Actually JessN it is a very viable argument. Did you pay attention at ALL to the plastic ball tournament? Look at the top 8, I believe 7 were VERY HIGH Rev players and Pete Weber who's unique roll creates carry. So High Rev + Plastic + a blended light volume shot = Less OVERREACTION from the bowling ball and greater carry no matter how you catch the pocket. So in essence this plastic ball tournament did allow a certain type of guy more area, which my argument, going back, is that this was not as much the case in the older days without all the technology. Being that I've seen and experienced this stuff first hand and also talked with many reps, staffers, and touring guys I CAN safely say that this type of condition/tournament/setup strictly favors someone with a game similar to Jeff's.
Also I used WRW and Duke and others as an example because so many others said that'd be nothing without technology, but comparing games its clear to someone with knowledge that those guys would be there no matter what, and in my opinion watching Jeff's game I'm not so sure he would.