You raise some valid points, once again I feel I must take a different direction on this. I do agree with you on the gap and its causes, just not on the cure.
The PBA moved away from us, the US Open conditions have been long and flat for a very long time - this shot is the amateur gold standard the house shot is the sliver standard - I suppose recreational bowling is the bronze.
The PBA moved on to different standards, what I think of as the circus trick shot standard. Heck, they even have a trick shot event. The amateurs have not intentionally changed the conditions they bowl on with the obvious exception that modern materials are now used.
If the PBA wants our respect, bowl on our conditions - I find I really don''t care what they do on their conditions - it doesn''t directly relate to what we do on ours. Do I care how they manipulate and control the ball? - You bet, these guys and gals are true technicians. However, it is becoming like miniature golf putting versus actually putting on the greens - no comparison although both require skill and have some things in common.
Are the PBA guys good, darned straight. Are they better than the amateurs, yep as long as they have the home field advantage on conditions. The more versatile bowlers will win anywhere. Most of the pros would have to dial down their power to survive on house conditions - otherwise it would look like the Six Flags event. Would they win against the best in your house on the leopard pattern - spots of oil left here and there after the first game? Heck of question, might make a good tour.
Personally I would bet on the the pros but lets stir the troops up

Edited on 11/16/2009 7:06 PM