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Author Topic: This guy was blowing up the Chicago ABT awhile ago  (Read 787 times)


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This guy was blowing up the Chicago ABT awhile ago
« on: February 16, 2007, 02:18:07 AM »
I remember there was a short time where it seemed he was winning the Master's division almost every week.  Good to see him make it to match play, he's a heck of a bowler.  Throws one of the best balls I've seen in "amateur" competition.

If you aren't watching 'The Wire,' the government should be forced to come to your house and repossess your television. END OF STORY!

Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...

Today's "Country" is watered down Bluegrass with greeting card lyrics.  No thanks.