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Author Topic: A possible solution for the PBA  (Read 8192 times)


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A possible solution for the PBA
« on: November 24, 2010, 04:00:28 AM »
Just an idea. I'm not sure this is original even.

 Would the PBA benefit joining with the USBC membership on a Tour that would include both a male version and a female version? Say have a $5.00 fee added to the dues and give the bowling public ownership under USBC guidance? Having the money go toward prize funds. This might be simplistic but it would generate money needed for the PBA to grow? You could have both the tours in the same city at the same time on certain dates and have the winner of their respective events bowl against each other. Many possiblities.
Bowling is for sissies..ask Bones...



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Re: A possible solution for the PBA
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2010, 04:27:19 AM »
No chance lotsofstrikes, send your check to the PBA I'm sure they will spend it wisely.

I've yet to complain about the sanction fees for USBC. I will suggest that the USBC is not doing a great job with bowling right now and making bad decisions.

They don't care what we think. So how will us giving them money to go towards the PBA work? They still won't listen, and don't what they choose with the PBA.
Be good, or be good at it.
There's no chance because you don't have any solutions of your own. You have absolutely no business sense whatsoever.

You never asked.

Get more sponsors. (think outside the game.)

Go for athletic companies like Nike, Reebok, Foot Locker, Sports Authority, Fedex, gas/oil companies, any kind of Credit or Banking companies, AARP, ect) Look at other sports like golf and their sponsorship approaches.

Put together a form of marketing to target these other groups for sponsorship. Offer introductory packages for these companies to get them in the door. Show that more youth are getting involved in bowling and draw that market of advertising into bowling.

Maybe get sponsors for a whole tournament. Similar to college bowl games.

Ex have a Detroit stop,
Ford Detroit Invitational

Texas Instruments Dallas Open

Wells Fargo PBA Championship

ect ect

Whore yourself to the public

By this I mean get more pros to the fans. More events(including regionals) on TV or online. (At least the finals of regionals) Get the national tournament out to more bowling centers. Not just on the coasts but the middle of the country as well.

When you film at these centers don't cover everything in PBA crap that makes every week look like the same place it was the week before.

Get professional announcers.

Show more bowling and less fluff.

Have an informative part with tips and advice like always. Maybe one beginner tip and one more advance player tip.

Get a better tv time then Sundays at noon.(a lot of people that would watch bowling will always pick NFL football over bowling)

Get back on broadcast television. This can be done with a better product, better announcers, and better TV times. (there isn't sh#t on ESPN on Tuesdays nights during football season. Basketball is starting this time of year but bowlers would more then likely watch bowling over basketball, compared to bowling over football)

Nelson Burton Jr and Marshall Holman would be great to have as announcers. Carolyn Dorin Ballard if she isn't bowling would be another great one to have as well.

Partner yourself with USBC better and not separate yourself from it. This doesn't require either to pay each other money, but at least promote each other.

Try and get more women into bowling. Both with women bowling in the events, and companies that advertise to women. Lady Footlocker ect.

Bowling is a niche sport. Your core viewers will carry you only so far. If you change things the way they have and don't gain new viewers and start losing these core viewers you see what happens.

Gold pins, cheering during shots, the current massive scoreboard and PBA covers over ball returns that make every center look the same are all bad ideas. Changing the format on TV every week is a bad idea. Having three or four bowlers bowling at once is a bad idea. Having a different shot on each lane is a bad idea. Changing the score system, or having bowlers only bowl on one lane, all bad ideas.

They are gimmicks of desperation that cheapen the product and make it look bad.(unwatchable)

Stick with step ladder bowling, in a bowling center, with good announcers, the same oil pattern on each lane, less fluff about everything except the pros bowling, no fast forwarding 5 frames while we were at commercial and listening to fluff stories before and after commercials then you will get a product that people will watch and sponsors will want to advertise on.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Whos Left

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Re: A possible solution for the PBA
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2010, 10:03:49 PM »
Kid-you are lost.  Prize money in all sports is up since the 70's, except not
that much for bowling.  Do you really think that the owners are not out there
soliciting sponsors as much as they can?  It is a losing proposition that
sports sponsors are not interested in.  Again, for the final time, the PBA is
a privately owned entity and noone has anything to say about how it is run.  The USBC is not involved.