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Author Topic: machuga flop? perfect strategy.  (Read 5014 times)


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machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« on: November 13, 2005, 11:33:33 AM »
With all the talk about bowlers burning up a spot on the lane with sanded is a weird thought I'd like to share...  

Pretend that Machuga is in a tight final match for the $40,000.00.  His opponent (jason couch) has struck on the left lane in the 9th and can strike out for 270.  Machuga can strike out for only 250.  Machuga gets up in the 9th on the right lane(the lane couch will finish on)....Since there is no rule violation for the Machuga flop and he can rethrow the ball, why wouldn't he "flop" himself right down the left side of the lane and ruin Couch's shot?  I know he would never do it....but since it's not illegal.....why not!



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Re: machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2005, 07:43:26 PM »
Why not?  Because these bowlers, with some exceptions, are professionals and act as such.  While some whine and cry because they can't carry, you might be a little upset as well if success on your career hinged on not getting tapped.
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Re: machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2005, 07:46:20 PM »
Besides the fact that is very unprofessional and I am sure it would not be allowed (the match was wrapped up already and they allowed him to throw it over).

On the other side if he did that to Couch, Chugs better be able to run quick cause Jason has him by about 50+ pounds. I could see him try it on Traber though (god he is getting bigger...).
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Re: machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2005, 07:46:47 PM »
Did I miss a shot in the 10th???

I saw two then a did he get to 256???


PS boy can that Levine throw a ball also!
Proud owner of a 140 first game average this year!  Don't bowl me the second two games though!  (two warm up balls in league..thanks proprietors)
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Re: machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2005, 07:48:15 PM »
they allowed him to rethrow the last ball because he never let it go...therefore, no foul.  I am not saying its not unprofessional, its just an idea.

Edited on 11/13/2005 8:40 PM


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Re: machuga flop? perfect strategy.
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2005, 07:48:23 PM »
He flopped then threw his "shot" (he told the guys on the side he was gonna do it). Hence 256
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