I do not disagree with Jeff's statement. If you're going to shoe it up, you should follow the rules. The double jump rule is a prime example. It really is not a hard concept to follow. It just takes a minute or two to get used to doing it that way. Really if used correctly, it makes games go a lot faster, assuming everyone is ready when it is their turn.
I get annoyed while bowling in my tournament series where that rule is used and people do not follow it. I could only imagine being a pro, and bowling for my salary.
People should be explained the rule, which I know they are, then if they do not follow be given a single warning, and another explanation. If they once again break the rule, kick them out..simple enough. If they yell and scream and curse and kick and cry, warn them...do it again, kick them out. This rule would have to apply to everyone, pros included, because I am sure a lot of pros kick and scream and cry when things are not going their way as well.
If someone wants to go out and spend $500 to bowl, regardless of them being "good" enough or not, they should be allowed to do so. Afterall it is an OPEN tournament. If I was a pro or someone who could compete and do well, I would be salivating at the mouth seeing these guys coming in. Donators, I believe is the term that is used. The more money put in, the more money that comes out....well at least you would think so?
As Jeff said there are different levels of amateurs. There are the people who just want to say I crossed with Parker Bohn, and then there are the people like me, who actually believe they could be good enough to cash. Would I cash...doubtful, do I think I could, you bet ya. I am also in the group that respects what is going on. Tell me the rule, I will follow it. I won't be running up and down the lanes everytime I throw a strike, or peeing on a chair because I left a split. People that do, should be asked to leave, with no refund, pros included. All rules apply to everyone....that's fair.
I could see the annoyance of having every tournament being OPEN, but I could see the benefits as well. More prize money to me would be worth putting up with a few douche rocks....once again this is assuming I was on that level.
Ahhh Disco Biscuits!