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Author Topic: My thoughts on this season  (Read 13114 times)

Current Exempt

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My thoughts on this season
« on: March 31, 2008, 03:55:46 AM »
I want to thank everyone who has sent me a private message about my status and situation.  I did finish out the year fairly strong and did make the cut line for next season.  Now, the pros and cons.  I do enjoy being one of the elite in this country.  I enjoy the opportunity to make a telecast every week with a guaranteed paycheck but at what expense?  If you had asked me before the season started if I could take Deanery's season and not bowl I would have said yes!  He made 3 shows and finished top 20 in points and cashed every tournament.  That's some season,right?  Beating out 2/3's of the field on avgas. every week.  Bowling 20 tournaments and being on TV every the week.  Awesome bowling I think!  His return?  $51,000!  He put in about $28,000.  Boatman is another who made two shows and cashed every tournament, $39,000!  He put in $28,000.  This is just sad.  I don't know one regional player who wouldn't kill to have 1 of those 2 seasons.  So I'm still undecided about next year.  Only 10 bowlers eclipsed the $100,000 mark with $25,000-$30,000 invested.  Just not a good return for being the best this sport has to offer.  Most of us 30-39 point guys just lost another year in any career outside of bowling for basically minimum wage.  Did we the pa send the right message with Duke winning the money title when about 85% of his winnings came from two tournaments?  I don't know.  I do recall in the 80's when Aulby,Ballard,Voss were in the $200,000's to win the money title.  Did we jump back 20 years with the way things our now?  At least in the early 90's you had a chance for $25,000 incentive checks.  I guess is what I'm trying to say is I don't know why every other sport can advance financially and we go back.  Sorry for the ranting but these are just my feelings.  I do enjoy reading all the e mails and messages sent to me as well as the reply's to my post's.  Thanks again to everyone for their support.
I do not want to give out my name yet because I'm still undecided and wanted to keep this off any pba message board.



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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #16 on: March 31, 2008, 05:29:42 PM »
      That's ridiculous!!! The PBA has truly become a joke. Shame on them for not taking better care of the best bowlers in the world. It's sad.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #17 on: March 31, 2008, 05:53:26 PM »
Hog gas was included in that but i did forget about the tolls. I'm glad you said that because my I-Pass worked in Pennsylvania so i didnt get receipts. Gotta do that for tax purposes....thanks for reminding me. So there was another $20.00 in tolls !!!

That $49.00 was for the Crowne Plaze too....great hotel with a great fitness center. Every once in a while we get lucky and find some great hotel deals, even though i prefer Extended Stays so i can cook my own meals most of the week.

As far as the equipment issue goes, if you're on staff you get your equipment comped. Depending on the player, drilling fees range from $40.00 to $60.00 per ball. Most guys avg 1 ball per week, and some guys avg up to 3-4 per week. Personally, i have averaged about 1 ball per week over the last 5 seasons. I'm not one to drill a lot of balls, but the way we burn them up we need to replace balls with fresh coverstocks every now and then. Unfortunately drilling fees are the least of our financial worries. Unless you are being paid by a manufacturer ( or multiple companies ), its tough to make decent money. If you are on staff you can make incentive money if you make a show, but even those amounts have dwindled over the years. After that you have to rely on outside interests to supplement your income.
Bowl up a Storm,
Jeff Carter

It's too bad the PBA does not have more sponsors. Every other sport pros make money except bowling. Hell, I bet poker on tv makes more money if the individual does not gamble it back.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #18 on: March 31, 2008, 10:23:51 PM »
I think that's it's a really sad state that bowling is in right now that not even the tour exempt players can really make a decent living just by bowling on tour.  I'm really happy for Norm Duke this year because of challenges he's faced and how he overcame them to win 2 majors, but I see Current Exempt's point and I have to agree with it.  Why have an exempt tour if the exempt bowlers are barely making ends meet ??   It almost seems like it being exempt really doesn't mean that much, which I think is really sad.  

Currently, I believe I'm at the stage in my bowling life where I think I could go to a PBA regional tournament and not make a total fool out of myself. I still have alot of work to do in terms of my physical and mental game and improving my versatility, not to mention learning how to bowl on all the patterns (no Fall PBA Experience leagues in Tucson this yr).  I was debating about going for the unlimited tournament PBA card, but I think I'm going to go ahead and spend the $$$ to buy PBA card that lets you bowl 3 tournaments a year, bowl a few tournaments and see how I stack up.  Worst case, it'll be a great learning experience.  I once had dreams of putting in the time and effort to be able to compete for a spot on the exempt tour, but after reading this, I have to tell you, it doesn't look like there's much financial reward for doing so.   That's not to say that I'm not going to try to improve my game, because my compeitive nature won't allow that.   It's just not something I'm going to consider trying to make a living at.  There's only a select few that can do it successfully and I take my hat off to them.  The public doesn't know just how good the exempt bowlers really are because of the "great wall of china" oil patterns and everything else that drives scoring up in the local bowling centers.  It's a shame and I hope the USBC puts a stop to it before it's too late, but it may already be too late.

Edited on 3/31/2008 10:25 PM


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #19 on: March 31, 2008, 10:59:18 PM »
I think the pba is a vicious cycle... They won't put more money in because noone is watching but i think no one watches because there is not much money...  I play poker alot and i think the fact it has taken off so much is because the prize money is so insane...  People are winning or losing millions on the turn of a card that is exciting to see...  Did u ever think people would love to watch poker on tv???  I think if they had a 500,000 dollar tourney or a million they could advertise that and people would watch...  They probably need a few tourneys in the 100k region and then like one or two a year for 1 million or 500k... That would boost the rating i believe...


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2008, 11:09:05 PM »
I think the pba is a vicious cycle... They won't put more money in because noone is watching but i think no one watches because there is not much money...  I play poker alot and i think the fact it has taken off so much is because the prize money is so insane...  People are winning or losing millions on the turn of a card that is exciting to see...  Did u ever think people would love to watch poker on tv???  I think if they had a 500,000 dollar tourney or a million they could advertise that and people would watch...  They probably need a few tourneys in the 100k region and then like one or two a year for 1 million or 500k... That would boost the rating i believe...

and where do you suppose the money will come from



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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2008, 11:41:55 PM »
Ah, what problems I'd solve if only I were a disgustingly rich billionaire. The PBA tour would survive financially, as would all the exempt players. Then i'd dedicate as much of my time and money as was necessary to be able to join them on tour, and one day win the U.S. Open. I would have my own ball truck, and my own staff of coaches, and no pressure to provide for myself or my family. Also, unlimited time to immerse myself into being a student of the game, and being able to practice at any time, for any amount of time, on any lane condition I wanted to put down. Someone front me the $8 Billion so I can get started
Quit Crying and Keep Bowling, or Quit Bowling and Keep Crying.

Edited on 3/31/2008 11:45 PM


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2008, 11:52:44 PM »
After reading this I became depressed for the guys who bust their balls being he best the game has to offer and getting peanuts in return. This single post has changed my whole outlook on the sport. I knew that bowlers were not the highest paid but this is absurd. I love bowling. I still want to someday be good enough to bowl professionally but then I ask myself is it going to be worth my time. I don't have kids or anything to tie me down except school, But I just couldn't imagine calling myself a pro living paycheck to maybe paycheck. Hats off to the guys that do it. Good men and women you are. I may have been too discouraged to continue. For now I'll just stay in school and hopefully by the time I get good enough to compete against the best the game has to offer the sport of Bowling will be in better shape.

The difference between Ordinary and Extraordinary is that little Extra.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #23 on: April 01, 2008, 01:10:54 AM »
I would like to add that although my post above is a bit silly, it is indeed a tragedy that these professional athletes are having trouble breaking even. We should be jealous not only of thier talent, but also thier wealth!

Good luck out there, and thanks for doing what you all do!
Quit Crying and Keep Bowling, or Quit Bowling and Keep Crying.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #24 on: April 01, 2008, 01:37:20 AM »
Pro Bowling IS the most under rated, under paid profession in sports. The PBA EXEMPT members get very little respect when it comes to dollar earnings vs. other sports. It's sad to see PBA events paying out the same amouts they did almost 20yrs ago, while everything in our life around us have gone up by 2-5x as much in the same 20yr span. I truly feel sorry for the guys that comtinue to toil in and out every week, going stop to stop, not seeing their family for weeks at a time. THEY DESERVE THE RESPECT that all of the other sports have. I don't mean just money, I mean RESPECT!! My hat is off to Jeff Carter and all of the other exempt members that take the time out of their schedules to post here. May you all someday get the respect and pay you so well deserve!!


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #25 on: April 01, 2008, 06:06:13 AM »
Bassmasters winners get a check for $100,000..

Where's the justice in that ?
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Bassmasters has sponsors.  They pay them to put their products on air, so the fisherman watching at home go, and buy the products.  The PBA does not have the sponsors paying them. Until people want to put their products on during a PBA telecast, there will be no money.   What about a channel switch?  If nobody but the bowling purists are watching anyway, why not put it on an obscure channel with lower costs.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2008, 06:24:01 AM »
Bassmasters winners get a check for $100,000..

Where's the justice in that ?
Keep looking... I'm sure there's a 300 in one of those balls you keep buying!!
(\ /)
( . .)
c(')(') here bunny bunny bunny....

Bassmasters has sponsors.  They pay them to put their products on air, so the fisherman watching at home go, and buy the products.  The PBA does not have the sponsors paying them. Until people want to put their products on during a PBA telecast, there will be no money.   What about a channel switch?  If nobody but the bowling purists are watching anyway, why not put it on an obscure channel with lower costs.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.

I dont think the fact that they go up against NASCAR and FOOTBALL helps any either. I say put it back on Saturday afternoons.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2008, 08:09:19 AM »
The problem as I see it is: Where are all the bowling companies?????

Why isn't Ebonite sponsoring the tour, Dexter, Linds, Etonic, etc. There are many companies that make equipment for bowlers, these are companies that need to step up and give advertising and sponsor money to the PBA tour. And what about other related things, golf comes to mind. I bet at least 75% of bowlers play golf, why not go to some golf companies about advertising during the telecasts? It is time to think out of the box a little if we want this tour to survive. After reading what Jeff Carter posted here, it is a shame the best our sport has to offer, have to to do it for peanuts.

And I have said it before the PBA needs to leave ESPN. The PBA is paying for it's airtime now...let me reemphaize this the PBA is PAYING for it's airtime. So not only are they getting crappy times, they are paying money to do so. Why not look at a network like Spike or Versus, and even if they put it on for free, the PBA is saving money. And you can work out a time that benefits both sides.


Dan Belcher

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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2008, 08:13:42 AM »
And I have said it before the PBA needs to leave ESPN. The PBA is paying for it's airtime now...let me reemphaize this the PBA is PAYING for it's airtime. So not only are they getting crappy times, they are paying money to do so. Why not look at a network like Spike or Versus, and even if they put it on for free, the PBA is saving money. And you can work out a time that benefits both sides.
Before it merged with the Indy Racing League this year, the Champ Car World Series tried leaving its pay-for-airtime contract with ESPN for deals with SpikeTV and Speed Channel, depending on the year.  It was a miserable failure.  The NHL has also gone the route of Versus, and it has likewise been a failure.  They're the butt of jokes about being on Versus all the time for a reason.  The exposure on ESPN is just infinitely higher than any other cable/satellite channel.  Sponsors want nothing to do with you if you're on a low-market channel.  Some carriers don't offer the more obscure channels.


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2008, 08:25:27 AM »
the thing is, they do go up against other sports though. They go up against NCAA games on saturday and during the week. The only difference is, they get coverage on Sportscenter and ESPN News. The only time the PBA gets any kind of coverage is when something of "historical" significance occurs.. I/E a Woman makes the telecast, a bowler passes an all-time great in career titles, or a 300 shot on tv (in which case it's doomed to a 10 second mention in the top 10 most likely in the 6 spot)

Moving the show to saturday is going to have the same effect given that the majority of the season is in the heart of football season, you move the show from NFL (less games to deal with) to NCAA Football (a ton of games to deal with) at which point it does not matter which network it is on, the big four (ABC NBC CBS ESPN) are covering football from 12 noon til 10pm at the very earliest (eastern time).. College football has a bigger fan base than the NFL simply because College kids (including bowlers) go ape shiat over games, especially come conference play and rivalry week.

It's a dream to get coverage of bowling throughout the week on tv, but one thing that golf has over bowling is the fact that a golfer takes up air time through his planning stages of a shot. A bowler, no matter how slow, still takes on average 10-15 seconds on approach. People are not awe stricken by a bowler hitting a deck of pins. They are awe stricken by a golfer nailing a long drive or shanking it into a lake or bunker. Because basically the mentality is "wow I know I can't hit a golf ball that far or that well, but I know that my chances of knocking down this many pins are significantly higher." Add the fact that at bowling tournaments, there is action constantly going on, the viewer will get lost in the crowd of bowlers, it's impossible to focus on one particular bowler at a time. That's the beauty of golf on TV.. I know I will be seeing coverage of Tiger Woods because he's the leader.. I won't see just Pete Weber shots, I'll see Pete Weber and half a second later Rhino Page is 2 lanes away shooting, 3 seconds later Walter Ray is shooting, back to Pete for his spare, on to Parker who has front 8, too much going on at once.

sorry for the rant. It really does suck that we can't get proper coverage to attract sponsors..
Justin Buford


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Re: My thoughts on this season
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2008, 08:37:56 AM »

Thanks for the post.  Am I the only person here who finds it absolutely (for lack of a better word) WHACK that the players do not receive discounts on their rooms from one of the biggest sponsors of the tour?

While it doesn't make sense to be a sponsor and have no discount, the question is whether the discount would be greater than could be had through any other corporate rate that Motel6 offered.  And, let's face it...many Motel6 properties are NOT where I would choose to spend the better part of a week for my lodging, even if I am footing expenses on my own.  

Living out of a suitcase or garment bag is never going to be glamorous.  But you HAVE to have some level of comfort during the down time, and the reality is that Motel6 properties often do not provide the desired levels of comfort or relaxation.  Remember, we are not talking about the PBA guys just needing a bed to crash on for a few hours before getting back on the road...