I, too, once despised PDW. His antics, brashness and arrogance made me want to pound the crap out of him.
He had talent, a talent I couldn''t figure out why it was wasted on him.
Now though, and I''m not sure how or when it happened, I find mysel rooting for him. Somehow, in my eyes, he''s gone from the brash, arrogant PDW to the old guy just trying to hang on long enough to win again. This I can understand.
I always thought his antics were childish, and would''ve only enticed me to beat him as badly as I could (if I could''ve), but I have to agree that much of that has changed with time. He no longer seems so brash and arrogant, rather he seems nervous and almost intimidated at times.
No longer does he curse at, and flip the bird to, pins left standing, He just shrugs and seems to resign himself to a "who didn''t know that" type of position, a position that assumes loss and anticipates failure yet once again.
I didn''t like the young, brash PDW. I do, however, seem to like the older, nervous, very human, son of Dick Weber who is trying to hold onto something he loves as long as he possibly can.
Incidentally, I do remember an interview where he stated that he used the glasses once as sort of a gimmicky thing, maybe even at one of those outdoor events a few years back, but really liked the way they reduced the glare on the lanes, so continued to wear them.
Good transactions list in my profile
Edited on 4/3/2010 11:12 AM