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Author Topic: Masters thread - SPOILERS  (Read 4556 times)


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Masters thread - SPOILERS
« on: October 28, 2007, 04:15:22 AM »
Jaros looking good so far.

Jaros - Special Agent, switched to a T-Road Solid in the last match
PA - Black Widow? Badly.
Rash - Twisted Inferno?  Total Fury?


Edited on 10/28/2007 1:29 PM



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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2007, 01:39:00 PM »
Agreed.  Jaros didn't miss the pocket except that 10th frame.  790+ and loses.



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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 02:10:48 PM »
Only time Rash used a Twisted was in practice (see the Etonic Edge for example) Jaros changed to the T Road solid about the 5th frame of the final.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 02:18:56 PM »
to those who care about such things......don't go to've already posted who won the usbc masters. hasn't posted it yet but it will come soon.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2007, 04:16:29 PM »
Agreed.  Jaros didn't miss the pocket except that 10th frame.  790+ and loses.


Jaros bowled an 800 today and lost.  That's incredible.  I was at the tournament and I'm not sure most people realized that they just saw a guy bowl an 800 in person on a PBA shot, in a stadium.  And he lost.

Congrats to Rash.  He had a lot of friends and family there.  He earned the right to only have to bowl 1 game and he caught Jaros in his "bad" game.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2007, 04:43:54 PM »
Jaros bowled an 800 today and lost.

I thought he missed the first one in the tenth.  I guess they just didn't show it on the show, opting to shoot Rash picking up his trophy.



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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2007, 05:17:23 PM »
Jaros, left a split in the 10th and shot 814.

I say you have to give some credit to Rash. First Major and you throw 2 in the 10th. Granted they weren't the best shots in the world, but they struck! Unbelievable what he has done when he makes the show!!

PA cracks me up... anyone happen to get his comment in the 11th. Thanks for letting me throw your balls BG.. I believe that is reference to Brian Graham who is the product manager for Hammer Bowling.

George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep

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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2007, 05:43:30 PM »
Glad Rash won but he did catch some nice breaks.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2007, 07:08:17 PM »
Jaros, left a split in the 10th and shot 814.

I say you have to give some credit to Rash. First Major and you throw 2 in the 10th. Granted they weren't the best shots in the world, but they struck! Unbelievable what he has done when he makes the show!!

PA cracks me up... anyone happen to get his comment in the 11th. Thanks for letting me throw your balls BG.. I believe that is reference to Brian Graham who is the product manager for Hammer Bowling.


What Jaros did was really amazing.  To me, it was the most impressive thing I saw today.  After Rash won and he was running around and everyone was cheering I was just watching Jaros.  I kind of wish people in attendance were more in tune to what was happening, but I guess it was unimportant since the match was over.  But still, seeing an 800 live in person on something that isn't a THS was most impressive.  These guys are GOOD.

I was in attendance so I didn't hear that obviously, but was it friendly sarcasm or was he really upset with the balls?

He wasn't getting a good read at all and wasn't accurate to boot.  Even in warm ups I was watching him some and he didn't look good.  Often it's hard to tell because they are usually trying different things, etc, but by the time a lot of guys were kind of in a groove he was still messing around.  And lets face it, these guys know what they're bowling on and know what kind of look they're going to get.  They're usually just trying to match the equipment that will help them the most that day.

Jaros would have won today if he would have switched off the "Special Agent" a couple frames earlier.  He was using it to great success the first 2 games but it lost its read suddenly and he ended up getting some spares because of it...well, a ringing 10-pin in there too.  But he switched up and was lights out from there.

I love these little things about the game.  You have to be quite knowledgeable about lots of equipment,...but it's fun to watch a guy change balls and know what look he might be trying to get.  Do the TV announcers make the audience aware when a guy is changing equipment and why he's changing it?  They should also discuss the ball selections the players make.  For instance when certain players use pearls over solids or polished over dull balls.  The color guy needs to be able to do this.  Free pitches for the ball manufacturers...but that can only help the players using that equipment.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2007, 07:14:27 PM »
as someone who crossed pairs with steve jaros at a regional tournament this summer i can attest to just how good he is. he shot 800 in the first 3 games of qualifying in council bluffs and made it look easy.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #25 on: October 28, 2007, 07:39:56 PM »
Glad Rash won but he did catch some nice breaks.

Ain't luck and chance wonderful?

Too bad skill didn't the picture. sigh ...
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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #26 on: October 28, 2007, 07:55:46 PM »
I was in awe of Steve Jaros beautiful timing and smooth rhythm today.

I really believe he bowled near flawless and if he could have won the last game I'm sure he would have been 83X or so for the day!

As impressed as I has to admire Rash's power which made a difficult pattern(witness PAs washouts) look like a house pattern!

Power IS nice...and this time it won the day!


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #27 on: October 28, 2007, 08:17:01 PM »
Jaros didn't shoot 814 and lose.  He shot 279 to win, 290 to win, and 245 to lose.  Series doesn't mean much in 1 game matches.  Jaros bowled great for the 2 games, made the big switch in game 3 but Rash out carried him for the win.
Dan Chambers


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #28 on: October 28, 2007, 08:23:19 PM »
Jaros didn't shoot 814 and lose.  He shot 279 to win, 290 to win, and 245 to lose.  Series doesn't mean much in 1 game matches.  Jaros bowled great for the 2 games, made the big switch in game 3 but Rash out carried him for the win.
Dan Chambers

I wouldn't say he was so much out carried as Jaros didn't switch balls in time.  Rash got some shots to fall but that's bowling in a nut shell.

I think if Jaros switches balls a couple frames earlier he wins.  Regardless it was a very close match and was exciting.  I don't think it's fair to call it a carry contest.  Honestly, both guys were right on target.

But I called one miss the second he released that ball because he released it a bit late and the ball bounced a little and you knew it was going to come across and it did.  I think this is the shot that killed him.  Between that one shot and the ball switch...

A carry contest happens on a walled up shot where bowlers are spraying all over and accuracy isn't very important.  I think Jaros' unbelievable repetitiveness and PH's bad shooting (and he wasn't missing by much) demonstrated why this wasn't a carry contest.


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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #29 on: October 28, 2007, 08:28:48 PM »
For anyone interested about the PA comment about BG and the balls.. No I am sure he was happy and glad to be throwing Hammer bowling balls. He was just giving a shout out to the guy behind the balls I think... I don't know for sure, but thats my take on it..
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep

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Re: Masters thread - SPOILERS
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2007, 08:32:08 PM »
For anyone interested about the PA comment about BG and the balls.. No I am sure he was happy and glad to be throwing Hammer bowling balls. He was just giving a shout out to the guy behind the balls I think... I don't know for sure, but thats my take on it..
George Palumbo
Visionary Bowling Products West Coast Sales Rep

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I'm guessing that's probably the case.  He was struggling and using a lot of different equipment in practice and out of all the guys I knew he was the one guy that didn't have a chance today.  I'm guessing that guy made a lot of changes and drillings for him today really quickly.  Patrick Allen just didn't have it today.  And lets face it, no one was beating that Jaros 290.