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Author Topic: USBC and PBA  (Read 12951 times)


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« on: March 14, 2008, 03:55:59 AM »
If the USBC joined forces with the PBA and set up a 3 dollar increase on the USBC membership with all the money going right to the prize fund for the PBA would you agree with it?

I for one would pay the xtra 3 dollars just too help bring the PBA to where it should be.

How many USBC members are there?  How much money would be raised with my idea?



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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #61 on: March 19, 2008, 12:55:40 PM »
A million bucks for a major might slightly increase the interest in bowling in the event, but it won't increase viewship, it's not going to improve TV ratings, and that is the heart of the problem.  You think by throwing money at the problem, it will solve itself, but the problem is, those who care about the bowling prize fund, already watch the PBA.  The problem is how to get kids to think about bowling instead of playstation, little league, etc...  Is a Million dollar prize fund going to get a Bears fan to watch bowling instead?  LMAO, it will never happen.  What would it take to get those football fans to tune into bowling during the offseason?  Bowling is not an excititng TV sport, unless your a diehard bowling fan.  Unfortunately, our numbers are woefully lacking.

Money to the PBA is a tax the poor and give to the rich scheme.

I agree that increasing the prize fund by itself is not the only answer to their problems.  I have said many times before that having the TV finals on Sunday is just plain dumb!  The PBA can't compete against the NFL or NASCAR!

I do think the PBA could do much better on Sat mornings or some night during the week.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #62 on: April 02, 2008, 12:48:23 PM »

NYC Bowler

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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #63 on: April 04, 2008, 12:35:15 AM »
Can everyone just send me the 3 dollars??

Seriously, I am not all to pleased with the current state of affairs at the USBC anyway. I could not even tell you what I get for my national dues, local association dues, and whatever other dues the fine people at the USBC feel like charging me.

I am a huge bowling fan, love bowling my leagues during the week, but I just dont see myself donating 3 additional dollars to the USBC to be utilized by the PBA. And really, its not the money...


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #64 on: April 04, 2008, 08:44:45 AM »
Can everyone just send me the 3 dollars??

Seriously, I am not all to pleased with the current state of affairs at the USBC anyway. I could not even tell you what I get for my national dues, local association dues, and whatever other dues the fine people at the USBC feel like charging me.

I am a huge bowling fan, love bowling my leagues during the week, but I just dont see myself donating 3 additional dollars to the USBC to be utilized by the PBA. And really, its not the money...

If it's not the money then what is it?


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #65 on: April 04, 2008, 09:09:12 AM »
The PBA players are USBC members too, they will also pay the extra #$3 fee, so it's not like an us vs. them thing. And what would the PBA give back, how about not charging for use of the PBA patterns so any center can use them and have PBA experience leagues. That way they bowler who want to improve or see how good they really are have a chance to participate. Currently there isn't an experience league within 50 miles of me and I live near Houston, a major city.

While I think there needs to be some opening of the field, totally open tournaments are not the answer. Look at the replies about some of the amateurs at the US Open. We need to keep a balance between "the best bowlers" and opening the field for everyone. What is the right number or scenario, I don't know, but there has to be a happy medium.

And lastly, I think the PBA tournaments need to be more rotational, minus the majors. While it is nice to be in the same center year after year, once you have the modified exempt format from my paragraph above, the way to bring more people into the tournament would be to move it around an area/region. Come back to a center every 3-4 years, like Nationals in Reno. I'll use my home state as an example: The tour stops in El Paso every year. Instead of that, have it in El Paso this year, Dallas next year, Houston the next year, back to El Paso, back to Dallas, back to Houston, etc. In the NE move a tournament from Baltimore to PA, to DE, etc. This way more people are exposed to it, hopefully bigger crowds throughout the week, and more local entrants for the qualifying rounds which adds an additional few dollars to the prize funds.

Just my .02, flame suit on.


Bowlin for Beer

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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #66 on: April 04, 2008, 10:19:33 AM »
Hey let the PBA bowlers dress in some shabby clothes, stand on street corners with signs: "Will Bowl for $3."

Or maybe they can harrass you in the parking lot as you walk into the grocery store: "hey, come on, gimme $3."  "It's only three dollars, you can afford it."

Then, I'd stiff 'em the same way I do the rest of the beggars.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #67 on: April 04, 2008, 11:17:06 AM »
No way I would drop out of being sanctioned. Why should the league bowler pay the wages of the pros. One thing that no one has mentioned is the fact that no one forced anyone to become a pro it is a personal choice the same as the choice anyone makes on their profession, no one is owed a living or a free pass so to speak. How about the pros being charged more for entry fees maybe up it to $1000 then the pot would be larger, also they should be compensated for advertizing for companies such as Vise Grip , Dexter and whoever merchandise that they wear not the league bowler. It is no benefit whatsoever to the league bowler to support the pro tour
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #68 on: April 04, 2008, 11:21:20 AM »
I would definitely pay the $3.  I don't see any alternatives.  What about an optional fee?  If you want to pay you get premium membership, or you dont want to, you get basic.  I understand both opinions.  7.8 million to prize funds would definitely get the youth bowlers something to gun for.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.


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Re: USBC and PBA
« Reply #69 on: April 04, 2008, 11:48:12 AM »
No way I would drop out of being sanctioned. Why should the league bowler pay the wages of the pros. One thing that no one has mentioned is the fact that no one forced anyone to become a pro it is a personal choice the same as the choice anyone makes on their profession, no one is owed a living or a free pass so to speak. How about the pros being charged more for entry fees maybe up it to $1000 then the pot would be larger, also they should be compensated for advertizing for companies such as Vise Grip , Dexter and whoever merchandise that they wear not the league bowler. It is no benefit whatsoever to the league bowler to support the pro tour

In every other Professional sport the fan/spectator is paying the pro athletes, by paying the outrageous price for tickets and merchandise. I'm pretty sure the establishment their at gets the benefits of ticket sales, so the Pro's are "out" there. If you make the entries fees larger its just more lost for the guys that are the middle of the pack... It's all relative, what would change if people paid 500 or 1000, nothing except for losing bowlers because of the costs involved.  It also would increase the amount won for the elite, which is not really the problem.  The guys who made $75,000 profit in the 22 weeks shouldn't be complaining and aren't complaining... It's the middle of the pack guys and their losing for the amount of time put forth away from their families half the year.

What's three bucks extra in your life... just do a duty to your sport and help it out, never know what the three bucks this time will do for the sport... If it doesnt help then do away with it next year, but I really think the extra 7.8 MM will spark new interest and new sponsors!

They also have a choice of to purchase or not purchase a ticket, make it an option on the sanction cards of contributing or not , at least it is fair that way
Bless the LORD o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name