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Author Topic: Thinking of joining  (Read 1747 times)


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Thinking of joining
« on: April 24, 2008, 12:34:09 PM »
What are the benefits of joining the PBA and doing regionals?  I have never bowled in one, I know it is a great challenge, and probably wont expect to cash for the first few tourneys.  I know that lots of practice is expected and probably buying a few cases of balls.  Would like to hear some of your experiences, whether you joined or just went in as a guest.


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2008, 08:40:34 PM »
I bowled one as a guest, when they had seperate patterns from the national tour.  I won a big pot in one of my leagues, and they were right down the road, so I went.

Pretty expensive lesson...

I wouldn't worry about getting too many new bowling balls, but I would make sure to have one of each as far as like light, medium, heavy, spare, that kind of deal.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!

Edited on 4/24/2008 8:43 PM


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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2008, 08:43:55 PM »
read the rules in the book and play with class. the perks not being able to bowl in some tourneys vs. discount rates on new releases $1 game practice among alot of other things


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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2008, 10:35:34 PM »
Well I thought more would share....


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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2008, 10:49:21 PM »
To succeed, your really going to have to want to spend the time and effort. But, than again anything in this life that you really want to do well at you have to be ready to sacrafice certain aspects of your life. Before you join, you should get into a couple tournaments as a guest, and see if this is what you really want to do.
Either way, good luck on your choice, whichever direction you go
Dale Williams
Columbia 300 Utah Amateur Staff

Mike Austin

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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2008, 11:20:25 PM »
I joined in 1987.  I never bowled any of the mega bucks tournaments, so I don't know what I was missing there.  I led qualifying of the first two regionals that I bowled as a guest.  Billy Yinger, Del Ballard, Jimbo Evans, and others encouraged me to join, so I did.  I've had a lot of success, met many life long friends and had gobs of fun.  If I had it to do all over again, I would in a heart beat, I should have bowled the tour full time when I had the chance to though.

Things are different now.  We bowl for about the same amount of money (sad).  Expenses have went up, specially now with the price of gas sky rocketing.  I don't see the same kind of socializing when not bowling as I did then.  No pot games anymore either.  Being a member restricts who you can bowl with in some leagues and tournaments, so that can be frustrating.

You shouldn't join for cheap bowling balls.  At least that can't be your main reason.  Stick around long enough, you will be able to find the "hook up" for cheaper equipment.  

I'm still a member because I love bowling against the best bowlers available on a condition more challenging than the THS.  The PBA tournaments are the best organized, best run tournaments available.  When I bowl well in a regional, I know I have bowled well and have beaten some damn good bowlers, specially in the SW Region, very brutal competition.  You will learn so much from bowling regionals if you observe and ask questions, it will make you a better bowler.

Hope this helps ya....

I've started messing with my site again, wrecking it myself:

Check out Tony's Journals - they are FREE!!

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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2008, 04:22:38 PM »
The PBA events are well organized and well-run.  I've bowled several as a guest with mixed success and enjoyed every one of them.  Have you bowled a regional as a guest yet?  I would suggest to anyone looking to become a member to do that first, before sending off your membership dues.  Get your feet wet.  You may not like the double-jump rule, the pace of bowling, the grind of difficult conditions, or the attitudes of your opponents.

Beyond that, what is your end-goal?  Do you like the idea of traveling to different cities, competing against some good bowlers on challenging patterns hosted on a variety of different surfaces?  How are you at keeping track of receipts and finances?  The PBA will send you a 1099 form at the end of the year as you cash. (I kept my first one for my scrap book and is one of my most prized "awards" to date).  Do you even want to tour full-time or just a couple of tournaments a year?  Are you just looking for cheaper equipment and practice?

There are other ways to get cheap equipment and practice with less effort that it takes to work on your game to get/keep it at the level it needs to be to compete even at the regional level.

I've refrained from joining because while I like the concept of traveling and the thrill of the year-long points race, my current career will not allow me to participate in every event.  Without my career, touring is not financially feasible because I'm not going to win every event.

J.J. "Waterola Kid" Anderson, the bLowling King  : Kill the back row

Edited on 5/5/2008 4:25 PM


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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2008, 08:37:07 AM »
Centers, here is my .02:

I have bowled about 5-6 regionals as a guest. I have cashed in about 50% of them. I enjoy bowling on the tougher conditions and bowling against the best competitors in the area, like Mr. Austin here. When you cash will be determined by your skill level, and ability to read the lanes as they tranistion through qualifying.

One benefit that I haven't seen mentioned is a cost savings. The standard PBA Membership is $144/year. That gives you 3 regionals. As a guest those 3 regionals cost you $275 each. Member entry fee is $200/event. That's a savings of $225 for your $144 cost (not counting intiation fee of $99). I have a young son at home, so I'm not traveling every weekend, but I do bowl the ones local to me, which conveniently is about 3/year. So I am probably going to join as well in order to get the savings.

And lastly, another way to bowl in your first one is to look for your regions Non-Champions event. Usually once a year each region hold one with the direct purpose of bringing in new people to experience regionals, while not having to bowl against past winners. Now don't think that means no competition, there are plenty of awesome bowlers that for one reason or another just haven't won a regional. In fact in ours this year, there were 3-4 guys that were bowling in every TQR and they hit the SW region event on their way to the Tour stop in El Paso (it was an off week for the tour). Two of the gentlemen were 1-2 in qualifying (somehow I ended up third,lol) and one Ed VanDaniker wound up winning (I wound up third overall as well). So it will still be tough but not as tough as a regular regional. Then there is the member-guest doubles as well, but depending on your area, that might be hard to get into. I think of myself as above average in my area, but I have never been asked to bowl in it myself, but I don't go out and actively seek to do so either, so if you show interest, im sure you could find someone to bowl with.



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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2008, 03:05:26 PM »
I would like to bowl in some PBA regional events, but I still need to improve on my spare game.  I know my limitations.  


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Re: Thinking of joining
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2008, 03:28:22 PM »

You can join with the Standard Membership, and bowl just 3 Regionals in a year. This will let you get a feel for the PBA. If you decide that you want to bowl more  tournaments within a year, you can upgrade to the Full Membership.

The PBA offers a 1:3 cash ratio. That ratio does not exist on local amateur tournaments (at least not any that I ever saw). Most amateur tournaments pay anywhere from 1:5 to 1:10. Once in a while I could find a 1:4 cash.

You should be able to find another PBA member who will split expenses with you (gas,hotel, etc). This will definitely help!

Plan on bowling most of your spares with a plastic ball. It takes the lane pattern out of the picture (for the most part). Practice this and it'll help a lot!

I joined in 2005 and have not been sorry, except that I still haven't won!
Gary Palma
X-act Reaction pro shop at Ideal Lanes
119 Jennings Street
Endicott, NY 13760
(607) 760-3700
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