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Author Topic: PBA allows women to get cards  (Read 6594 times)


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PBA allows women to get cards
« on: March 28, 2004, 08:54:48 PM »
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #31 on: March 29, 2004, 07:20:01 PM »
I just posted this on the other topic in the misc. forum:

I've been thinking about this the majority of the afternoon...
Here's my PERSONAL decision...

I'm not going to join the PBA - at least not at this time. And there's only one reason why - the "nearby tournament rule".

If there's a pba regional on a weekend so many hours away (don't remember exactly, but a lot), and another tournament (say a woman's LCT tournament), I'd be prohibited to bowl the other tournament without permission of the tournament director - and the director (at least in this region) doesn't give permission. If I went and bowled the women's tournament instead of the regional, I'd be fined, and forfeit any moneys won.

Not worth it. At least not at this time.

And for those of you who care - I'm not disputing the validity of the rule. I think that rule is a VERY valid one, if you want to maintain the health of the highest level of the sport. It just doesn't work, considering the duplicity of the two organizations.
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #32 on: March 29, 2004, 08:09:32 PM »
J...with the oil on the tour between 34 and 41 feet and clean backends, you better either have great speed and rev control or be able to get some speed on it.  I'm not saying you can't compete without power and speed (although I would argue with your view of Baker as not having substantial power/strength and so would he I think) - well, yes I am, you can't consistently compete at the highest level today unless you have a base level of strength - but I am saying all else being equal, power and strength makes a difference.  Given how small the difference is between the best players in the world and the next level (and it is tiny) a strength disadvantage is huge.  Heck, my favorite player right now is Steve Jaros, and he isn't a burner, but he is stronger than a comparable female player.  Does one have to be the strongest or hardest throwing?  No.  

Do I think women can compete some weeks?  Yes.  Do I think a women is likely to win a national PBA event?  No.  Do I think it is even plausible?  Hmmm, maybe, once in a very great while....  Empirically, it isn't likely.

However, this does not address the essence of my point.  Empirically, for whatever reason, women are not going to reach the levels of the sport competing against men (and the recognition for their skills) that they should.  Thus, my point is merely that PBA membership for women is a distraction, not a solution.
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #33 on: March 29, 2004, 09:00:13 PM »
I am dead against it.  The women screwed up their own tournament and why give them a chance to do it to the PBA.  If they get in, they will probably want to change the lane conditions because they can not throw the ball hard enough to compete with the guys.  Lets face it, the PWBA for the past few years did not have a very hard shot.  How many of the women just dumped the ball and watched it hook.  There are good women bowlers that probably could compete with the men.  But they always try to do something cute which messes everything up.  Good example is the announcers they had.  Boy, what a pair.  Also, another pet peeve of mine is that we allow the women to bowl in the ABC Nationals, but the Men are not allowed to join WIBC and we can not bowl in their national event.  Where is the equity ???

My message to the Women, is to get their act together and get the PWBA back with less nonsense and more bowling !!!

Hope I did not come across too strong but as you can tell, I do have a opinion.

So it is the womens fault that they lost their tour? What about their owner you dumbass.. He filed for bankrupcy. IT IS HIS FAULY NOT THE WOMENS! If your dead aginst it maybe you shouldnt bowl period. Whats the next thing out of your mouth? WOMEN RUIN LEAGUE BOWLING?!


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #34 on: March 29, 2004, 09:00:15 PM »
I am dead against it.  The women screwed up their own tournament and why give them a chance to do it to the PBA.  If they get in, they will probably want to change the lane conditions because they can not throw the ball hard enough to compete with the guys.  Lets face it, the PWBA for the past few years did not have a very hard shot.  How many of the women just dumped the ball and watched it hook.  There are good women bowlers that probably could compete with the men.  But they always try to do something cute which messes everything up.  Good example is the announcers they had.  Boy, what a pair.  Also, another pet peeve of mine is that we allow the women to bowl in the ABC Nationals, but the Men are not allowed to join WIBC and we can not bowl in their national event.  Where is the equity ???

My message to the Women, is to get their act together and get the PWBA back with less nonsense and more bowling !!!

Hope I did not come across too strong but as you can tell, I do have a opinion.

So it is the womens fault that they lost their tour? What about their owner you dumbass.. He filed for bankrupcy. IT IS HIS FAULY NOT THE WOMENS! If your dead aginst it maybe you shouldnt bowl period. Whats the next thing out of your mouth? WOMEN RUIN LEAGUE BOWLING?!


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2004, 09:39:53 PM »
I could not agree more with bowler257628. So if the company I work for goes under that is somehow my fault then. I think not Stan. The women on that tour are just like to the men are. They are just working so to say. Why not allow them to bowl. There are going to be some women out there that will be able to stay with the men some weeks and then some weeks the women may not be able to. I am one that I would love to see it. Good for the women that want to bowl on the PBA last I looked that said nothing about men's or women's tour. I may be wrong but does it not stand for "professional bowlers" hmmm. Since I have been bowling men's leagues here in Sioux Falls women have been bowling in them as well and very competitive. Could just meen that there may be more tour stops hopefully.

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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2004, 09:48:50 PM »
All i gotta say is look at the title of the Tour
Professional Bowling Assoc.

I regret to inform anyone who doesn't like this idea, that in the name of the PBA Tour, in not one spot does it say PMBA or such, so shut up and watch the ladies kick ass!!!

Okay so how about this...

NBA - National Basketball Association
PGA - Professional Golfers Association

See anything about men in either of these?  Nope.  Now how about WNBA or LPGA?  WOMEN'S National Basketball Association, LADIES Professional Golfer's Association.  Point being none of the men's professional sports say anything about them being strictly for just men but that doesn't mean women should be allowed in them.  If they let them in bowling that's fine I could care less.  It's probably the only sport in America where they have even a slight chance of competing.


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2004, 10:20:08 PM »
Ill be honest with you, I dont expect to see ALOT of women at PTQ.. Not because they cant, because they have to bowl 5 regional events in 7 weeks.... THATS ALOT OF CASH/Bowling.


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2004, 10:21:35 PM »
Ok, maybe some of my comments were out of line.  I do not blame the women bowlers for screwing up their tournament (bad choice of words on my part). I do not have all the facts just bits and pieces of what I read and heard. I really enjoyed watching them bowl on TV, I just turned off the volume on the TV set.  I agree with many of the posts that I read on this topic.  One of my biggest concerns is later on IF the women are not competive, will they force some rule changes.  Lets face it, if the womens tour is really dead and they find themselves not being competitive on the PBA, something MAY have to change.  

I think it would be better to try to get their tour back on track.  I know there are problems and it will be hard, but I think that is their best bet.  Bowling in the PBA is only a quick fix and then only for a select group of Women Professionals.  Some folks said that bowling can be competitive for both men and women on a professional level.  But c'mon, the women will not be able to open up the lanes as much as the men.  This is no insult to the women, because some of them can, but like I said, only a select few. I believe after a while, many of the women that feel they are not competitive would just drop out of sight and here lies what I believe to be the problem.  Where are they going to bowl and perfect their skills ??  They will be out of the sport and that is sad.

So like I said, and I have no solution, try to get the womens tour back on track and give ALL the women professionals a chance to live out their dreams and not just a select few.

I still have a problem with the ABC nationals/WIBC nationals (men and women participating) but that is a different topic.


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #39 on: March 30, 2004, 12:11:34 PM »
Thanks. I got on line this morning and looked it up, too. I was surprised to see the way it read!

It's funny - either this rule has changed for last year... Because I lost the opportunity to bowl a team type event with a member who did not have the credentials required, because there was a regional 150 miles away from that tournament...

Not sure. I'll talk to some of the guys tonight and see if I can find out what's going on.
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2004, 01:06:34 PM »
I realy dont care if they bowl as long as they dont keep men pba card holders from being able to bowl. I think the men should have first rights to bowl in pba limited entry tournys over women.


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2004, 01:07:19 PM »
I have a few things to say. Let the women bowl, but I think it will get real bad for some of them out there. I am talking physically and mentally. First, physically, a lot of high rev players on one pair (men) dry up the heads really fast and I doubt some of the women have seen early hook like this before. No longer will the tube be around 10-15 like it seemed to be on PWBA tour and they could "fudge" it down there. These women are going to have to get really deep on some of these patterns and if you arent Kelly Kulick, LeAnne Barrette, Michelle Feldman, Tiffany Stanbrough (sp?), or Carolyn Dorin Ballard I dont expect to see your name in the cash. (The former 4 being power players and later being deadly accurate). Besides those 5 I cant see too many other women making a splash with the men. Will some other women sneak in? Of course, but I wont be holding my breath. Mentally, all I have to say is those women better grow some thick skin and Im talking armadillo thick because there are some major donkeys in the locker/paddock area that really like to hear themselves talk. If you have ever been to a national stop you know some very vile things can be said.
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2004, 01:11:06 PM »
Well, if you think the guys are bad, you've never been in the locker room with a bunch of women.
They can be really nasty, too!
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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2004, 03:46:05 PM »
it was more like ESPN screwed the PWBA

Yes, because you know we would all rather spend 9-12 hours a day watching overpaid "experts" analyze sports on SportsCenter than actually watching more sports events as they happen.

Right on, ESPN.  Oh, by the way, could you also raise your prices while showing us less sports?  Thanks.

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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2004, 04:17:15 PM »
Its a nice concept,  but my gut feeling is that the men will still dominate.  Its too bad they just cant run the pba with a mens/womens division at each tournament and guarantee the women some money.  I dont think theres quite enough cash from the sponsors to allow them to do that though.  Logistically it might be a nightmare too.  I wish the women luck though,  if they can compete against the guys more power to them.


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Re: PBA allows women to get cards
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2004, 07:03:20 PM »
Kimbo said "Sex".  Now I'm hot and bothered.

If horse racing is the sport of kings, then surely bowling is a very good sport as well.

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