I thought the telecast was boring too.
Honestly, I do not even like the way Randy Pederson
announces the action. At times, he slurrs his words
or gets caught in between words. Marshall Holman does
not have much of a personality either.
Honestly, when bowling was on ABC, the commentary
was much better. Even, Mike Durbin is pretty good.
His bowling tips were pretty good.
I think, the PBA has to get back to basics. Show casing
bowling, the sport. Show more bowling and stop the
fluff. And, I think, give more technical information
about the bowling balls. Give real bowling tips.
Tips that you need to know to become a pro.
There are enough bowlers around the world, that they should
taylor the telecast to the bowler. Take NFL broadcasts
for example. They dissect plays with great detail and provide
you a greater understanding of the game/teams. They assume
the audience knows something about football and wants to
know more about details. Same with baseball. If you
are a Yankee fan, you know of Rivera's split finger
fast ball. If you are a Pete Weber fan, do you know of his
bowling ball drilling for that telecast? What is the
surface of the ball?
Honestly, after watching a PBA telecast, have you learned
more about bowling or your favorite player?