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Author Topic: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!  (Read 7189 times)


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Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« on: September 23, 2008, 11:13:50 AM »
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Dan Belcher

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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2008, 01:25:52 PM »
Thanks for providing another perspective on the situation that should hopefully calm down the raving masses.  It's hard for a lot of people to truly understand the business side of professional sports, so I get the frustration, but you sometimes have to step back and look at it from another angle.

Oh, and
I for one am a HUGE Steelers fan
 Are you as worried about their o-line as some people?  I mean, yeah, the Eagles just stomped all over them, but in my opinion that was more the Eagles defense is just really solid with a smart defensive coordinator, plus you always have those anomoly games where nothing seems to go right.  I still think the Steelers have a great shot of doing well this season if Roethlisberger stays somewhat healthy.


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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2008, 04:15:34 PM »
jeff hit it right on the head when he mentioned actually watching the telecasts. i'm constantly amazed by serious league and tournament bowlers who don't watch the telecasts. i know competing with the nfl is almost hopeless-----but that's what electronic recording devices were invented for.


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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2008, 08:58:43 PM »
Question maybe Jeff or others can can explain. I see the European Tournaments with Gambling sites promoting. Does it make sense here in the states? I had heard rumor that a few sites had made inquiries a few years ago but were refused. I'm all for them and even betting on them. I can tell you it is making tennis more watched as betting on matches especially in europe is getting quite a following.

Jeff Carter

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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2008, 09:31:39 PM »
Thats a good question and i'll speculate to say that the PBA still has to be very cautious as to who they align themselves with as far as sponsors go. Bowling has had a hard enough time shaking the "beer bellied, smoker" aligning with a Gambling site may not be in their best interest right now. I can tell you that Winnercom, the marketing firm for the PBA, does contact numerous sponsors and there are numerous sponsors that contact the Winnercom about the PBA...unfortunatley right now, the numbers just dont add up to a lot of sponsorship dollars. The immediate future needs the sport to support itself for the time being, then hopefully we can move forward and grow
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter

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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2008, 09:35:07 PM »
Jeff, you had me all the way up until you said you were a Steelers fan (lifelong, die-hard Patriots fan here).

I, for one, am very excited to see this 50th anniversary season of the PBA, and the new title sponsor Lumber Liquidators.  Jeff, I hope to see you out in Vegas at the Masters.  Good luck this season!
"I'd rather be a conservative nut job than a liberal with no nuts and no job."
James Goulding
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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2008, 11:21:01 PM »
Mr Jeff Carter,

Thank you for laying it on the line.  Also, thank you for doing so in the past.  I think that Lumber Liquidators is a great sponsor.  Up and coming.  Plus they have been a sponsor for the last few years anyway (all the Lumber Liquidators placards on both sides on the lanes).

I am really glad the PBA Tour made some money.  I watch them every week (or record to view later that day).  I also talk to people that I know have at least a casual interest in bowling about what is going on.

I think taping and showing on ESPN in the off season is a good tactic.  Like the PBA Six Flag Summer Series.  My son and I went last year to Six Flags Over MidAmerica (St. Louis) and we had a blast.  Lots of access to the bowlers and it was a great event.  We talked to some of the bowlers and everybody had a good time.

This year was up near Chicago and I think it was another hit.  New format and trying something different worked for me (and I hope others).  I certainly enjoyed watching it on ESPN.

Right now, I am saying did you watch the US Women's Open yesterday?  Yes, it is taped, but it is still great hearing Bo Burton and Marshall Holman announce this event.  Not to mention the other bowling pros that they have on the show.  Outstanding.  

And having the Bowling Clash on CBS, which has been renewed for this year and is a big avenue to open up viewership.

What is my stake in this?  I bowled for quite a few years in youth leagues as a kid (1970s).  I really enjoyed it.  I quit bowling in 1980s.  I still liked it, but other things came up.

Casually bowled through the 1990s and early 2000s whenever friends suggested it.  No leagues, just Saturday nights out with friends.  No problem.

My son started bowling in the Saturday Morning Youth League in 2003.  I haven't joined a sanctioned league, but he and I have bowled the Parent/Child league every summer since then.  He also has bowled in a YABA/USBC sanctioned league every year after that.

He gets new shoes as needed, a new ball as needed (usually every couple years).  No problem here.  The future of bowling is definitely in the kids.  But, and this is a big but, bowling is a sport for every age group.  Parents, kids, grandparents, everyone.  Sorry to sound like a cheerleader, but I really believe that.

Come on people, let's bowl!



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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2008, 11:32:19 PM »
I forgot to add:

"My name is MrMustang300 and I have approved this message.  Thank you."


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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #38 on: September 29, 2008, 05:44:15 PM »

Thank you very much for the feedback. I actually work for Winnercomm and I'm in charge of bringing on new sponsors. I can tell you that Lumber has been involved in sports for years and is a very solid company that is only getting stronger. They are committed to the sport of bowling and have stepped up their sponsorship level each year. In this tough economy good sponsors are not easy to come by but Lumber happens to be a great one. Denny's is also my client and Jeff was correct when he mentioned their change in management as being a major reason for the change. It had nothing to do with the strength of the PBA.

I will check back periodically to answer any questions I can but please be assured that Lumber is really a great sponsor. So please visit your local Lumber Liquidators if you're in the market for hard wood flooring and tell them it's because they sponsor the PBA. This way we won't need to find a new title in the upcoming years.


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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #39 on: September 30, 2008, 10:41:44 AM »
How many of you that complain about everything about the PBA spends more time watching their favorite football team than the PBA ?

I will admit I'm guilty of this, but only because the PBA telecasts are 1.5 hours long versus a 3 hour long football game.  Make the PBA telecast 4 hours long and I'll watch (and rewatch) all 4 hours of it. Then I'll be guilty of watching bowling more than my favorite football team.

As an avid supporter of the PBA and its sponsors, my only concern with the change from Denny's to Lumber Liquidators is my personal patronage.  It was easy to write a letter to Denny's thanking them for sponsoring the tour and informing them that one of the reasons I eat at Denny's is because of their sponsorship of the tour. It is not often that I'm in the market for new hardwood floors or other lumber needs. While I can write a letter to LL and thank them for their sponsorship of the tour, I can only promise to shop there if ever I have a need for their products.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 9/30/2008 10:42 AM


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Re: Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour!
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2008, 09:12:54 AM »
It is not often that I'm in the market for new hardwood floors or other lumber needs. While I can write a letter to LL and thank them for their sponsorship of the tour, I can only promise to shop there if ever I have a need for their products.

That is all they ask. Be aware of there sponsorship and give them a look if you're in the market for wood flooring. A letter never hurts either. Thank you for the support.