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Author Topic: Not sure what to do  (Read 7445 times)

Current Exempt

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Not sure what to do
« on: March 11, 2008, 11:36:52 AM »
I am a current exempt pro that really enjoys my job but I have to start thinking of my family and the big picture more.  I do not wish to give my name or bash the pba in any way because I do think they're doing the best they can for us. I also wanted to make this post on a non pba website because it may come off as negative to some.  My guess is that I'm about 90% sure I'll make the cut line this year but less than 50% of accepting the exemption spot for next season.  I have invested about $25,000 so far this season for a return of about $40,000.  Now, I did not have a dream season like Rhino or a dominant season like Barnes but I can't maintain a fulltime job when off the tour with only a $15,000 profit, I need to.  After reviewing the stats from others who I think have had great seasons and seasons that any other former touring pro would die for it just doesn't match up.  An example, 14 cashes 2 shows,$45,000?  That is not saying much when you invest over $25,000.  I have a lot of friends who chose not to go the pba route and now are IT professionals,Technicians,Blue collar/White collar doesn't matter because all of them make more than 7th on our money list and they have invested nothing.  I'll be back later in the week because we are off but I just wanted some opinions from bowlers about my situation and once again i am in no way trying to trash the pba because it has been my dream come true I'm just saying that maybe being an exempt bowler isn't for me.



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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2008, 07:47:33 PM »
I have always felt that the recent (last 5 years or so) PBA exempt members are not getting rich from being on the tour. The PBA reduced the price funds a couple of years ago when they should have gone up. There was an exempt member on tour last year from my area that makes a very good living. I'm sure he lost money from being on the tour last year. TV bowling is dying. The sponsers suck. There is just not enough money to go around. Current Exempt, if you have a family to support, you have to take a long hard look if you want to continue on the tour.
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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2008, 08:13:59 PM »
Well First the Positive, you can honestly say that you made a living doing something that was/is your dream, not many people can say that.The reality that while it my not be a great living later in life at least you don't have to look back and say "what if". Now for the negative, supporting a family is a major undertaking as most of us know. This combined with the day to day struggles of life in general and then having to worry about if I don't cash my family may not be afforded the things in life they have come to be accustomed to...... How does your family feel about your situation? Do you have a job opportunity that would allow you to still bowl but at the same time support your family better? These are all questions you have to ask yourself/family and decide from there. Good Luck in whatever choice you make.

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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2008, 08:54:22 PM »

   Back in 1993 I had the chance to turn pro.  Already had a sponsor willing to put me in some tourneys, but I also had a full time job and a family to think of.

  Never went out and now I drive a grocery truck.  I'll never know if I could've made it or not, but my family always had what we needed to get by.

  Whatever your choice, I wish you nothing but the best.  Whatever you do, for ME at least, I had to go with what I knew I could make a living at.
What did you expect, something PROFOUND?

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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2008, 08:59:46 PM »
When it comes down to it you have to think about what will be best for you and your family. You said it best with the dollars you invested to what you got back. Plus you look at the time you are spending away from your family, is it worth it? If you have jobs lined up then I think the decision would be easy. Myself having a 3yr old boy and a 5 month old little girl I could not imagine being away from them for weeks at a time. Maybe see if you could somehow push your exemption off to the following year to give yourself time to think about everything don't think they would do it but ya never know. Best of luck either way you decide to go. If you choose not to go back on tour everyone would understand why you did not. I don't care what anyone says FAMILY is first.


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2008, 09:11:20 PM »
first of all current exempt, i think it's great that you came on here and shared this. i'm sure it's forcing you to evaluate your life in terms of the present and the future. it's too bad the pba doesn't command the respect it once did. years of poor management and a changing world have taken their toll.

i can relate to your position from the money aspect. i bowled regional tournaments but when you factor in the money invested( enrty fees, dues, lodging, meals, gas, equipment, etc. )it can turn into a negative real quick.


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2008, 09:16:41 PM »
First off, if you are who you say you are, you have my respect for getting out there and doing what you do, and being good enough to get out there in the first place.

It is a bad situation for you guys. If the PBA got just $1.6 million - $2 million more in sponsorship, it could give every exempt bowler at least $30,000 right from the start as an "exemption bonus." It's sad no one has stepped up with that kind of money.

I don't know what your chosen field is away from the sport, but it seems the guys who are best able to get out there are guys who have their own businesses or work in the bowling field. I've seen David Leverage say on that what allowed him to be out there this year was the fact he was already successful in his own business.

The only advice I can give you, if you're wanting to stay out there, is to trade on your name to the best of your ability. I've seen some bowlers align with non-PBA companies this year (DeVaney with a casino, for instance) and maybe that can work for you. Maybe there's a bowling center near you that would value having you around as its full-time coach/pro shop operator that could at least put up the amount of money you invest in a year so it became a zero-risk proposition for you.

As to whether you should stay or go, no one here can tell you that. You have to do what's best for you and your family.



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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2008, 09:41:37 PM »
CurrentExempt -
I must say that I am jealous ... I wish I had 1/3 the talent that you obviously posess to even make it on tour as an exempt player.

You sound like you're young, as evidenced by the fact that you do not yet have a family.

This appears to be the dilemna for you. The lack of free time, constant travel, and lack of income as a pro vs. "the dream". It seems like you might be wondering if the grass is greener on the other side of the metaphorical bowling fence.

You outlined many of the reasons for yourself to not continue as an exempt pro. But what is it about bowling that made you join the tour originally? What is it that is keeping you there for now? What would make you want to stay on tour?

Other questions for consideration: Do you still have room for improvement? Can you do better next year with more coaching, etc. in order to help boost your performance, and hence your income? Can you tie your bowling to other bowling-related ventures or part-time positions to help supplement your income?

Do you have enough positive items in your pros/cons list to keep you bowling professionally? If you quit bowling, will you enjoy a "real" job as much as currently do by bowling for a living? What will you do for work if you do not continue bowling professionally? Do you have business contacts outside the bowling industry? What do you think will your viewpoint be 20 years from now? Do you think there's a chance you may regret your decision (which ever one you make)? What will you do to satisfy your need to be competitive if you give up your exempt status?

These are the type and scope of questions you should probably consider before making a significant career change. Make a good, rational decision that you can live with for the rest of your life. Ask former professional bowlers their opinion of your situation. Ask what their thought process was in deciding to give (or not give) up their professional bowling status. If you are married, definitely talk to your spouse and your family, but don't let them push you into any decision that you are uncomfortable with or unsure of.

(FWIW, I don't relish the thought of anyone having to decide between "fun" and "family".)

I hope I have helped you define the questions you must answer, without trying to sway you one way or another. Remember, ultimately it is you and your value system that must be the basis for your decision. We can make suggestions, but we cannot feel what you feel, and we cannot know all of the nuances and factors that you must consider in making your choice.

Best of luck!
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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2008, 09:54:40 PM »
I really feel for you. It's a shame what the PBA has become with the prize money being cut. Maybe you should consider doing something else if the cost outweighs the results. I can tell you I lost my job 5 months ago and I still haven't found what I am looking for. I too have a family to support but it's not easy. I am sure their are things that you can do if you didn't bowl. I would look into some other things that you could see yourself doing after bowling is over. Weigh everything against each other and then decide if bowling for a living is really your best option.


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2008, 09:58:45 PM »
Is this Billy Oatman?  If it is i hope you stay on tour.  Its a pleasure watching you bowl!! Whoever CE is i wish the best in whatever decision you make!


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #10 on: March 11, 2008, 10:26:02 PM »
I'm not if any of the follow-up replies noticed that you, CE, said you're making $15K per year, thi syear, at least. In most parts of this country that is well below poverty level.

As an exempt player, it must be considered that you are among the rarest of bowlers in physical talent and mental toughness to be doing what you're doing. As such, you are the envy of about 99% of us who post on this place. But unless you win 2 of the next stops, and there's only 2 more this season, you cannot be said to be "making a living" especially if you have children.

Hopefully, you have relatives or in-laws to help support you and your family or you have a part-time job when you're off the lanes.

I think what you have accomplished is probably a dream come true for everyone who has ever bowled and watched the PBA shows with any regularity. I'm glad you have had this opportunity, but unless things change soon, I think, if I were in your position, I'd also have my mind tuned towards the same path: making a reasonable living and being with my family, again, especially if I had young children growing up or will soon. To miss that might be a regret to consider.
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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2008, 12:34:33 PM »
Current Exempt,

    Thank you for posting this topic and as many of the previous posts have said 99% of the people that post on this site strive to be right were you are at now. I may not be were you are at now but I'm 3/4 of the way there. I actively bowl in the east region and I am trying to earn exemption on the national tour. (even though you post had made me think twice) I will not give up my dream of being called one of the best bowlers in the world. The way that I see it is that if you have the exemption your are indeed one of the best bowlers in the world and it is verified! Now with that said look at guy's like Mike Edwards and Jack Jurek, using them because they were just on the telecast last week. Mike has gone 280 events without a title, he can't be making that much money at all....but he keeps plugging along week in and week out. Even at their age they are still "living their dream" and maybe even close to maybe retiring but they are who they are ...Professional Bowlers. What if all this time they were Professional Garbage Men ( not that there's anything wrong with that) what would you rather be able to say to your grandchildren ..."I WAS A PROFESSIONAL BOWLER" or "I picked up peoples trash for a living". Remember you have the talent and that is why you are where you are!

It has to do with prestige and honor and what YOU want from your life, not anyone else...YOU!!!!!!!!!!
Now I realize that it's tough and I would never be able to support a family on what I make, but luckily I have a wonderful wife who is the bread winner in our house and supports my endeavors 150% and is so proud of me for following my dream and she is honored to be the one helping me accomplish that. Something else to take into consideration, my favorite part of bowling the regional's .....the Pro Am's. I love to watch the kids faces light up when they see you. I love hearing how they cheer when you get a strike. Listening intently to every word of advice that you have to say. It makes me feel like I'm doing my own little part to help promote and keep alive the sport that we love so dearly.(even though we don't admit it all the time). Remember the youth are the future of bowling. Even if I never win an exemption ...even if I never win a title or a major.... I would still be happy calling myself one of the best bowlers in the world and backing that up with the support of our youth. WHO KNOWS MAYBE  NEXT YEAR ON TOUR YOU WILL BOWL A PRO AM WITH A KID THAT YOU .......YOU INSPIRED TO BECOME THE NEXT WALTER RAY, OR THE NEXT EARL ANTHONY OR DICK WEBER!     Think about that. C

Current Exempt, take a step back during the off season and think about what YOU want from life. Where you want to be, what legacy you want to leave. Yeah, Yeah money is important and you can't live without it.... but it's not the most important thing in life ..... the most important thing is WHO YOU ARE AS A MAN AND WHO YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU DO WITH IT!



p.s. (a haha funny side note) You can give your exemption to me I'll be glad to take it!

Good Luck,

Mark Dodds

Edited on 3/12/2008 12:37 PM


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2008, 01:13:21 PM »
There is a basic math problem on the national tour that this post is bringing to light.  At 59 exempt bowlers and the current prize fund the average yearly income (as you have stated this is income - not net revenue after expenses) is going to be about $40-45k per season.  This is not a knock on the guys that run the PBA, it is simple math.  At the current levels really only the top 10-15 bowlers make a good living bowling on tour.

Specifically for you CE - if I were in your situation I'd probably turn down the exemption unless you have a level of confidence that next season you could get yourself into that top 10-15.

I bowl regionals on a regular basis and on an occation I'll enter a national event but the sad fact is I could never make what I make in my real job bowling even if I were to seriously step it up.  That is hard for many of us to say since we love the game so much but it is a harsh reality.

Current Exempt

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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2008, 01:31:49 PM »
To everyone who responded, thank you.  My dilema is that even though you have really good seasons these days (2-3 shows,15 cashes) you still only make $50,000 before expenses which is now cut in half to $25,000.  I love being on tour,love making the tv show but I feel that life may pass me by by me keeping my exemption.  I don't want to be mid 40's making $10 an hour at some bogus job.  I want a career.  Even though I'm in an elite field of guys my bank account is suffering.  How am I suppose to go home when the tour is done and work a real job for only 6 months until the tour starts again?  I can't.  it is not hard for my friends outside the pba to make $75,000-$100,000 a year in their respective fields so when I am home I do feel like every year I miss in the work world is another step back.  Let's face it, Rhino has had a HUGE year and is only at $81,000.  It has cost him over $20,000 for that.  Something just doesn't add up.  I respect the PTQ bowlers for coming out every week but how can you profit (outside of Rhino).  If you make a couple of the cuts you avg. about an $1800 return.  I'm sure any PTQ bowler would be happy making 4 out of the 10 cuts,right?  That is roughly $7200 (because most don't advance to the rd. of 32) and in 10 weeks they have spent well over $8000.  What is the encouragement to even bowl?  Now take me who has made a show this year, cashed every tournament but one and I'm in the $40,000's with $20,000 invested.  Pro shop jobs don't pay anything and you can't be exempt with a full time job.  I don't want to relay on my in laws,siblings,or any other nice gesture person out there to help me scrape by so I can be on tour.  I just wish the pba could do something about this for guys in my situation.
Sorry to rant!


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Re: Not sure what to do
« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2008, 01:40:04 PM »
Well I have always wanted to be in the PBA but after reading how much you can spend and not get anything back is amazing.

I think that the best thing is just to get in regional tournaments thats near by so you don't have to spend lots of money to get to. That way you can be near your family and still have a normal job. As far as what career to get into well thats totally up to you. I mean if your really into a bowling type career you could work for a bowling company or something like that. But working is not all its cracked up to be, I wish I didn't have to work but then no bills would get

Anyways best of luck to you and hope all turns out well with whatever path you choose.
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