I want to thank everyone who has sent me a private message about my status and situation. I did finish out the year fairly strong and did make the cut line for next season. Now, the pros and cons. I do enjoy being one of the elite in this country. I enjoy the opportunity to make a telecast every week with a guaranteed paycheck but at what expense? If you had asked me before the season started if I could take Deanery's season and not bowl I would have said yes! He made 3 shows and finished top 20 in points and cashed every tournament. That's some season,right? Beating out 2/3's of the field on avgas. every week. Bowling 20 tournaments and being on TV every the week. Awesome bowling I think! His return? $51,000! He put in about $28,000. Boatman is another who made two shows and cashed every tournament, $39,000! He put in $28,000. This is just sad. I don't know one regional player who wouldn't kill to have 1 of those 2 seasons. So I'm still undecided about next year. Only 10 bowlers eclipsed the $100,000 mark with $25,000-$30,000 invested. Just not a good return for being the best this sport has to offer. Most of us 30-39 point guys just lost another year in any career outside of bowling for basically minimum wage. Did we the pa send the right message with Duke winning the money title when about 85% of his winnings came from two tournaments? I don't know. I do recall in the 80's when Aulby,Ballard,Voss were in the $200,000's to win the money title. Did we jump back 20 years with the way things our now? At least in the early 90's you had a chance for $25,000 incentive checks. I guess is what I'm trying to say is I don't know why every other sport can advance financially and we go back. Sorry for the ranting but these are just my feelings. I do enjoy reading all the e mails and messages sent to me as well as the reply's to my post's. Thanks again to everyone for their support.
I do not want to give out my name yet because I'm still undecided and wanted to keep this off any pba message board.