs soaking wet and is just a joke to look at

I dont understand why he just cant go out and bowl,
he has to show off with all the antics etc.
when I was younger I used to love to watch him make the TV shows when he just went out and bowled and bowled good
now to watch him jump around wear sunglasses during bowling and carry on Im just not into it
I understand guys get fired up during TV telecasts but he's a little over to the top with it
and he's pretty dam arrogant about himself also


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2010, 10:30:50 AM »
I dont understand why he just cant go out and bowl,
he has to show off with all the antics etc.
when I was younger I used to love to watch him make the TV shows when he just went out and bowled and bowled good.
now to watch him jump around wear sunglasses during bowling and carry on Im just not into it .
I understand guys get fired up during TV telecasts but he's a little over to the top with it
and he's pretty dam arrogant about himself also


You have to admit that memory does some strange things as we get older.

I am the last person on earth to be considered one of PDW's fans, but he never "just went out and bowled". He always tried to get into the mind and the "face" of EVERYONE he bowled against. He tried to be as aggressive as possible with all kinds of antics, just short of physical contact. That is one of the things that made me not like him at all personally, to be be understated about it.

However, one thing you can't take away form him: he is and will be possibly one of the 5 most talented bowlers ever bowl in the PBA. He still is. This week's performance just accentuates that fact. Where his head has been on,when he's bene on TV the past 4 or 5 years, I don't know. He should have won several of those tournaments, but he seems to have just laid down and died on TV. That's not the old PDW who thrived on crowd exposure.

The crotch chops are long gone, as near as I can tell. Any done now are made in some sort of good humor that he seems to have developed since his father died. Almost making fun of what has to be considered his former self.

I think the glasses are not just for show, not an affectation. TV lights are pretty fierce. Maybe it's to hide his eyes. Can't say for sure.

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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2010, 11:10:48 AM »
I, too, once despised PDW. His antics, brashness and arrogance made me want to pound the crap out of him.

 He had talent, a talent I couldn''t figure out why it was wasted on him.

 Now though, and I''m not sure how or when it happened, I find mysel rooting for him. Somehow, in my eyes, he''s gone from the brash, arrogant PDW to the old guy just trying to hang on long enough to win again. This I can understand.

 I always thought his antics were childish, and would''ve only enticed me to beat him as badly as I could (if I could''ve), but I have to agree that much of that has changed with time. He no longer seems so brash and arrogant, rather he seems nervous and almost intimidated at times.

 No longer does he curse at, and flip the bird to, pins left standing, He just shrugs and seems to resign himself to a "who didn''t know that" type of position, a position that assumes loss and anticipates failure yet once again.

 I didn''t like the young, brash PDW. I do, however, seem to like the older, nervous, very human, son of Dick Weber who is trying to hold onto something he loves as long as he possibly can.

 Incidentally, I do remember an interview where he stated that he used the glasses once as sort of a gimmicky thing, maybe even at one of those outdoor events a few years back, but really liked the way they reduced the glare on the lanes, so continued to wear them.
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Edited on 4/3/2010 11:12 AM
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2010, 12:39:24 PM »
I always remember Pete as feeding off the crowd when he first came out and was making TV show but I just constantly see him as arrogant
didnt he yell at one of the camera guys his last outing on TV ? like he was gonna go over and punch the guy or something to that affect ?

I will never question his talent that he has
he is definitely in the top 5 of greatest bowlers of all time

the sunglasses are just 1 of those things that I think is ridiculous
I understand the lights give off a glare on the lanes
but really how many other guy on tour wear them indoors on TV ?
so I cant see it being a necessity
I just feel like Pete tries to play out this bad boy image and really its a joke
I mean its bowling first of all not an outlaw biker gang, and the guy is as skinny as a twig and getting old
I would love to just see him go out there and make some good shots and be quite and content about it


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2010, 01:12:34 PM »
I would love to just see him go out there and make some good shots and be quite and content about it

Maybe that's part of our problem: our perception of him, now vs the old days.
Maybe he is just doing his best and accepting it, when the pins don't fall his way. Maybe in the old days, he blamed everyone and everything but himself. I don't know. just maybe.

He's in 2nd place for the TV show and no matter what else happens, no one in his right mind can say PDW did not bowl absolutely great this week. 7 oil patterns, any one of which would have had your average 220 - 230 league bowler tearing his hair out, literally.
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2010, 01:40:56 PM »
I saw him at a regional in Indianapolis a few years back and he was way different on the lanes than his TV persona. He was intense but not like he is on TV. Talked to him after he was done bowling and he was very personable and pleasant to be around.


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2010, 01:51:38 PM »
WOW and to think not a one of you have probably EVER met him nor know him...

Hides his coke habit...isn't the internet a great place to hide and say whatever you like and NEVER have to back up....he still drinks but for the rest of his past, he has left that behind.

Has anyone of you EVER put yourself in his place? Trying to pursuing a career in a field that your father is considered to be one of the greatest EVER.

Pete is one of the greatest to EVER throw a bowling ball...he has has a GREAT career. I would REALLY like to know how many of you, posting negatively towards Pete, can even come close in their careers in comparison. I am glad to know Pete on a personal level. When I was still competing he was always coordial to me as well as helpful.

Get a life and quit spending ALL your time taking shots at anyone and everyone you feel compelled to. Those throwing stones....
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2010, 02:05:12 PM »
"The shades have nothing to do with the TV lights and everything to do with hiding his coke habit."

Crap like this is why I stop viewing forums for months at a time and don't seem to miss them. I think they develop into a place for clueless people with no life to feel important as they sling sh*t in the relative safety of their anonymity. Not everyone mind you, but enough to drive me away. It's my opinion (FWIW) that when unsubstantiated doo-doo like this happens the moderators should immediately demand proof of the charges and when none is provided the poster should immediately be banned.

Rico - you should get some kind of award for putting up with this place for so long and still maintaining a portion of your sanity (a portion is as high as I will rate you though).


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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2010, 02:45:53 PM »
Everything he ever did on the lanes was his plan of attack to get into your mental game and throw you off. Crotch chops and all. The sunglasses are used to reduce the glare from the lights. If you've never been to a live telecast in person then you wouldn't understand how bright those lights really are. Polarized sunglasses are awesome for cutting down the amount of glare you see which are what he wears. If you don't beleive me, then borrow a pair or buy a pair, sit inside your car on a sunny day, put them on and look through the windshield. Look at the glass 2-3 times, you'll notice all the light reflected off the dash onto the glass will be eliminated. Same effect happens inside on a live telecast show.
Mike Zadler
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Re: Looks like Peter Weber finally REALLY, REALLY wants to win one!
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2010, 02:46:20 PM »
Thanks Rico!
As someone who knows Pete and the pleasure of both knowing and bowling with his father as well as with Pete, I have been sitting here thinking just how to respond to some of this s**t. WELL SAID RIC!!
Use "IT" and BOWL UP A STORM!!

Edited on 4/3/2010 7:19 PM