"I would start the PBA season the week after the Superbowl and run through the 4th of July. Take a short break 6-7 weeks into the season to avoid the first two weekends of the NCAA tourney. Baseball really doesn't get interesting until September anyway, so I don't think that you have to worry too much about that conflict.
The pba needs a major overhaul but unless someone comes up with some major money and personel who know what they are doing i'm afraid we'll continue to see the same old same old. "
I agree with both comments. NCAA tournament would only interfere with a couple of weeks. You could actually run it through August because baseball has so many teams and so many games it wouldn't be an issue. Baseballs biggest ratings are during the playoffs which are starting later and later almost every year. Most of the NBAs big games are later in the evening during the week and weekend so that wouldn't be a problem.
" men lie, women lie, numbers don't "