That milion dollars that Wayne Webb made during his hey day isn't what it may seem. It's not like a Million $$$'s was dumped in his lap one day and he was broke the next. Figure it out. Let's say you earn 50k for 20 years (Webb joined the PBA in 1975 and won his last title in 1997), there's your million dollars, but I know many, many people that are in the same boat as WW and who are responsible people. Yet, they live basically pay check to pay check because their earnings go to pay for the mortgage, the 2 or 3 cars, credit card debt, big screen tv, etc, etc.
So, WW wasn't very prudent with his $$$ but neither are most Americans. In fact, according to the latest data the average American last year saved a NEGATIVE amount.
WW gave me a lot of inspiration and excitement when he was on tour and seemed to make the show more times than not. My hat's off to him for giving his life to a sport from which very, very few can make a living.
My God, Michael Jackson's flat broke (makes WW look like a Saint!).
Edited on 5/24/2006 1:25 AM
Edited on 5/24/2006 1:25 AM