Is this post really going on. By a show of hands answer the following questions before you post about an exempt touring player.
1 I am currently on the pro tour
2 I have regional pro titles to my credit
3 I bowl numerous high ranking amateur events which I win all the time.
or this suits most of you. (Not all don't get your panties in a bunch)
4 I can strike on the wall of China and think I am god. I also can talk about exempt pro players like I am better than they are.
5 I average 225 in my 3 leagues that I bowl, BUT yet won't put up 40 dollars on myself in a local tournament. (Not because you are scared of getting your teeth bashed in by the local people, you are just all around better than they are.)
6 My personal favorite, I could go out on tour but I just have too many ball companies looking at sponsoring me and I can't decide which company I should throw.
I understand that this is a ballreview site, I come here to get information about ball companies, new products, ball layouts, and just overall chat about different topics. It is a sad day when an exempt pro touring player makes it to the TOP 16 for the week and all you can do is put him down. When you beat ANY of those guys out on tour, let me know.
Oh one more thing whoever said I haven't guttered in 5 years yeah, but you probably haven't struck more than 5 times in a game in 5 years either. LOL
Is it cheating if you don't get caught?