I understand your point of view as a Baker format bowler. Believe me, I do.
I have enjoyed the PBA team format because I know these bowlers. I hate, I absolutely detest both men's and women's college Baker format televised games because, one, it seems so phony to me (whether or not it is phony), and, two, I can't relate to any of them. (I mean, who do I root for? how skilled are they? how personable are they? Are they a Jack Jurek or a Pete Weber?)
Then the PBA team format has caused the finals for 2, so far, PBA tournaments to be limited to the one final match. Half the enjoyment was watching the last 4 games of competition between the top 5 qualifiers. Now that is gone. I get to see one game. The excitement is cut by 20% or more.
I'd rather see the PBA TV season extended by the team games AFTER they show the normal tournament step ladder for each tournament. With the current PBA format of 90 minutes of Team and 30 minutes of tournament, I feel I am not seeing the competition I like and have been used to for a long, long time.
If the PBA showed both team and tournament, then they will have something to attract viewers. As it stands now, they're haven't made the Team a permanent thing (they haven't locked in the new viewers yet) , and they're losing viewers who are used to and want to see step ladder finals. That is why I said, it's "neither fish nor fowl", in a manner of speaking.